Seals Theory: My Revelation Linear Timeline Theory
is that the First Seal (white/west-birth of Mikha’el the Antichrist) opened in
1985, the Second Seal (red/east-war) opened on 9.11.2001, the Third Seal (black/north-food
staples become unaffordable) opened just prior to Hurricane Sandy (False Sukkot
of I Kings 12 exact timing) during the summer of 2012, and the Fourth Seal (green/south-rhomphaia deaths by supernatural sword,
famine, disease & zombies) opened two days after the first Blood Moon
Eclipse of this tetrad with a rhomphaia (judgment) sword over Washington DC on
April 17, 2014.
Please note how the seals are opening like birth
pangs, with shorter durations between each and greater intensity as we move
along. At this pace, the Fifth Seal should open later this year or early in
2015 signaling the ritualistic (Greek: sphezo) deaths of many Jews and
Christians like sacrificial animals. Sometime in 2015 we could experience the
Sixth Seal; however, nearly two billion people will need to die from war,
famine, disease and zombie attacks in the meantime (for more seals information,
please read). http://joelblackford.blogspot.com/2014/07/comet-siding-spring-hits-mars-2014.html
Then I watched as he broke the sixth seal, and there
was a great earthquake [Megas Siemos-related to low solar activity and a belated
polarity switch], the sun turned black as sackcloth worn in mourning, and the
full moon became blood-red [Blood Moon Eclipse Tetrad]. The stars [asteroids
caused by Siding Spring hitting Mars after Sukkot 2014] fell from heaven to
earth [six to seven months later] just as a fig tree drops its figs when shaken
by a strong [solar?] wind. The sky receded like a scroll being [our protective
magnetosphere has lost 15%: 1880-2013, and the loss has been reported to be
decreasing 10X faster] rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from
its place[continental drift/Peleg/Genesis 10:25]. Then the earth’s kings, the rulers, the generals, the rich and the mighty
— indeed, everyone, slave and free — hid himself in caves and among the rocks
in the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us, and hide us
from the face of the One sitting on the throne and from the fury of the Lamb!
For the Great Day of their fury has come, and who can stand?” Revelation
6:12-17 (CJB)
Does the Sun Trigger Large Earthquakes? – See more
at: http://www.suspicious0bservers.org/sun-trigger-large-earthquakes/
(August 3, 2014 – Columbus, OH) KAHB LLC announces
the discovery of a potential method for predicting the largest (+M8)
earthquakes, using polar magnetic fields of the sun. Using more than 35 years
of data from the Wilcox Solar Observatory at Stanford University and from the
United States Geological Survey, a model was constructed using patterns
discerned in the polar magnetic fields of the sun. These patterns in solar
magnetism were informally observed to match with the occurrence of large
earthquakes on our planet, so mathematical modeling was used to formally
develop an algorithm describing those relationships.
Dr. Christopher Holloman’s team of researchers at
The Ohio State University Statistical Consulting Service was able to construct
model that exhibited very strong agreement between solar magnetism patterns and
the occurrence of large earthquakes. Formal testing of the model can only be
performed by examining its performance over the next few years, but the
agreement was sufficient to suggest that a relationship likely exists between
solar polar fields, or magnetic fields associated with the north and south
poles of the sun, and large earthquakes.
“The strong agreement of the model was surprising to
everyone involved,” says Ben Davidson of KAHB, “but we have to understand the
limitations of the analysis at this stage.” According to Davidson, this model
is not predictive at this time; the analysis relies on data from the Wilcox
Solar Observatory which requires at least 10 days to update past real-time, and
is usually updated monthly. “The data is averaged in 10-day periods, so when a
large earthquake happens, we still need to perform a retrospective analysis.
What we have now is a rubric for gauging the correlations between these events
into the future.”
