(Please note
that Daniel was describing his generation and our generation too by adding achari three times.) Then there
was another [achari/end times reference] animal, a second one, like a bear [Medo-Persia/Russia].
It raised itself up on one side, and it had three ribs [three regions] in its
mouth between its teeth. It was told, ‘Get up, and gorge yourself with flesh
[war]!’ After [achari/end times
reference] this, I looked; and there was another one, like a leopard [Greece/Germany]
with four bird’s wings [four political and economic leaders] on its sides. The
animal also had four heads [bankers], and it was given power to rule. After [achar/end
times reference] this, I looked in the night visions; and there before me was a
fourth animal, dreadful, horrible, extremely strong, and with great iron teeth.
Daniel 7:5-7 (CJB)
In summary: someone, unclear who, operating through
Belgium and most likely the Euroclear service (possible but unconfirmed), has
added a record $141 billion in Treasurys since December, or the month in which
Bernanke announced the start of the Taper, bringing the host's total to an
unprecedented $341 billion! – See more at: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-05-15/russia-dumps-20-its-treasury-holdings-mystery-belgium-buyer-adds-another-whopping-40
“Here’s the big, big consequence. The U.S. is basically telling Europe you have
two choices here. Join us with the war
against Russia. Join us with the
sanctions against Russia. Join us in
constant war and conflicts, isolation and destruction to your economy and
denial of your energy supply and removal of contracts. Join us with this war and sanctions because
we’d really like you to keep the dollar regime going. They are going to say were tired of the
dollar. . . . We are pushing Germany.
Don’t worry about France, don’t worry about England, worry about Germany. Germany has 3,000 companies doing active
business right now. They are not going
to join the sanctions—period.” “It’s a war game and Europe is sick of U.S. war
games. The defense of the dollar has
come to war versus trade. Are you with
us or are you against us?” As far as the
NSA spying on Germany, Willie says, “I think they are looking for details on
assisting Russia on dumping the dollar.
I think they are looking for details for a secret movement for Germany
to get away from the dollar and join the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China
and South Africa.) This is exactly what
I think they are going to do.” – See more at: http://www.goldenjackass.com/main5.html
Germany Pivoting East: The Jackass believes Germany
will break from US/UK and its US Dollar fiat currency regime over four primary
thorny issues. The four are major indictments, all extremely serious, all
indicative of a decayed system and morally bankrupt leadership. The charges are
coming into view, highlighting fundamental commercial, philosophical, and
ethical conflicts that distinguish the two nations (considering US/UK a single
entity). The issues center on the following key differences: 1. Good relations
with Russia and continued energy supply from Gazprom. 2. Displeasure over
planned Draghi Euro Central Bank bond monetization 3. Disgust over NSA espionage
by USGovt, with benefit for US corporations 4. Damage to German population from
gold price suppression. – See more at: http://news.goldseek.com/GoldenJackass/1405540920.php
My opinions: This passage is loaded with symbolic acherit/achari/achar
references, so the references to end times world powers applies. Frequent Acherit/achari/achar
references are a biblical sign that you can expect this to happen during
another time or the end times.
The mystery: Euro-clear has been buying all the
Dollar Dumps over the last few years to keep the Dollar afloat just long enough
for somebody to make a ton of money off the loses. Germany will pivot east until BRICS fails. Then the leopard will assume financial power until the beast system takes it away.
A month ago Christine
Legarde (IMF Managing Director) gave an occulted speech about “sevens.” Seven is everywhere in Revelation.
Her speech may hold a key to this mystery. Christine Legarde: The Magic Seven Occult speech –
See more at: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1020085/pg1
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