Have you noticed that every powerful system, person,
nation, or financial system is either crumbling or imposing their will on you more
lately? The attacks are from nearly every direction. There is comfort (Noah)
with HaShem; however, the world seems to be choosing chaos instead.
I’m usually the guy offering insights into why
everything is collapsing around you, but I’m perplexed too. Frankly, I didn’t expect
the world’s systems to come at us like a basement being filled by a backed-up
sewer system. The pressure to give up and join into the Beast System is relentless.
We must stand for HaShem, but the world is devolving fast!
My predictions: The Pope will unite world religious
leaders into a godless faith. Putin will invade three (ribs) regions, killing
millions. China will kill millions as they push for war against South Korea,
Japan and America. Witchcraft, porn, legalized drugs, gang warfare, demonology,
and every other social evil will increase precipitately. Banks and financial
institutions will purposely crash the markets and steal your money until we
have only the mega-wealthy and the poor. And the Illuminati want to kill-off
six billion poor people over the next ten years. By 2022, all that are left in
the world will pray for the urgent return of Yahushua HaMashiach.
We’re all waiting for some event to begin the big
slide. I always assumed it would begin in the markets, just like David
Wilkerson prophesied in 1973. Most eschatologists still cite his book as the
most accurate blueprint concerning the end times. However, there are so many
factors contributing to the world’s downfall that any event could begin the
freefall. HaShem will determine the event and the time.
Atheists to launch the first TV channel dedicated to
Catholic Church Condemns Black Mass Reenactment At Harvard University
Decline of religious belief means we need more exorcists, say Catholics
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/vaticancityandholysee/10817788/Decline-of-religious-belief-means-we-need-more-exorcists-say-Catholics.htmlCatholic Church Condemns Black Mass Reenactment At Harvard University
Decline of religious belief means we need more exorcists, say Catholics
Decline of religion in the West has created a rise
in black magic, Satanism and the occult
American Horror Story: Coven – Satanic Witchcraft
Goes Mainstream
2013 saw a sharp rise in the blatant promotion of
the occult, black magic and satanic witchcraft in mainstream pop culture. What
was once reserved for late night television or R-rated movies, has now become
prime time viewing. No better example of this is seen than in American Horror
Story: Coven, the primetime cable series on the F/X Network that has become a
runaway ratings success as it openly promotes some of the most violent,
depraved and satanic imagery on television. As society continues to move away from
God, shun the name of Jesus Christ and reject the Bible, it is swiftly
descending into satanic rebellion. And this year’s television season is an
indication that the deception of the Devil is now becoming mainstream,
especially for young adults and children.
School scorched for having kids bow to 'sun god'

A California school district is going too far when
it has public school students “bowing to the sun god” and participating in
“liturgical/ritual religious practices” aimed at having them “become one with
god,” according to a brief filed with an appeals court.
Insurance execs: Millions of health plans to be
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/05/insurance-execs-millions-of-health-plans-to-be-canceled/#eMfKiRwO5s8csoWH.99
Millions of American families still must face the
loss of their health insurance policies because of Obamacare, members of
Congress learned at a hearing with insurance company executives this week.
Putin arrives in Crimea for Victory Day events as
deadly Ukraine clashes erupt
NEW: Health officials say at least seven people
killed and 39 more injured in clashes in Mariupol Ukraine's acting interior
minister says about 20 militants killed, 4 detained in Mariupol "We will
overcome all the difficulties," says Russian President Vladimir Putin. Putin
watches as warships and military aircraft take part in displays in Sevastopol,
China blames U.S. for stoking tensions in South
China Sea
China's foreign ministry blamed the United States on
Friday for stoking tensions in the disputed South China Sea by encouraging
countries to engage in dangerous behavior, following an uptick in tensions
between China and both the Philippines and Vietnam.
[Illuminati] Rothschild increases investment in
Gazprom amid Ukraine Tensions
Gazprom has become the world’s biggest public
company in terms of EBITDA, leaving Apple and ExxonMobil behind. In a separate
development, the Rothschild Investment Corporation has been reported to be
actively buying Gazprom shares.
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