Most of my discussions lately with Yahushua-followers—that
long for His return—involve the supernatural, the unseen world. My friends
agree with me that a powerful separation is occurring within Christianity. I believe
the separation is being caused by the Fourth Seal of Revelation, where a six
foot long-bladed spiritual sword, the rhomphaia (Rev. 6:8), is used to cull
people into two groups. This separation has something to do with salvation;
however, I believe that HaShem is determining which warriors are willing to
walk in His Spirit, without fear, into any situation. Once the separation is
completed, HaShem will begin to unleash His fury on the wicked, but that doesn’t
mean that we’re entering the Great Tribulation…yet, for three more seals await
us before that time. In the meantime, it’s time to watch Pope Francis for the
many signs of an apocalyptic anti-church, the harlot of Revelation.

You desire a sign: Remember that Jerusalem, and especially the Temple Mount, are HaShem’s super signs, and timepieces. You can adjust your prophetic time clock based on if the nations are blessing or cursing Israel, Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount. Whatever happens in these Holy locations affects what happens in heaven, for HaShem is jealous for His land and people. The Pope and representatives from the nations are meeting to apportion Jerusalem on May 25-26, 2014.
Memorial Day 2014 should determine much in the supernatural, for everyone of import is meeting in Jerusalem to apportion and divide her. Pope Francis [False Prophet] will take two Argentinean friends with him, a rabbi and a Muslim cleric. The leader of the Eastern Orthodox Church will be there. Netanyahu will be there. Will there be UFO’s and miracles like the ones seen in Fatima nearly one hundred years ago? I don’t know. The only ones that will be missing are the Russian Orthodox leaders, Putin, Obama and Hillary (I’ll explain that later). The Jesuit will disperse the booty.
“I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits. Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic church. I transferred much of this organization into my own party.” Adolph Hitler
“The S.S. organization had been constituted by Himmler according to the principles of the Jesuit Order. Their regulations and the Spiritual Exercises prescribed by Ignatius of Loyola were the model Himmler tried to copy exactly. Himmler’s title as supreme chief of the S.S. was to be the equivalent of the Jesuits’ ‘General’ and the whole structure was a close imitation of the Catholic Church’s hierarchical order.” Walter Schellenberg, Former Chief of Nazi Counter-Espionage

You desire a sign: Remember that Jerusalem, and especially the Temple Mount, are HaShem’s super signs, and timepieces. You can adjust your prophetic time clock based on if the nations are blessing or cursing Israel, Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount. Whatever happens in these Holy locations affects what happens in heaven, for HaShem is jealous for His land and people. The Pope and representatives from the nations are meeting to apportion Jerusalem on May 25-26, 2014.
Memorial Day 2014 should determine much in the supernatural, for everyone of import is meeting in Jerusalem to apportion and divide her. Pope Francis [False Prophet] will take two Argentinean friends with him, a rabbi and a Muslim cleric. The leader of the Eastern Orthodox Church will be there. Netanyahu will be there. Will there be UFO’s and miracles like the ones seen in Fatima nearly one hundred years ago? I don’t know. The only ones that will be missing are the Russian Orthodox leaders, Putin, Obama and Hillary (I’ll explain that later). The Jesuit will disperse the booty.
“I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits. Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic church. I transferred much of this organization into my own party.” Adolph Hitler
“The S.S. organization had been constituted by Himmler according to the principles of the Jesuit Order. Their regulations and the Spiritual Exercises prescribed by Ignatius of Loyola were the model Himmler tried to copy exactly. Himmler’s title as supreme chief of the S.S. was to be the equivalent of the Jesuits’ ‘General’ and the whole structure was a close imitation of the Catholic Church’s hierarchical order.” Walter Schellenberg, Former Chief of Nazi Counter-Espionage
Pope Francis Will Take Rabbi, Muslim Leader With Him
to Holy Land - See more at:
Pope Francis will be accompanied on his first visit
to the Middle East by Argentine Rabbi Abraham Skorka and Muslim leader Omar
Abboud—two friends from Buenos Aires.
It is the first time a pope has made an official
visit accompanied by members of other faiths, and it underscores the interfaith
focus of Francis' trip to the Holy Land, the Vatican said Thursday.
