
Tuesday, July 13, 2021

"What did the walls of Jerusalem look like before Suleiman rebuilt them?"

"What did the walls of Jerusalem look like before Suleiman rebuilt them?" 

I’d like you to consider the location, significance and the timing of Suleiman the Magnificent’s efforts to rebuilt Jerusalem’s walls.

Location: According to Dr. James Fleming, he was walking near the Eastern Gate in 1969.

“[he]…was inspecting the gate when it happened to start raining. The ground gave way and he found himself in a pit of bones beneath the gate. He saw the top of another gate beneath the surface. He photographed his discovery, but when he returned the next day, the Arab custodians of the cemetery had sealed it with a cement slab.”

Jerusalem's Golden Gate: A Door of Promise for the Future | United with Israel

This means Suleiman the Magnificent built the new gate over the old gate. This proves where the Temples were located.

Significance: Suleiman the Magnificent was winning battles up near Vienna in 1536–1537 and had no interest in returning to the Middle East. Then, lions chased him in his dreams for a long period of time. A friend told him to ask the lions what they wanted. He was told to send men and money to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and other Muslim cities.

Timing: If you believe in the pattern of Daniel 9:24–27 of seventy times seven, which is four hundred and ninety years, then observe this pattern.

70 CE (fall of Jerusalem) plus four hundred and ninety years brings us to Justinian 1, the Last Roman in 560–565 CE as his Byzantine Nation is faltering and he is dying.

560 CE plus four hundred and ninety years brings us to 1050–1053 CE when the Eastern Orthodox Church split from the Roman Catholic Church.

1050 CE plus four hundred and ninety years brings us to 1540 CE when Suleiman’s troops worked under a Pesach-Sukkot-Pesach-Sukkot Lunar Tetrad Eclipse Pattern sealing the gate so that only the Messiah could enter:

Then he brought me back by way of the outer gate of the sanctuary, the one facing east; and it was shut. ADONAI said to me, "This gate will remain shut; it will not be opened, and no one will go through it; because ADONAI, the God of Isra'el, has gone through it. Therefore, it is to be kept shut. Only the prince, since he is a prince, is to sit there to eat his meal before ADONAI; he is to enter through the vestibule of the gate and leave the same way." Ezekiel 44:1–3 (CJB)

1540 CE plus four hundred and ninety years brings us to 2030 CE. 2023 CE is seven years before 2030 CE. 


  1. I made a comment on your December 25th 2020 article titled:
    What is the strangest archaeological object ever found?

    Of interest is your mentioning of Rebecca Sterling..

    I'm copy pasting the same comment below, incase you didn't get notified...
    Thank you...

    Trust you are well..
    I was really intrigued by Rebecca's visions and videos, watched all of them and also corresponded with her for sometime. I really admire her for the dedication she put into all this... I still refer to them on occasion, since I believe the greater plotline still holds. That's what I was doing today and thought to check if anything else has been added since then, and ended up here. I'm glad you managed to interview her last year and also in 2015. Could you kindly please provide the links to the interviews... I'll be grateful.. Thank you.. P

  2. Hi Patrick, I've interviewed Rebecca twice since 2016. She's a very private person with some health issues. She's been willing to discuss what's on her videos, but not much else. She has confirmed ALL of the end time's players she saw back in 1999 are present today and ready for their tasks. Her visions have been accurate, but her opinions have been wrong. Be blessed!

    1. Thanks for your reply Joel.
      Yes, last I communicated with her she addressed her health issues....Prayers to her..!
      Hope you could share your feelings and interpretation of her visions and your view of her opinions in a blog or any other mode......
      Once again, thanks for taking the time to respond...
