“I had a
vision at night; I saw there before me the four winds of the sky breaking out
over the great sea [peoples], and four huge animals came up out of the sea, each
different from the others. The first was like a lion [England], but it had
eagle’s [USA] wings. As I watched, its wings were plucked off, and it was
lifted off the earth and made to stand on two feet like a man, and a human
heart was given to it. Then there was another animal, a second one, like a bear
[Russia]. It raised itself up on one side, and it had three ribs [three
victories] in its mouth between its teeth. It was told, ‘Get up, and gorge
yourself with flesh!’ After this, I looked; and there was another one, like a
leopard [Germany] with four bird’s wings [four Rothschild banker branches] on
its sides. The animal also had four heads, and it was given power to rule. After
this, I looked in the night visions; and there before me was a fourth animal
[the final beast kingdom], dreadful, horrible, extremely strong, and with great
iron teeth. It devoured, crushed and stamped its feet on what was left. It was
different from all the animals that had gone before it, and it had ten horns.
Daniel 7:2-7 (CJB)
Yesterday, I found my mad mystic!
Putin's Rasputin: The Mad Mystic Who Inspired
Russia's Leader – See more at: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2014/06/10/Putin-s-Rasputin-the-Mad-Mystic-Who-Inspired-Putin
…Why does Putin risk a war in Ukraine to build his
Eurasian Union? Because he is implementing—in whole or in part—the Eurasianist
doctrine which was developed by the man know as “Putin’s Brain:” Aleksandr
Dugin (pictured, top). Dugin’s Foundations of Geopolitics helped reshape the
views of Russia’s political and military elite in the late 1990s and gave a new
form to old prejudices against the Western nations by means of the Eurasianist
Putin appears to have given support to Dugin’s
Eurasianism from the earliest days of his presidency: the Evraziia (Eurasian
Movement) was organized in April 2001 as the "brainchild" of
presidential counsel Gleb Pavlovsky. Eurasianism has not only found favor with
the Putin regime: Gennady Zhuganov of the Communist Party of the Russian
Federation and Vladimir Zhironovsky of the Liberal Democratic Party have both
proclaimed their adherence to varying forms of Eurasianism, and Dugin is
credited with having influenced both men.
Eurasianism leaves intact many of the territorial
goals of the old Soviet Union while updating the ideology for a world which has
grown cold to Bolshevik boilerplate. Gone is the old Marxist-Leninist claptrap
about the "class struggle" in favor of a global conflict rooted in
“sacred geography” and an "inevitable" conflict between the
continental might of Eurasia and the "sea power" of the United
Kingdom and United States.
However, Dugin is not only “Putin’s Brain”—he’s also
“Putin’s Rasputin.” Dugin’s ideology is filled with invocations of
"metaphysical Marxism" and adherence to the Traditionalist views of
the "mystical fascist" thinker Julius Evola. Dugin’s ideology is one
which claims that a final conflict is coming between Eurasia and (in Dugin’s
words) “the kingdom of the Antichrist.” As pertains to this kingdom of the
Antichrist, Dugin maintains, “the United States is the center of its
expansion.” For Dugin, there is one course which lies open before those who
oppose the "Antichrist:" “The American Empire should be destroyed. And
at one point, it will be.”
My opinion: The test of spirituality is how one feels
about the Jews. Like Hitler, Aleksandr Dugin is extremely anti-Semitic.
Dugin breaks year of silence: "We are at a new
The history of Russia is like a heartbeat. Our Russian
heart shrinks and expands. It shrank after the collapse of the USSR and our
territory was reduced as happens often in history such as, for example, in
1917, but each time our borders expand again.
“Alexander Dugin: War in Donbass will be imposed on us
by Washington and Kiev” – See more at: http://fortruss.blogspot.com/2015/10/dugin-breaks-year-of-silence-we-are-at.html
Alexander Dugin: The Eurasian Oracle, Part 1 of 2 –
See more at: http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2013/12/alexander-dugin-the-eurasian-oracle-part-1-of-2/
The Eurasian movement, which seeks to restore
Russian power and prestige, is a form of National Bolshevism based on the
geopolitical theory that Moscow, Berlin, and Paris form a natural political
axis and potential power center. Alexander Dugin, the founder of the Eurasian
Party, writes: The new Eurasian empire will be constructed on the basic
principle of opposition to the common enemy: Atlanticism and the American New
World Order. A multipolar world must replace the current unipolar world
currently dominated by the United States.
