In the story of Job, the Satan’s first attack
murders Job’s children. And the second attack against Job’s body causes his
wife to rebuke: “Curse God and die.” While the Satan fed off the misery he
caused, Job never stoked the flames by becoming frenzied. Job never reconciled
why these events befell him, but he maintained his faithful composure through
it all. In Hebrew terms, Job was Tawm, faithful and repentant.
In a few short months, we will enter a time of
testing like the world has never seen. Will the Satan break up your
relationships with spouse and children, or will you supernaturally fight with a
chemical that God created for these battles—Oxytocin/Pitocin? This chemical
feeds your brains with love, or it feeds the demons with hatred. Who do you
What I believe is that demons feed on our Oxytocin or
Pitocin (chemical-like supernatural bonding agents) between spouses, and
parents to children, to break-up relationships and cause isolation. Sleep
Paralysis seems to be one of the weapons that demons use to feed off the
emotional stress of Oxytocin and Pitocin chemical connectors being literally
torn-apart from within our brains.
Kaye[’s story] on
July 7, 2014 – See more at: http://www.supernaturalworldview.com/2014/07/07/sleep-paralysis-entity-caught-on-video/
I had a sleep paralysis episode many years ago. I
was about 21 years old and married, so I was sharing a bed with my then
husband. I woke up and saw three dark, hooded entities at the foot of my bed. I
somehow leaped over my husband (I was on the wall side of the bed), ran down a
flight of stairs, through the house and out the front door into deep snow
before my husband caught up with me and told me to stop. This is my take on
this experience. I was deeply involved in an affair with a man who was not my
husband. The sin in my life was almost overwhelming. While I had had some
religious experience in a Pentacostal church, and had been baptized, I was for
the most part an ignorant, semi-believer. I had little knowledge of the Bible
and was a much bigger believer in the supernatural. I found that when I
actually became a true believer, my interest in the supernatural faded, to be
replaced with the Word of God. If you are playing with the supernatural you
should stop. You are drawing evil into your life. If you are deep into some
kind of sin, you need to repent. Your conscience is speaking to you (That’s GOD
speaking, my friend), and your feelings of guilt are also overwhelming you. I
will pray for your deliverance. By the way, the episode signaled the end of my
marriage and my life was totally changed within just a few months.
Be Mine Forever: Oxytocin May Help Build
Long-Lasting Love – See more at: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/be-mine-forever-oxytocin/
If cupid [a demon] had studied neuroscience, he’d
know to aim his arrows at the brain rather than the heart. Recent research
suggests that for love to last, it’s best he dip those arrows in oxytocin.
Although scientists have long known that this hormone is essential for
monogamous rodents to stay true to their mates, and that it makes humans more
trusting toward one another, they are now finding that it is also crucial to
how we form and maintain romantic relationships.
Love And Despair: Recovering From A Break-Up – See
more at: http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/love-and-despair-recovering-from-a-break-up
When we are in love, the world is golden and nothing
gets us down. When we are out of love, we are desperate to regain those
feelings we had while in love. The desperation can be so intense, we find
ourselves thinking and doing things we would be ashamed to tell our best
friend. The excitement of falling in love, being in love, is not just a
thrilling psychological and emotional experience. It is as well a bio-chemical
experience, what might be called a "high," and there are resemblances
to a chemical addiction, and withdrawal, which become evident when we break-up.
Some of the neuro-chemicals in the brain associated with being in, and out, of
love are 'dopamine,' 'serotonin,' 'neuroepeniphrine,' 'adrenaline' and
'phenylethylamine.' Depending on the level of these chemicals in the blood, we
can be ecstatic, or terribly depressed. Some research has shown a similarity in
blood chemistry and neural activity in regions of the brain between people in
the first stages of love, the infatuation phase, and Obsessive-Compulsive
Most people are aware of 'testosterone' and
'estrogen.' These hormones, along with 'pheremones' are largely responsible for
sexual attraction. Pheremones are hormones that are excreted or secreted,
rather than remain internal. We often find ourselves attracted to (or repelled
by) a person based on their scent. That scent is secreted or excreted
chemicals, i.e., pheremones, Although pheremones and hormones may ignite the
initial spark of a relationship, they aren't able to maintain a relationship.
The hormones 'oxytocin' and 'vasopressin' are released in the body during the
heights and climax of sexual intercourse and reinforce the attachment and
bonding that occurs from physical intimacy. If a couple were to meet and fall
in love, and then take some medication that dampened these love chemicals, they
would find themselves rather indifferent about their affections for each other.
After years, or decades, of marriage, couples fall out of love due in large
part to the waning of these chemicals. One or both partners may seek extra
marital affairs to again feel the thrilling flow of those hormones through the
blood. The despair we experience after a break-up is not because we are
estranged from our loved one, but because the love chemicals in the blood are
no longer there, they have diminished, or vanished. If those same love
chemicals could be injected back into the blood, we would feel more than fine.
