We know from the Bible that Yahushua associated with
tax collectors, prostitutes, demon possessed, and other sinners. He even ate
with people of questionable backgrounds. Albeit, some of the throng that
surrounded Yahushua repented; many continued sinning. His accusers cited these associations when
they rebuked Yahushua.
“Why does your Rabbi eat with tax collectors and
sinners?” Matthew 9:10 (CJB)
In Yahushua’s case, he was incorruptible and purely
Holy, for nothing could taint Him. However, we are corruptible. Does our
inclination to do evil make it impossible for the saved to deliver a godly message
to the masses from a questionable pulpit? Or rather, does Benny Hinn’s flawed
state allow first access to the Kingdom of Heaven?
But give me your opinion: a man had two sons. He
went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work today in the vineyard.’ He
answered, ‘I don’t want to’; but later he changed his mind and went. The father
went to his other son and said the same thing. This one answered, ‘I will,
sir’; but he didn’t go. Which of the two did what his father wanted?” “The
first,” they replied. “That’s right!” Yeshua said to them. “I tell you that the
tax-collectors and prostitutes are going into the Kingdom of God ahead of you! For
Yochanan came to you showing the path to righteousness, and you wouldn’t trust
him. The tax-collectors and prostitutes trusted him; but you, even after you
saw this, didn’t change your minds later and trust him. Matthew 21:28-32 (CJB)
My goal is to help you to discern better in the
coming months by discerning what’s in the cup, and not by what’s on the outside
of the cup. Years ago, Demitru Dudeman appeared with Stan Johnson in Prophecy
Club Meetings across the USA. While Stan’s goal was to sell oil stocks,
Demitru’s goal was to persuade America to repent. I feel that the venue didn’t
taint the speaker.
Maurice Sklar claims that he worked for Benny Hinn
for years before Mr. Hinn became an anathema in Christianity. I’ve heard
Maurice say, “I used to be in the Who’s Who of the Holy Zoo!” It’s true; Mr.
Sklar wasn’t tainted by his associations. Likewise, Perry Stone may raise money
for any despicable TV sleazebag with any despicable TV sleazebag; yet, I don’t
think he has tainted his ministry…yet.
I believe that Benny Hinn began his ministry to
preach the Good News of Jesus. He’s still preaching, but I don’t think his
message resonates anymore. I think that he should retire before he becomes
thoroughly wicked.

There are times when a godly pastor will deliver an ungodly message in accordance with prophecy. Please read I Kings 13 for one of the strangest Bible stories ever about two prophets with two different messages.
My point: The venue doesn’t taint the message;
rather, a false message or a false lifestyle taints the pastor. Todd Bentley
tainted himself down in Lakeland Florida. His affair and shenanigans reflected
on him and not on HaShem.
You will be severely tested soon by good and bad
pastors alike. I’m telling you to learn to discern from reading the Bible and
the Torah with time-tested friends, and then put your faith into practice.
We are commanded to listen to all messages and
discern. Sometimes the message is from HaShem and sometimes….
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