Moshe and Aharon went in to Pharaoh and did this, as
Adonai had ordered — Aharon threw down his staff in front of Pharaoh and his
servants, and it turned into a snake. But Pharaoh in turn called for the sages
and sorcerers; and they too, the magicians of Egypt, did the same thing, making
use of their secret arts. Each one threw his staff down, and they turned into
snakes. But Aharon’s staff swallowed up theirs. Exodus 7:10-12 (CJB)
I believe that Pharaoh’s magicians were whisperers. In
the Hebrew its Strong’s #3784 (Kaw-shaf).
They whispered incantations, with great success. Later
on during the Daniel Story, Nebuchadnezzar’s Whisperers couldn’t match HaShem
either. In Acts, Simon the Whisperer is rebuked by Paul.
My question is: What is a secret art? In the Hebrew
its Strong’s #3858 (Lah-hat) , which is
found only two times in the Bible. The other time is references the flaming
swords of the Cherubim at Eden’s Gate (Gen 3:24). Is there a connection between
a secret art, incantations and flames?
Please notice what the False Prophet will do soon.
Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth
[False Prophet]. It had two horns
like those of a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. It exercises all the
authority of the first beast in its presence; and it makes the earth and its
inhabitants worship the first beast, the one whose fatal wound had been healed.
It performs great miracles, even causing
fire to come down from heaven onto the earth as people watch. It deceives
the people living on earth by the miracles it is allowed to perform in the
presence of the beast, and it tells them to make an image honoring the beast
that was struck by the sword but came
alive again. It was allowed to put breath into the image of the beast, so that
the image of the beast could even speak; and it was allowed to cause anyone who
would not worship the image of the beast to be put to death. Revelation 13:11-15
(CJB-emphasis added)
Now watch this video. (Others have these skills too.
We must discern!)
And watch these videos.
Katy Perry “Dark Horse” Illuminati Themed Music Video Exposed

Katy Perry “Dark Horse” Illuminati Themed Music Video Exposed
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