The word of ADONAI came to me: "Human being,
turn your face toward Gog (of the land of Magog), chief prince of Meshekh and
Tuval; and prophesy against him. Say that Adonai ELOHIM says, 'I am against
you, Gog, chief prince [Rosh] of Meshekh and Tuval. I will turn you around, put
hooks in your jaws and bring you out with all your army, horses and horsemen,
all completely equipped, a great horde with breastplates and shields, all
wielding swords. "Adonai ELOHIM says: 'When that day comes, thoughts will
well up in your mind, and you will devise a sinister scheme. You will say,
"I am going to invade this land [Israel] of unwalled villages; I will take
by surprise these people who are at peace, living securely, all in places
without walls, bars or gates. Ezekiel 38:1-4, 10-11 (CJB)
Here’s how silly these theologians are; when you
celebrate Rosh Hashanah Wednesday evening September 24, 2014, nobody will be intending
their greeting to be: “Happy Russia (Rosh) New Year (Hashanah)!” Is it a wonder why no self-respecting rabbi will concur with their "Rosh is Russia Theory?" Depending upon context, rosh is a head, chief, or leader. Sorry.
I believe that Gog is a Turkish leader from the
region of Turkey. Why? Because Meshek and Tubal were found in Turkey long ago. Although
Russia could be Magog someday, I sincerely doubt it.
Today, Russia is a hungry bear due to lack of
European produce that once was shipped to them. Europe is adding to Russian
sanctions, thereby driving them to buy produce from Israel, another victim of
European sanctions. This is a marriage made in heaven. Could hunger be the
final reason why Russia would invade Israel? Again, I doubt it. Russia can
afford food because they have better cash reserves than any other country, due
to an abundance of oil and gas. There is no way that Europe could invoke such
drastic sanctions without tacit USA approvals. Thus, we’re complicit and stupid
too. We have unmanageable federal debt and ISIS on the prowl and we’re pushing
Europe to sanction Russia and Israel. That’s stupid!
Israel To Sell Russia Produce No Matter How Many
Sanctions The West Levies Against It, Israel’s Ag Minister Says – See more at: http://failedmessiah.typepad.com/failed_messiahcom/2014/09/israel-to-sell-russia-produce-no-matter-how-many-sanctions-the-west-levies-against-it-israels-ag-min-123.html
“"…I believe our products will continue to flow
into Russia. It will be easier to deal with us, it will be cheaper and more
stable, and with no political price tag for what you do and what you
“First of all I don’t feel [pressure] and I don’t
see it. Take into account that lately the Europeans have been putting some
boycotts on our products. So [is that] how it goes? They put a boycott on us
and we will not help somebody else? They can’t. They can’t on the one hand stop
[Israeli] sales to Europe, and on the other [ask us to] stop sales to Russia.
That doesn’t work together. They have to decide,” Shamir reportedly said.
My final opinion: The greatest fear that Americans
have shouldn’t be hungry Russian Bears or Chinese Dragons, for our debt is “Hockey-sticking,”
and ISIS will attack us sooner or later. Let’s fix our own problems before we
sanction others that have their fiscal and military houses in order.
What about our draught problem out west? Is anybody concerned?
What about our draught problem out west? Is anybody concerned?
Dramatic Photos of California's
Historic Drought – See more at:
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