As I posted days ago, I attended an Orthodox Jewish Seder
for Passover, because I sensed it was time to re-connect with like-minded friends.
What I found was godly Jews fervently praying for the return of the Messiah. My
Jewish friends sounded Charismatic or Pentecostal as we prayed together. Singing the
Hallel (Hallelujah Psalms 113-118) was especially powerful. The whole night
was a blessing!
Last night, my church celebrated the last day of
Passover with a Messiah Banquet. This Messianic event was a greater blessing. Why?
Because we were in one spirit and truth about the soon return of the Messiah, and
acting like Charismatics. The faith and knowledge of the Hallel Psalms meaning
in 30 CE and again soon, gives us hope to persevere until the Messiah returns.
With all the blessings in the Messianic and Jewish
Communities throughout Passover Week, I expected a Christian backlash. Oh, the
Christians are getting ugly!
Passover Week Hate Crimes Evoke Horrible History
Passover Week Hate Crimes Evoke Horrible History
The events in Ukraine and Kansas City that occurred
around Passover week offer tragic reminders of the heritage of Jewish oppression.
Blood Moon Looniness Apr 21, 2014
The Blood Moon Prophecy has become all the rage
amongst prophecy watchers. This view was largely started in 2008 by Mark Biltz,
founder of El Shaddai Ministries. Biltz used calculations based on lunar cycles
to determine that a tetrad (a series four lunar eclipses) will lead to the
Second Coming occurring in the fall of 2015 [Todd your misrepresenting]…The
background of Mark Biltz is another area of concern. He comes from the Hebrew
Roots Movement, which has Sabbath worship as mandatory, and says Jesus was the
Messiah; but He wasn’t God [lie!]. He is also deeply involved with Jewish
mysticism, called Kabbalah [lie]. The Kabbalah states that the full meaning of
the Bible is never on the surface. Rather, one must search below the surface
text, using Kabbalah techniques, to find the true and full meaning. [1] I’ve
been around long enough to know that if people are wrong about the core
salvation message, the rest of their doctrine is likely to be full of errors. Just
two years ago people were cheering about the now defunct Mayan Calendar
prophecy. As fast as events are evolving down here on earth, I don’t see the
need to get our prophetic motivation from star gazing. Only the Lord knows if
we will even be around to see the last of these lunar eclipses play out. Todd Strandberg
The Watcher Files By [Nazi Kook] Sherry Shriner
(reported by Steve Quayle )
My opinions: According to Rapture Ready, all of us
Messianics faithfully study mystic Kabbalah, and are errant on our core
message, that our Messiah is Yahushua, a Judean Torah-observant King. Todd,
even Messianics can separate the Bible from commentary. You will loathe hearing
this; but, the Orthodox Jews reconcile various commentaries too. You hate what
you don’t understand.
According to Christian anti-Semitic prepper Steve
Quayle, we need to cut off Messianic and Jewish heads before they cut Christian
heads off first. Thank you for fostering more hate against Judaism. Now we can see
your true intentions.
The chorus of Christians leaders railing against
Judaism is increasing. You will soon experience Christians persecuting the Jews
and Messianics like the early years of Christianity. In the first century,
after Yahushua’s resurrection, the Greek-minded Christian bullies eventually divorced
their faith from Judaism. By the time of Constantine’s Convention in 325 CE, Jewish
and Messianic opinions were not allowed. That’s why the errant anti-Semitic doctrines
of Cessationism, Rapture, Immanency, Dispensationalism, Systematic Theology and
more have crept into the dead church. How can you expect miracles if you’ve
severed yourself from the root?
You will be asked to persecute Jews and Messianics
because they don’t adhere to Luther’s and Calvin’s messages [anti-Semitism]. I
implore you to read the scriptures with a proper mindset before you flog the
followers of Messiah Yahushua. Don’t
kill what supports your wild roots, or you could fall for the Beast System.

Now if the hallah offered as firstfruits is holy, so
is the whole loaf. And if the root is holy, so are the branches. But if some of
the branches were broken off, and you — a wild olive — were grafted in among
them and have become equal sharers in the rich root of the olive tree, then
don’t boast as if you were better than the branches! However, if you do boast,
remember that you are not supporting the root, the root is supporting you.
Romans 11:16-18 (CJB)
You people [Gentiles] don’t know what you are
worshipping; we worship what we do know, because salvation comes from the Jews.
John 4:22 (CJB)
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