“The most striking aspect of the model is that it
is, for the most part, relatively simple,” says Dr. Holloman. “The patterns
observed in the solar magnetic fields aren’t the result of applying some
obscure mathematical functions. The algorithm is based on things like peaks and
troughs in solar cycles or the absolute strength of one of the poles at a
particular time. Such simple models are more often predictive than more complex
models, and we are eager to see how the predictions play out over the next few
In this retrospective analysis, the null hypothesis
was that there was no relationship between the solar polar fields and M8+
earthquakes. Under this hypothesis, the fraction of days identified as residing
in windows with increased likelihood of seismicity, as a percentage of the
total days over the 35 years, would include a similar percentage of the large
earthquakes over that same period. The analysis showed 41.6% of the days
residing in these windows captured just under 78.8% of the M8+ earthquakes. “We
cannot formally invalidate the null hypothesis, but the performance of the
developed model is extremely encouraging. We believe it is likely to be
validated by future data.”
As interesting as predicting large earthquakes would
be, the lone prospective aspect of the model thus far involves periods of time
when +M8 earthquakes are less likely to occur. These periods tend to occur
following magnetic reversal of the solar fields at the sunspot peak of the
~11-year cycle of the sun, and could have significant implications for civil
engineering projects near earthquake zones, mining, drilling, and other
applications for which it may be advantageous to know when earth is less-likely
to have a large earthquake.
Dr. Kongpop U-yen states that this analysis
“suggests that their [M8+ earthquakes] major trigger mechanisms are external to
the Earth. This may be linked to the electrical connections between the Earth
and the Sun. Many seismologists have detected the fluctuation in electric
fields in the Earth’s crust associated with earthquakes. Such an idea can be
extended beyond the Earth’s crust toward the ionosphere and Van Allen radiation
belts as they all move along together. NASA scientists also hypothesize that
there are giant electric fields that power the Van Allen radiation belts, and
have suggested that the Sun is the major contributor.” The connection is no
longer limited to the surrounding space or Earth’s atmosphere, but to the
penetration toward the Earth’s core as well. “After looking at the complete
data set, it is not difficult for anyone to see that there is a connection. To
be sure we did not fool ourselves, we back it up this finding using verifiable
statistical analysis.”
Earth’s magnetosphere has been weakening since the
1600s, and Dr. U-yen is curious about the recent results from the ESA’s SWARM
mission having a role to play in these earthquake correlations; “recently
Earth’s magnetic fields are weakening more rapidly than in the past, making us
more susceptible to space weather than ever before.”
My opinions: If Obama and Putin begin WWIII soon,
and diseases and famines run rampant across the world, and human and animal
zombies kill—all totaling nearly two billion deaths—we’re in the Fourth Seal of
Revelation. Then the rest of the seals will occur like birth pangs until we
have a huge earthquake and continents divided (in a pole shift?), followed by a quiet reprieve. If these events don’t occur,
then expect a delay of up to fifteen years.
My point today is that HaShem, through solar
activity, will drive certain environmental conditions on the earth that will
correspond to humanity creating a New World Order of religion, politics and
money at the same time. Oddly enough, solar polarity matches with economic
cycles and the Blood Moon Tetrads too. According to David Wilkerson’s 1973 book
“The Vision,” watch for Japan’s economy to fall someday soon, and then Europe
will collapse on their heels. When the dollar collapses, then we’re ready for
tribulation. Pray and fast, for Av nine is due soon.
(This Revelation 16:8 warning will occur in a few years?) Apocalypse NOW: Killer solar superstorm could destroy Earth at ANY MOMENT, scientists warn – See more at: http://www.express.co.uk/news/nature/494438/End-of-world-alert-solar-flares-destroy-earth-scientists-warn
(This Revelation 16:8 warning will occur in a few years?) Apocalypse NOW: Killer solar superstorm could destroy Earth at ANY MOMENT, scientists warn – See more at: http://www.express.co.uk/news/nature/494438/End-of-world-alert-solar-flares-destroy-earth-scientists-warn
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