
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Princeton University Study: Earth’s Wobble Promotes Life!

A motorcyclist’s worst nightmare is a high-speed wobble. A slight wobble is correctable; however, a high-speed wobble works like a gyroscope, forcing a crash. Just like you can’t fight a gyroscope, most of us are trained to never fight the wobble, for you will fight it to a more tragic ending. Instead, ride it like a wave and lay the bike down gently.

Recently, scientists from Princeton University discovered that the earth’s high-speed wobble has a beneficial effect: It’s like a dinner bell for microorganisms. Our earth’s wobble closely mirrors oceanic nitrogen-fixing microorganisms, causing times of decreased food supply and increased food supply.  It’s like HaShem has designed feeding times into the cycles of the earth.

You can argue for Big Bang, Global Warming, Evolution and Santa Claus; however, our cosmos is too cool to have occurred by accident. A positive effect from the earth’s wobble is one more reason why I want HaShem driving my car, and not Carl Sagan. (Oh, Carl Sagan is dead? HaShem doesn’t slumber or even use the rest room.)
Don’t fight HaShem’s created wobble! Ride it like a Harley!

Earth's wobble 'fixes' dinner for marine organisms
Posted September 13, 2013
by Catherine Zandonella

The cyclic wobble of the Earth on its axis controls the production of a nutrient essential to the health of the ocean, according to a new study in the journal Nature. The discovery of factors that control this nutrient, known as "fixed" nitrogen, gives researchers insight into how the ocean regulates its own life-support system, which in turn affects the Earth's climate and the size of marine fisheries.
Researchers from Princeton University and the Swiss Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH) report that during the past 160,000 years nitrogen fixation rose and fell in a pattern that closely matched the changing orientation of Earth's axis of rotation, or axial precession. Axial precession occurs on a cycle of roughly 26,000 years and arises because the Earth wobbles slightly as it rotates, similar to the wobble of a toy top. Studies from the 1980s revealed that precession leads to a regular upwelling of deep water in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean roughly every 23,000 years. The upwelling in turn brings nitrogen-poor water to the surface where blue-green algae convert nitrogen drawn from the air into a form that is biologically usable...

Evolution Update: This is more proof of creation.

Functioning 'mechanical gears' seen in nature for the first time

This image shows cog wheels connecting the hind legs of the plant hopper, Issus. Credit: Burrows/Sutton

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