A good solid, stable relationship has built up a bond of affection based on the
initial stages of love. That stable affection can then in turn reignite
feelings of lust and romantic love, which reinforce the stable long-term
relationship. In many love relationships, it is the initial thrill and
excitement that is of most interest and when that begins to wane, sexual
activity can become more adventurous, which can be a good thing; but it can
become overly aggressive, and violent, as well. Affairs outside the primary
relationship can develop. The term 'love addiction' or 'sex addiction' are
appropriate because of the chemical basis for these obsessions. It is not the
wild sex or the affair we are after, it is the chemicals such activities
generate in the blood stream…Exercise. There is such a close proximity of the
word 'exercise' to the word 'exorcise' that one has to consider exercise as a
way of exorcising the demons of chemical imbalance.
Sociopath World: Oxytocin as treatment
for autism? – See more at: http://www.sociopathworld.com/2013/12/oxytocin-as-treatment-for-autism.html
With oxytocin, the children did not do better on the
social-emotional test, unlike in some other studies. But experts said that was
not surprising, given the difficulty of answering challenging questions while
staying still in an f.M.R.I. “What I would look for is more evidence of looking
in the eyes of parents, more attention to what parents are saying, less
tendency to lecture parents on their National Geographic collection,” Dr. Fein
said…A study of healthy men found that oxytocin made them more biased against
outsiders. And when people with borderline personality disorder took oxytocin,
they became more distrustful, possibly because they were already socially
Warnings & Cautions For The New Wiccan or Witch
– See more at: http://wicca.com/celtic/wicca/cautions.htm
… Shadows [demons] come in three basic
varieties. First are the little ones
that feed off the energy in negative emotions.
If you are emitting strong negativity, they will be drawn to you like
flies to rotten meat. If you aren't
magically protected, they will happily latch onto your energy field (aura) and
snack on it. They are usually not much
more troublesome than leeches or mosquitoes; however, a thousand leeches could
weaken a person severely.
Next come the more dangerous variety, more like rats
or vultures than mosquitoes. These are attracted both by negative emotions and
the energy of magical workings. They are
stronger, and can push past weak or flawed defenses to get to you. And they are much harder to peel loose once
they have their teeth into you.
Last are the intelligent variety. Their favorite meal is human life energy, the
'heart-fire' that burns in each of us.
They are relatively rare even in their own realm, but they exist. The terms 'Imp' , 'Evil Spirit' and 'Demon'
are fairly accurate. They are very
strong. The more intelligent ones are
capable of working their own Magic to breach your defenses. The most intelligent variety , being as lazy
as humans, prefer to talk you into dropping your defenses and linking your
energy field to theirs. ("Open yourself to me, and I will grant you power
beyond your wildest dreams." Yeah, right.)
They also are capable (if someone is helpful enough to open a doorway
for them) of entering our world. Once here,
if they can get past all your defenses unless you are very strong at warding.
They can enter your body and feast at will, even asserting a degree of control
over you. Yes, this is exactly like the
old stories of Demon possession.
My opinions: Demons can’t read our minds. Instead
demons plant thoughts in our minds, like planting seeds. In order for the seeds
to grow, the demons need help from outside sources, like fears or anxiety that
drive the process into emotional instability, we’ll call chaos. Demons feed off
intense chaos.
Oxytocin and Pitocin form passionate unions between
spouses and parents with children. Because the chemically-linked relationships
are so complex and powerful, one must assume that God created the bond. God
wants us to permanently bond to spouses and our children; whereas, the Satan
hates strong biblical relationships. Therefore, the Satan attempts to break up
relationships and families, causing disunity, his goal. Watchman Nee, a
tortured Chinese Christian, prophesied that the Satan would link human souls,
like batteries, with a supernatural connection called "Latent Power of the Soul." Oxytocin could function in this
manner. This chemical bond can be used for us or against us, so don’t share
your passions with demons, and fight for your relationships!
Nee believed that humankind has a soul power that is remarkably similar to what parapsychologists have labeled Psi. Nee believed that in the end times this soul power would be apprehended by evil supernaturalism for diabolic ends. Cris Putnam
Stay sober, stay alert! Your enemy, the Adversary, stalks about like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. I Peter 5:8 (CJB)
Nee believed that humankind has a soul power that is remarkably similar to what parapsychologists have labeled Psi. Nee believed that in the end times this soul power would be apprehended by evil supernaturalism for diabolic ends. Cris Putnam
Stay sober, stay alert! Your enemy, the Adversary, stalks about like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. I Peter 5:8 (CJB)
Pitocin is just a brand name for oxitocin,I see no reason to use both terms.Anyways,explaining human relationships in purely neurochemical terms is too reductionistic an approach.Peace.
ReplyDeleteCarlos, Pitocin is shared by mothers to infants via breast milk, causing an unbreakable bond. This is why Mother's Day is the busiest time in a prison mailrooms, and Father's Day is quiet. Oxytocin is shared between lovers. the differences are huge!