Dugin: The Jews are the carriers of a religious
culture that is deeply distinct from all historical displays of Indo-European
spirituality — from ancient Aryan heathen cults to Hinduism and Christianity.
The voluntary or forced seizure of the Jewish diaspora from the Indo-European
peoples was not a casual episode of history, and no Orthodox Jew will ever deny
the theological underlying reason for Jewish “distinctiveness”. The Jews are a
community that keeps the secret of its radical differences from other peoples.
If we do not admit that distinction, then it is simply senseless to speak about
the Jewish problem…
Judaism sees the world as alienated from God, as an
exile, as a mechanical labyrinth, in which wander the chosen people, whose real
mission is found not in the famous victories of Joshua, son of Nun or the
prophet Ezra, but in the tragic upheavals of dispersion. In particular the
diaspora rather exactly corresponds to the spirit of classical Judaism, drawing
an impassable abyss between the Creator and Creation…
Indo-European traditions, including Christianity,
which spread out mainly among the Indo-Europeans, insist on a completely
different vision of the World. The Indo-European world is a living reality,
which is connected directly with God or, at least, with the Son of God. Even in
the darkest times, in the Wolf Age, about which the Nordic tradition speaks,
the connection between Creation and the Creator, the inhabitants of Space and
primal Chaos, is not broken. It continues through the miracle of the Eucharist.
Indo-European religious consciousness is a predominantly indigenous
consciousness, a consciousness connected with the soil instead of dispersion,
with possession instead of loss, and with connection instead of separation.
It was this fundamental distinction relating to
their respective Weltanschauung that initially drew a line of demarcation between
the Judaic worldview and the Indo-European understanding of the Sacred.
Orthodox Jews, according to their own religious and mystical outlook, regard
non-Jews as “goyim”. In much of their English language literature,
Indo-Europeans are perceived as “naive and infantile optimists”, not realizing
the terrible secrets of the Abyss, the theological drama of dispersion and the
terrible secrets of the diaspora…
The difference between metaphysical war and physical
war is that the first aspires to a victory of the traditional synthesis of the
truth and, secondly, while the second aspires to make one of the two combatant
parties victorious. None of the physical methods are acceptable in this
dramatic historical opposition. German concentration camps could destroy Jews,
but they were not able to extirpate Jewry. On the other hand, the Hassidic
commissars could not, despite all their bloody genocide, erase the population
of the eternal “Russian Empire”…These examples alone show that neither the
Jewish nor the Goyim question can be solved with physical force…
The world of “Judaica” is a world hostile to us. But
our feeling of Aryan justice and the gravity of our geopolitical situation
require comprehension of its laws, rules and interests…The Indo-European elite
stands today before a titanic task — to understand those who are not only
culturally, nationally and politically, but also metaphysically different. And
in this case, “to understand” means not “to forgive”, but “to defeat” — “to
defeat with the Light of Truth”.
Muslims form a part of the Russian population, and
are an important minority. Therefore, Islamophobia implicitly calls for the
break-up of Russia. The difference between Europe and Russia in our attitude
toward Islam is that, for us, Muslims are an organic part of the whole, while
for Europe they are a post-colonial wave of re-invaders from a different geopolitical
and cultural space. But since we have a common enemy in the globalist elite,
which is pro-Pussy Riot/Femen, pro-gay marriage, anti-Putin, anti-Iran,
anti-Chávez, anti-social justice and so on, we all need to develop a common
strategy with the Muslims. Our traditions are quite different, but the
anti-traditional world that is attacking us is united, and so must we become.
My final comments: Young Vladimir Putin had Jewish friends; however the older Putin has an oracle that detests Jews. When pressed, Putin will side with Iran against Israel.
My final comments: Young Vladimir Putin had Jewish friends; however the older Putin has an oracle that detests Jews. When pressed, Putin will side with Iran against Israel.
jew, don' t try to put ' western nations' against ' eurasia', because Dugin has nothing against the ' western nations', which are composed genetically by IndoEuropeans or Indoaryans: he hates only the dirty jew, genetically impure and non indoaryan, but who tries to destroy the Aryan World puttin Indoeuropeans against Indoeuropeans. So don't mistify, u pig. And don't forget: EVERY INDOEUROPEAN HATES THE JEW, EXACTLY LIKE THE JEW HATES THE INDOEUROPEAN.