Although I’m not a huge proponent of Gematria and its
cousin Kabbalah, sometimes Gematria numbers makes sense. One is unity, two is
union, three is divine completeness, four is creation, five is grace (loving
kindness/chesed), six is man/sin, seven is completeness, eight is new
beginning, nine is divine blessings, and ten is law/judgment.
Hypothesis A: According to scientists, Comet ISON received a
plasma from the sun yesterday causing it to sprout six tails. Since comets are
ALWAYS an omen from HaShem, it seems like HaShem is telling us that the sins of
man have reached the apex. If you derive another meaning, please tell me.
Hypothesis B: Let’s say that the sun has been
accurately launching plasma salvoes at Comet ISON on November 13, and 19, 2013.
What would happen if the sun would reverse polarity as Comet ISON circumnavigates

Here is my favorite Comet ISON source:
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