"This dimension of interreligious dialogue has
great significance," the Vatican's official spokesman, the Rev. Federico
Lombardi, told the media.
…Francis planned this visit to commemorate the 50th
anniversary [another jubilee?] of a historic meeting between Pope Paul VI and
Patriarch Athenagoras of the Orthodox Church in 1964.
Russian church the absent player at pope-patriarch
summit - See more at:
When Pope Francis meets the spiritual head of the
world's Orthodox Christians next week [In Jerusalem on Memorial Day!], the
speeches and symbolism will focus on how these ancient western and eastern
wings [Split 1050-1054] of Christianity want to come closer together.
After almost a millennium apart, however, the key to
the elusive unity they seek does not lie in Jerusalem, where the Catholic pope
and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew will embrace on May 25. If anywhere, that
key lies in Moscow.
The Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), by far the
largest church in the Orthodox world and increasingly influential at home and
abroad, has long been wary of the closer ties Francis and Bartholomew [United Mystery
Harlot of Babylon-Rev. 17] want to work towards.
Its opposition has only stiffened in recent months
amid the crisis in Ukraine, where the political standoff between Russia [Putin]
and Europe [Leopard/German Bankers] has deepened tensions between the Moscow
Patriarchate and three competing churches, one of them linked to the Vatican
which Moscow accuses of trying to woo away its worshippers.
Pope Francis Goes Public With Support Of RFID Chip
Implantation - See more at:
In a controversial move by the Catholic church, Pope
Francis has come out in vocal support of RFID Chip technologies and the
extraordinary potential they hold for mankind. The outrage stems from a belief
held by many Evangelicals, Fundamentalists and Catholics, that RFID implants
are the Mark Of The Beast, spoken about in their Holy Book’s chapter regarding
the end of the world. During the Pontiff’s weekly general address, he spoke to
the crowd about his view on the RFID technology, and assured his many followers
that no spiritual harm can come from receiving an RFID implant. “We have
examined the scriptures thoroughly, and I can conclusively say that there’s
nothing to indicate that RFID Chips are Satanic in anyway. If anything, these
devices are a blessing from God himself, bestowed upon humanity to solve many
of the world’s ills.”
…The Bishop of Rome explained to those in attendance
his excitement over making RFID implantation a mandatory procedure for all
employees and residents of the Vatican. Last month, NBC predicted that by 2017,
every American will own a RFID implant.
Pope Francis’ Devotion To Our Lady Of Fatima - See
more at:
This May 13 is the 97th anniversary of the first
apparition [demonic UFO] of our Lady [Queen of Heaven] to the shepherd children
at Fatima [daughter of Mohammed] in May 1917, an event which took place at the
height of World War I. The Latin patriarch of Jerusalem, Archbishop Fouad Twal,
is due to preside over the May 12-13 celebrations in Fatima this year, but in
three years’ time, in May 2017, it will be the centennial of the 1917
apparition, and there are expectations that Pope Francis will go to Fatima for
…And if such a papal pilgrimage turns out to be the
case, then it will be a continuation of Pope Francis’s ongoing association with
Fatima, which began soon after he was elected Pope last year. His pontificate
was consecrated [what does that mean?] to Our Lady of Fatima on May 13, 2013,
by the cardinal of Lisbon, acting on his behalf at the 96th anniversary
celebration. During the ceremony the cardinal prayed that Pope Francis be granted
“the gift of discernment to know how to identify the paths of renewal for the
Church.” He went on to ask that he be protected “in the difficult hours of
suffering, so that he may overcome, in charity, the trials that the renewal of
the Church will bring him.”
…There was a real Fatima connection for this Marian
Day in that not only was the event scheduled to coincide with October 13, the
anniversary date of the final apparition at Fatima, on October 13, 1917, when
our Lady performed the incredible miracle of the sun before 70,000 amazed
spectators, but also due to the fact that Pope Francis specially requested that
the statue of our Lady from the Capelinha at Fatima be brought to Rome for the
The Fatima
miracle of the sun, which was predicted three months in advance, can certainly
be regarded as the greatest miracle in 2,000 years of Church history. The crowd
saw the sun — looking like a dull gray disc that could be gazed at directly
quite easily — become visible, as the black storm clouds parted, and it began
to whirl and gyrate like a gigantic Catherine wheel, throwing out shafts of
multicolored light, before plunging toward the earth, until, after about ten
minutes, it resumed its normal appearance and place in the heavens.
