Revelation’s Seals must open before the Time of Jacob’s
Trouble, the final seven years of Great Tribulation. I believe the first three
Seals are open, and we don’t realize Seal Four is about to impact the world
like we’ve never seen: Causing 1.8 billion deaths.
Opening Seals resemble birth pangs in timing,
intensity, and duration between pangs. Compare worldwide birth pangs to the
increased discomfort felt by expectant mothers. Mothers notice increased agitation,
lower back pain, spurts of energy, an increased desire to clean or prepare the
nest, and their hips feel like their spreading. As a result of worldwide
problems, do you feel these symptoms? Are you suddenly prepping physically or
spiritually as a result?
Directions of Seals: Based on Zechariah 6 directions, One-white
is from the west, Two-red is from the east, Three-black is from the south, and
Four-Green, our present Seal, is from the South. If we’re entering the time of
the Fourth Seal, then one-fourth of the world’s population (1.8 billion) should
die sometime soon. I believe you should notice the wars, famines, diseases and
biological warfare emanating from the southern climes.
When he broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of
the fourth living being say, “Go!” I looked, and there in front of me was a
pallid, sickly-looking [green] horse. Its rider’s name was Death, and Sh’ol
followed behind him. They were given authority [exousia-greater delegated power
to Satan!] to kill [by the Rhomphaia
Supernatural Sword] one-quarter [1.8 billion] of the world by war, by
famine, by plagues and with the wild [Zombie-like people or] animals [read:
Microscopic animals, like viruses] of the earth. Revelation 6:7-8 (CJB)
Sending millions to Rio de Janeiro for the 2016 Olympics
is like suicide.
Zika threatens TWO BILLION people across the world:
New maps reveal where virus is likely to strike - as experts predict millions
of births will occur in these areas, raising the risk of microcephaly
More than two billion people are at risk of Zika
virus, experts warn, as they reveal a new map that indicates those areas at
greatest risk....Meanwhile, a large
portion of tropical and subtropical regions also have highly suitable
environmental conditions, and are on the at-risk list.
In total, these areas are inhabited by more than 2.17
billion people, scientists at the University of Oxford and the Institute for
Health Metrics and Evaluation in Seattle, estimate. Researchers produced a
fine-scale global map of Zika virus transmission, as part of their study. Recent
analysis has revealed the Zika virus was first introduced to Brazil in 2013,
where it circulated undetected until it was eventually reported for the first
time last year. Read more:
cost of India-Pakistan nuclear war: 21 million dead, ozone layer destroyed and
At the beginning [reshith] I announce the end
[achareit-end of days], proclaim in advance things not yet done; and I say that
my plan will hold, I will do everything I please to do. I call a bird of prey
from the east, the man I intended, from a distant country. I have spoken and
will bring it about; I have made a plan, and I will fulfill it. Listen to me,
you stubborn people, so far from righteousness: I am bringing my justice
nearer, it is not far away; my salvation will not be delayed, I will place my
salvation in Tziyon for Isra’el my glory. Isaiah 46:10-13 (CJB)
If India and Pakistan fought a war detonating 100
nuclear warheads (around half of their combined arsenal), each equivalent to a
15-kiloton Hiroshima bomb, more than 21 million people will be directly killed,
about half the world's protective ozone layer would be destroyed, and a
"nuclear winter” would cripple the monsoons and agriculture worldwide. Abheet Singh Sethi
Will world events change to resemble the carnage of
Revelation’s Fourth Seal in the next few months? I don’t know. The 1.8 billion deaths will come from a combination of war, disease, famine, and man-made viruses. The stage seems
to be set, and something is holding events back.
Shalom and Happy Passover!