Third Seal News: As Food Prices Rise, Fed Keeps a
Watchful Eye Central Bank Officials Sometimes Look Past Food-Cost Increases –
See more at: http://online.wsj.com/articles/as-food-prices-rise-fed-keeps-a-wary-eye-1404672384
Consumer price of ground beef in May rose 10.4% from
a year earlier while pork chop prices climbed 12.7%-The price of fresh fruit
rose 7.3% and oranges 17.1%-But prices for cereals and bakery products were up
just 0.1% and vegetable prices inched up only 0.5%-The uneven rise points to
disparate forces affecting food prices:-Drought in Oklahoma and Texas is
driving up cattle prices-A disease … has killed millions of piglets and
contributed to higher hog prices
Next: The Fourth Seal: Beginning soon, we should
expect the deaths of 1.75 billion people within the next two years due to war
(beginning around Israel by ISIS/Nimrod), famine (everywhere), disease (Ebola,
H1N1, Tuberculosis, Polio, Influenza), and zombie-like animals and people.
Israel’s Gaza Operation – War At Last –See more at: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/15295#.U72Zz7dOXrc
Above all, God bless the boys going up against Hamas
and into Gaza by air, land and sea. Bibi said it’s “time to take off the
gloves” so once again Israel is at war.
My best guess: If the birth-pang theory holds, then
the Fifth Seal of Revelation could begin later in 2014, where many of the
believers will be beheaded. Once again, if the theory works, the Sixth Seal of
Revelation would begin sometime in 2015. This means we should begin hearing
strange sounds of our inner earth breaking-up, in advance of a great earthquake
and the subsequent continental drifting listed in Revelation.
Then I watched as he broke the sixth seal, and there
was a great earthquake, the sun turned black as sackcloth (three days long?) worn
in mourning, and the full moon became blood-red (Blood Moon Tetrad). The stars
fell from heaven to earth (asteroids) just as a fig tree drops its figs when
shaken by a strong wind. The sky receded like a scroll being rolled up (because
our magnetosphere has thinned 15% in the last 130 years), and every mountain
and island was moved from its place. Then the earth’s kings, the rulers, the
generals, the rich and the mighty — indeed, everyone, slave and free — hid himself
in caves and among the rocks in the mountains, and said to the mountains and
rocks, “Fall on us, and hide us[a] from the face of the One sitting on the
throne and from the fury of the Lamb! For the Great Day of their fury has come,
and who can stand?” Revelation 6:12-17 (CJB)
Josh Tolley Show: Linda Moulton Howe interview: Increased
Earthquakes, Strange Noises & Sinkholes: Secret Inside the Earth – See more
at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vyotUcwv6c
Infrasound, Booms and Quakes – See more at: http://www.earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=2196&category=Environment
An infrasonic impulse can have a leading edge that
can be audible to the human ear. Alfred E. Bedard, PhD
May 2014 Breaking News Loud unexplained sound
worldwide - Last days news – See more at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrXHxrz9aus
My opinion: Prior to this interview, we didn’t know
that our core was becoming more oblong, which would generate atmospheric
noises. Also, there was no proof that low frequency infrasound was audible to
human ears. Now, we know that infrasound can be generated deep in our wobbly
core and then bounced-off our ionosphere creating a mysterious noise. Her
timeline of 2011-2014 for increased booms, metallic noises and trumpet sounds
is oddly similar to when the Third Seal opened.
According to my theory, a great earthquake should be due next year. Then, the inner core should open
faster releasing the Fifth Trumpet of tormenting locusts (pictured above) around fall 2017, which would
mark the end of the Shmita (2015-2016) and Jubilee (2016-2017) rests for
Israel. Every judgment prior to that will affect everyone on our planet. The
last ten judgments only affect the wicked, like an updated Exodus story from
ancient Egypt. When you add this new information to my potential timeline, then
the Blood moon Tetrads take on greater significance, don’t they?
If 1.75 billion people die for many different reasons over the next year, please stay calm and pray more. Don’t join joy-sucking cults that crave your money in return for an end time’s frenzy. And beware of the larger churches because they’re lining-up with the pope more each day. Instead, join a small Bible study and develop close relationships, because events worldwide should intensify like birth pangs over the next few months and years. Watch the Temple Mount area, the focal point of this current Blood Moon Tetrad.
Update: Do volcanic eruptions coincide with low
sunspot activity? – See more at: http://iceagenow.info/2014/05/volcanic-eruptions-coincide-sunspot-activity/
When I saw that article in the Bend (Oregon)
Bulletin, I thought – bingo! – that [Mt. Hood] eruption hit smack dab in the
middle of the Dalton Minimum, a time of extremely low sunspot activity.
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