Financial markets know October as “The Devil’s
Month,” because huge losses generally occur during this month. In this time of
Sukkot, financial markets have tumbled precipitately. Europe is destitute,
Japan is comatose, and America is scared.
We are experiencing the first signs of the Fifth
Seal, where Muslims are ritually slitting the throats of the innocent. John in
Revelation 6:9 calls it "Sphezo," and rabbis call it
"Shaqat;" but, it's always the same: Alter Sacrifices. Their blood is
filling the vials that will be poured back against the wicked.We don't expect Comet Siding Spring to directly hit Mars, and therein lies the problem: A glancing blow off Mar's atmosphere will send millions of rocks toward Earth's window, the magnetosphere. Did I mention that Earth's magnetosphere thinned 10% from 1880 to 2003. And it thinned another 5% from 2003-2013. It's thinning 10% faster now.
If Comet Siding Spring disintegrates over Mars, expect burning figs to be thrown at the earth six to eight months later, due in mid-2015, appearing just like John stated in Revelation 6:13-17.There are even more signs in the skies:
GREEN COMET APPROACHES RED PLANET: - See more at: http://www.spaceweather.com/
On Sunday, Oct. 19th, Comet Siding Spring will pass
ridiculously close to Mars--only 140,000 km away. For comparison, that's about
1/3rd the distance between Earth and the Moon. The comet was hurtling toward
Mars at 120,000 mph on Oct. 11th when UK astrophotographer Damian Peach snapped
this picture (above):
An international fleet of Mars orbiters and rovers
will observe the encounter from close range. The most interesting data could
come from MAVEN, a NASA spacecraft that has reached Mars just ahead of the
comet. MAVEN is designed to study the martian atmosphere. That's good, because
when the comet arrives, the atmosphere of the comet will likely brush against
the atmosphere of Mars, possibly sparking auroras on the Red Planet. MAVEN
could record these alien lights.
Green Disease:
Liberia needs 79,940 more body bags – See more at:
This inventory from the Liberian Ministry of Health
and Social Welfare starkly illustrates the huge gap between the what Liberia
has — and what it needs — in the next six months as it struggles with the
crippling Ebola epidemic. Note also the need for protective suits — the country
projects a gap of 989,985 suits, without which more people are likely to be
Dated Oct. 10, the rest of the ministry’s situation
report shows, among other things, 2,425 deaths so far from Ebola of whom 95
have been health care workers.
Green War:
Putin says Western sanctions threaten nuclear
'stability' – See more at: http://euobserver.com/foreign/126098
Russian leader Vladimir Putin has said the Ukraine
crisis threatens nuclear “strategic stability” and global “economic health”.
“We hope our partners will realise the futility of
attempts to blackmail Russia and remember what consequences discord between
major nuclear powers could bring for strategic stability”, he said, referring
to EU and US sanctions, in Serb daily Politika on Thursday (16 October).
“If the main goal is to isolate our country, it’s an
absurd and illusory goal … but the economic health of Europe and the world can
be seriously undermined”.
For in the Yom Ra’ah (day of evil) He shall keep me
safe in His Sukkah; in the shelter of His Ohel shall He conceal me; He shall
set me up upon a Tzur (rock). Psalm 27:5 CJB)
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