Are larger earthquakes increasing in number?
My constant argument is that HaShem (God) warned us that there would be huge earthquakes during the end of days. Although we’re experiencing more 6.0 earthquakes, we’ve only experienced epic disasters in Haiti and Japan. Should more 8.0+ earthquakes be forthcoming?
He answered, "Watch out! Don't be fooled! For
many will come in my name, saying, `I am he!' and, `The time has come!' Don't
go after them. And when you hear of wars and revolutions, don't panic. For
these things must happen first, but the end will not follow immediately." Then
he told them, "Peoples will fight each other, nations will fight each
other, there will be great earthquakes, there will be epidemics and famines in
various places, and there will be fearful sights and great signs from Heaven. But
before all this, they will arrest you and persecute you, handing you over to
the synagogues and prisons; and you will be brought before kings and governors.
This will all be on account of me, Luke 21:8-12 (CJB)
Let me tell you a story.
During the time I was writing my book, I would
frequently pray for HaShem to send me the best information to finish each
chapter, for I know my limitations about predicting the future. During the time
that I was writing about a future earthquake in the USA, I felt there would be
two earthquakes. It was then that two men contacted me without my prompting
them first. Both confirmed a second quake zone.
Zone one: At least five prophets have dreamt of the
future New Madrid Earthquake. Here are some of their maps: http://www.angelfire.com/fl3/gammadim/maps/mapview.htmlZone two: There is a Mid-Continent Fault line that mirrors Interstate 80 across America, from Alamuchy NJ to San Francisco.
The first prophetic source was the neighborhood bully. Out of the blue, my seventy year old neighbor (I’ve called the police on him eight times) dropped by to show me a map of one particular fault line across the USA. Holding an old book, he showed me the Mid-Continent Fault line. Other than that book, I've never discovered any other evidence of that fault line.
The second source was a former work friend that had a dream about two earthquakes forming four quadrants in the USA. He was supposed to call me the same day that the neighborhood bully showed up, but he forgot and called three weeks later.
Based on two sources with similar stories, I wrote that Lake Michigan would flood America like a watery cross in late 2013. I believe that date will coincide with our President forcing Israel to divide its’ land.
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Today, I noticed new proof of a Mid-Continent Fault
line. Scientists find potential catalyst for earthquakes on U.S. East Coast
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