
Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter is supposed to be a repeat of the biblical star. Does this mean we can expect some kind of miracle or coming?


"The conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter is supposed to be a repeat of the biblical star. Does this mean we can expect some kind of miracle or coming?"

I follow the news, ancient and modern prophets (most are highly questionable) and the Bible very closely. The December 2020 Saturn Jupiter Conjunction is amazing to view, but it’s not That Star.

Based on my research, biblical stars could have been planets or stars in the Hebrew and the Greek. Here’s the problem: The ancients knew the difference between planets and stars because they kept detailed records of everything. The Jews, Babylonians and Chinese all have ancient records of the stars, planets and comets. The Bible clearly recorded constellations of stars and planets as being separate entities, listing many by name.

I would argue that the ancients observed and recorded the planets, stars and asteroid’s movements better than today because everyone used the stars for travels and geographic locations. Accurately analyzing the night skies was life or death for them on land or water.

There are a few instances of asteroids hanging in the skies, like a Rhomphaia Judgment Sword (Greek long sword used by a horseman or a charioteer) when God was messaging them.

In the Septuagint (LXX-Greek Old Testament), when King David sinned by taking a census, God offered him three options. King David chose the third option, which was the Rhomphaia of God killing 70,000 of his people. 

David raised his eyes and saw the angel of *Adonai* standing between the earth and the sky, and in his hand was a drawn sword [LXX Gr. Rhomphaia-long sword] stretched out over Yerushalayim. Then David and the leaders, wearing sackcloth, fell on their faces. David said to God, “Wasn’t it I who ordered the census of the people? Yes, I am the one who has sinned and done something very wicked. But these sheep, what have they done? Please! Let your hand be against me and my father’s family, but not against your people, striking them with this plague!” 1 Chronicles 21:16–17 (CJB)

Josephus in his Book “of the War” "Thus it was that the wretched people were deluded at that time by charlatans and pretended messengers of the deity; while they neither heeded nor believed in the manifest portents that foretold the coming desolation, but, as if thunderstruck and bereft of eyes and mind, disregarded the plain warnings of God. So it was when a star [Gr. Astarte], resembling a sword [Gr. Rhomphaia-long sword], stood over the city, and a comet which continued for a year." (War 6.5.4 288-289)

I argue that these incidents, and others, were comets or asteroids. I argue that the Bethlehem Star was a comet or an asteroid. They were rare and horrifying.

The timing of the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn would’ve occurred in 7 BCE, based on data available. That’s too early for the birth. And the conjunction is too insignificant.

The recent conjunction was never frightening in bygone days. They knew when the planets would conjoin with accurate precision.

The only people frightened by the 2017 Revelation Sign during Rosh Hashanah or the recent conjunction were end time’s date setters.

It’s best to ignore date-setters.


Author Colin Nicholl Reveals The Christmas Star Was A Comet In His Book "The Great Christ Comet'. Start at 26 minutes:

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