Other people
witnessed the solar miracle from a distance, thus ruling out the possibility of
any type of collective hallucination. Prior to this stupendous solar miracle,
the people had been completely drenched with the continuous heavy rain that had
turned the Cova da Iria into a sea of mud. When the sun resumed its normal
place in the sky, everyone’s clothes, and the ground, were dry due to the great
heat of the sun as it approached.
St. Michael the Archangel, Defend Us in Battle: Pope
Francis Takes on the Devil - See more at:
Following a prayer ceremony, Pope Francis noted that
St. Michael [my choice for the antichrist’s name] defends the People of God
from its enemy, the adversary, the devil. He said even if the devil attempts to
disfigure the face of the Archangel and thus the face of humanity, St Michael [a
different Michael] wins, because God acts in him and is stronger.
… Pope Francis is carrying forward the trajectory of his predecessors with a fresh urgency. He knows that spiritual warfare rages all around us. Maybe it is time to reinsert that prayer to Michael the Archangel [never pray to angels or Mary!] at the end of Holy Mass? It is still used in the extraordinary form and is returning to prominence as the practice of Exposition and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament undergoes a revival.
… Pope Francis is carrying forward the trajectory of his predecessors with a fresh urgency. He knows that spiritual warfare rages all around us. Maybe it is time to reinsert that prayer to Michael the Archangel [never pray to angels or Mary!] at the end of Holy Mass? It is still used in the extraordinary form and is returning to prominence as the practice of Exposition and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament undergoes a revival.
A Modern Pope Goes Old School on the Devil - See
more at:
VATICAN CITY — A darling of liberal Catholics and an
advocate of inclusion and forgiveness, Pope Francis is hardly known for fire
and brimstone. Yet, in his words and deeds, the new pope is locked in an epic
battle with the oldest enemy of God and creation: The Devil.
…Last year, for instance, Francis laid hands on a
man in a wheelchair who claimed to be possessed by demons, in what many saw as
an impromptu act of cleansing. A few months later, he praised a group long
viewed by some as the crazy uncles of the Roman Catholic Church — the
International Association of Exorcists — for “helping people who suffer and are
in need of liberation.”
“ ‘But Father, how old-fashioned you are to speak
about the Devil in the 21st century,’ ” Francis, quoting those who have noted
his frequent mentions of the Devil, said last month while presiding over Mass
at the Vatican’s chapel in St. Martha’s House. He warned those gathered on that
chilly morning to be vigilant and not be fooled by the hidden face of Satan in
the modern world. “Look out because the Devil is present,” he said.
…One senior bishop in Vatican City anonymously told
the paper, “Pope Francis never stops talking about the Devil; it’s constant.
Had Pope Benedict done this, the media would have clobbered him.”
…Asked how he knew the woman was possessed, he said
that “once you hear a Satanic growl, you never forget it. It’s like smelling
Margherita pizza for the first time. It’s something you never forget.”
From his small room in a south Rome rectory fitted
with a hospital bed, Amorth praised Francis for so fully embracing the biblical
notion of the Devil as the personified overlord of hell.
My opinion: Are you battle-ready? One Satanist declared
that we should expect fireworks over Memorial Day. I can’t substantiate this rumor
yet. I know that the battles will begin soon. Today, we are learning which
players are on the Satan’s side. The missing players are considered unimportant, or have given tacit approval.
It looks like Pope Francis will ask a man with the
name of Mikha’el to fight against the Satan. The only problem is that THIS
Mikha’el will be the son of the Satan. Make sure that you’re praying for the
correct Mikha’el to win!
Next there was a battle in heaven — Mikha’el and his
angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But
it was not strong enough to win, so that there was no longer any place for them
in heaven. The great dragon was thrown out, that ancient serpent, also known as
the Devil and Satan [the Adversary], the deceiver of the whole world. He was
hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him. Revelation
12:7-9 (CJB)
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