Many of you know that I follow every day to learn if solar wind or CME’s that will
cause earthquakes or tidal waves. These guys are my early warning system. I
like the fact that Ben Davidson of Suspious0bservers tests everything (except,
alas, Buddhism). This is the first credible scientific refutation of Global
warming that I’ve ever found. They cite that weather is caused by the sun, and
they prove it every day. So stop blaming man for earthquakes and floods, and start blaming the sun.

I believe that the Third Seal of Revelation opened during
the summer of 2012. My theory is that apocalyptic weather, driven by the sun, should drive up food
prices, until prices go through the roof. I needed one more climatologist to
concur with my findings that our bizarre weather isn’t a global warming byproduct. Yesterday, I found Cliff Harris, a man that has a
proven sixty year track record for weather predictions. Cliff sites that the
sun causes our weather too. Plus, Cliff is a fine Christian man. You can follow
him daily.
I listened to Rick Wiles Tru News Radio show
yesterday, to reconcile Cliff Harris’ predictions with my predictions. They match.
He expects that the lack of solar activity will cause wild weather extremes. We
should expect warmer summers, colder winters, and frightening storms all year
Cliff’s synopsis after the :10 minute mark:
Topic: Long-range weather forecaster, Cliff Harris,
will be on today’s program to discuss the barrage of extreme weather trends
he’s predicting in the Earth’s future – Most notably: 15+ years of global
cooling, a severe west coast drought, and a dramatic uptick in seismic
activity. For nearly 40 years, Cliff Harris has often been rated as one of the
top ten climatologists and has had his work published in major publications
such as USA Today, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and many more.
My opinion: According to Cliff Harris, we should be riding a multi-year (15+ ) weather rollercoaster toward the apocalypse beginning this summer. According to Chris Putnam, we should experience spiritual warfare soon resembling the now-latent powers that Adam had in the Garden of Eden. According to Vladimir Putin, the Russian Bear is hungry and wants his three ribs. Every sign points to the end of days. Are you ready?
Forecasters Are Already Predicting a Massive Tornado Outbreak This Weekend 4.24.2014
Forecasters Are Already Predicting a Massive Tornado Outbreak This Weekend 4.24.2014
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