
Sunday, December 6, 2020

When AI becomes the Image of Life?

In the beginning, God created our cosmos for six days. He created mankind uniquely in the Image of God. He desired us to be separate from other creatures and relate in a special way with Him, something like a God Consciousness. It was good (tov). Look carefully and notice how He separated the heavens from the earth, the waters from the waters, angels from mankind, and other separations. It was good (tov).

So G-d created humankind in His own tzelem [Greek-Ikon], in the tzelem [Greek-Ikon] Elohim (image of G-d) created He him; zachar (male) and nekevah (female) created He them. Genesis 1:27

It deceives the people living on earth by the miracles it is allowed to perform in the presence of the beast, and it tells them to make an image [Greek-Ikon, Hebrew-Tzelem] honoring the beast that was struck by the sword but came alive again. It was allowed to put breath into the image [Greek-Ikon, Hebrew-Tzelem] of the beast, so that the image [Greek-Ikon, Hebrew-Tzelem] of the beast could even speak; and it was allowed to cause anyone who would not worship the image [Greek-Ikon, Hebrew-Tzelem] of the beast to be put to death. Re. 13:14–15

And Hashem Elohim formed the adam [man] of the aphar [dust] min haadamah [of the earth], and breathed into his nostrils the nishmat chayyim [neshamah-God consciousness of life]; and the adam [man] became a nefesh chayyah [nefesh-animal soul of the living]. Genesis 2:7

Think of the Nephesh, the Animal Soul, as basic programming, like your dog is programmed to love you, eat, poop and bite enemies. But your dog can’t pray to God because he has no Neshamah, or God Consciousness.

The Falls:

First, the angels fell on day two, because it wasn’t described as good (tov). Then, man fell in Gan Eden. Later on, man attempted to unite to defy God under Nimrod in Babel. Mankind was dispersed by God.

Man is uniting like ancient Babel under the cloud of AI Tech. We may disregard God, but that doesn't diminish God. Rather, it causes a final conflict: Armageddon (read: Ezekiel 38–39).

Before the end, the final frontiers are:

Solving what Love is?

Solving what consciousness is?

Solving what energy is (Defining energy isn’t creating and deploying atoms)?

I sell AI Tech in my vocation. It’s amazing how AI Tech is evolving! Right now, our software may be tasked with: opening a Chrome window, credentialing in, writing perfectly to an application, closing the window, and quickly proceeding to the next task after basic programming. 

Present-day AI isn’t life, but it could resemble life in a few years.

Scientists may be able to program life-like existence, like an Animal Soul Nephesh, but they can’t breathe life, called God Consciousness, into a computer or a hybrid creature.

That final frontier will be broken when the Beast, we call him the Antichrist, will breathe life into a hybrid creature. This defiance against God will cause Armageddon, the greatest of all the wars. God help us all.


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