Why did the markets hit 17,000 today? Pundit Jeremy Siegel
thinks the markets will hit 20,000 before the end of 2014. Is it because our
government is pumping more worthless stimulus dollars into our already bankrupt
system? This can’t go on forever. I believe that the dollar will crash sometime
in 2014-2018. My best guess is 2014. Months ago I used a vague prophecy from
Isaiah regarding sixty-five years until Ephraim is cut-off as the basis for my
feeling that the dollar would fall in late-2013. I was wrong.
In late 2013, a prophetic friend mentioned that the financial
markets would grow for a few more months. I seriously doubted his words. I was
wrong again.
The financial experts that I listen to are
predicting a dollar disaster someday soon. No one knows the day. Certain
nations are hastening the dollar’s demise. You may add South Korea today.
South Korea, China agree to direct trade in national currencies – See more at: http://rt.com/business/170408-south-korea-china-yuan/
South Korea, China agree to direct trade in national currencies – See more at: http://rt.com/business/170408-south-korea-china-yuan/
South Korea and China have agreed to create a market
for direct trading of the yuan and won, which is hoped, will help reduce the
pressure of the US dollar, as well as cut foreign exchange costs and boost
bilateral investment.
BRICS morphing into anti-dollar alliance – See more
On June 10th, Sergey Glaziev, Putin's economy
advisor published an article outlining the need to establish an international
alliance of countries willing to get rid of the dollar in international trade
and refrain from using dollars in their currency reserves. The ultimate goal
would be to break the Washington's money printing machine that is feeding its
military-industrial complex and giving the US ample possibilities to spread
chaos across the globe, fueling the civil wars in Libya, Iraq, Syria and
Ukraine. Glaziev's critics believe that such an alliance would be difficult to
establish and that creating a non-dollar-based global financial system would be
extremely challenging from a technical point of view. However, in her
discussion with Vladimir Putin, the head of the Russian central bank unveiled
an elegant technical solution for this problem and left a clear hint regarding
the members of the anti-dollar alliance that is being created by the efforts of
Moscow and Beijing:
"We've done a lot of work on the ruble-yuan
swap deal in order to facilitate trade financing. I have a meeting next week in
Beijing," she said casually and then dropped the bomb: "We are
discussing with China and our BRICS partners the establishment of a system of
multilateral swaps that will allow to transfer resources to one or another
country, if needed. A part of the currency reserves can be directed to [the new
system]." (source of the quote: Prime news agency)
… If the current trend continues,
soon the dollar will be abandoned by most of the significant global economies
and it will be kicked out of the global trade finance. Washington's bullying
will make even former American allies chose the anti-dollar alliance instead of
the existing dollar-based monetary system. The point of no return for the
dollar may be much closer than it is generally thought. In fact, the greenback
may have already past its point of no return on its way to irrelevance.
Intelligence Insider Warns of Catastrophic Collapse:
“The Tempo of Events is Faster Than Expected”- See more at: http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/intelligence-insider-warns-of-catastrophic-collapse-the-tempo-of-events-is-faster-than-expected_06102014
“It’s the thing you don’t see coming [that will take
down the dollar]. The next problem will be bigger than the Fed…so then the IMF
is actually going to have to bail out the United States.” Jim Rickards
Stockman - The Military Industrial Complex &
Total Collapse – See more at: http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN_DailyWeb/Entries/2014/6/5_Stockman_-_The_Military_Industrial_Complex_%26_Total_Collapse.html
(David Stockman helped President Reagan resurrect
the American economy in the 1980’s. He believes that we’re headed for a crash
“You have a system where the central banks have created an extremely
unstable and dangerous financial system worldwide that is riddled with ticking
time bombs. We don’t have honest money
and capital markets anymore. Price
discovery was busted by the Fed, the ECB, the Bank of Japan, and the rest of
them a long time ago.
What we have now is a hothouse financial zoo, the
inmates of which have been house-trained year-after-year like so many
orangutans to buy the dips. And they’ve
bought the dips over and over and over.
In fact, for the last 63 months they’ve been buying the dips, since
March 2009. It has become an ingrained,
automated habit.
If you look at the chart of the S&P 500 or any
of the other major indices, you see the central bank manipulation at work, not
the free market. ... As a result of that, one of these days there is going to
be a significant catalyst that causes the market to fall, and there will be a
dip that won’t be bottom-planked by the Fed or other central banks because they
are out of ammunition or they’ve concluded that it can’t be done any
longer. And then I think panic will set
My opinion: The one event that will trigger the end
times is the fall of the USA. Contrary to what you may think, this will not
translate into the beginning of the Great Tribulation. When the USA falls, all
nations will tremble, and then the world will call for a savior, the
antichrist. So far, that event hasn’t happened.
“Watch the derivatives.” Rick Wiles I can’t determine yet if the USA will fall from internal disintegration, or from external pressures. It could be that both the internal and external pressures cause the USA to fall at the same moment. That would be cataclysmic.
The Shiller PE is the most popular chart in the world today and most people are usually wrong, so it could fool a lot of people and go to 32-35x from currently 26x while the US Dollar Index has a big drop to help try to stimulate the markets up with exports. Consider this. The US Dollar had a good drop for a whole year before the final S&P 500 top came in in 2007. We at least know for certain on Elul 29 2015 Sept. 13 a 7% drop on the markets is coming like occurred on Elul 29 2001 and Elul 29 2008 as predicted by Comet Shoemaker in 1994 on Tammuz 17 for 21 days to Tisha B'Av the day of Comet Shoemaker. Jews celebrate these 21 days because the sacrifices stopped for 21 days before Babylon destroyed the Temple.