Rabbi Benny Hershcovich discovered a purely red heifer on a farm in Baja, Mexico. (Facebook, Benny Hershcovich)
Nothing happened on January 15, 2017, so everything is awesome? Please
note what was done in secret is rarely exposed until God exposes it. The real
date of some event was December 23, 2016, just prior to Chanukah 5777 and
Christmas. And, they convened again in Paris on January 17, 2017 too.
Did the world dodge the bullet? No. Did the New World Order blink? No.
Will there be peace and Safety in our lifetime? No. The Seven Seals, the Birth
Pangs, will progress regardless. We’re expecting the Fourth Seal sometime soon,
which is part of the Birth Pangs, but there are more signs coming, like Red
Heifers. “It’s part of who we are and represents an important part of our future. Seeing it shows that our hope can be realized,” Rabbi Hershcovich said. “We always wonder if something we read in the news is the thing that will bring Moshiach. Seeing this red heifer in front of my eyes shows that it can indeed happen at any moment, in any location.” (Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz)
In a moment, events will turn ugly. Anti-God forces will riot and create
chaos worldwide. Markets will crash and armies will amass ready to fight
against God. Will you recognize the signs, the Birth Pangs?
(From Faithful Walk Healing Ministries) "This current administration
campaigned on a platform of unifying the nation, but by striking at the state,
they intend to turn us against one another."
Remember, TIME magazine titled Donald Trump as the president of the
"Divided States of America". And so far, the train is on schedule as
planned. I believe Obama will help lead a revolt against the current
administration, and it will be laced with phrases like "freedom,
tolerance, anti-racism, love, and unity". It is the platform for the rise
of the Beast.
A war is coming. Do you remember what the Lord told Dumitru Duduman? He
said that there will be a civil war within the nation, and that while the
government is unsuccessfully trying to regain order, Russia will come in and
invade us.
We really, truly need to get our heads out of the sand, and come down off
of this fake euphoria of peace and safety. We need to stop coming against one
another, and trying to prove one another wrong, and we need to bind together
and begin to repent and cry out to the Lord. Judgment is here...Judgment is
here! And the ONLY way we're going to make it through, so that revival will
come, is that we open our eyes and ears to what the Spirit of the Lord is
saying in this hour.
Three Things...1. This will be an usually hot year. It will get warm fast, and last longer than normal.
2. We will see "wicked" storms (i.e. tornados, severe
thunderstorms, lighting storms, wind gusts, flash flooding etc.) come across
various places. I saw entire neighborhoods leveled by tornados.
3. A war is coming against the Christians. Persecution will rise within
our walls. There will be blood on the streets. Stay sober. Keep your armor on;
for we wrestle NOT against flesh and blood.
At the tail end of the month of June, I shared a vivid dream I had
regarding Obama with the sentence "Chaos is coming" written on his
forehead. In the dream, I talk about a man named "Kevin" that Obama
was addressing when he said, "I'm gonna give them what they deserve!"
I also noted that Donald Trump was in the meeting with them.
Tonight, I just learned that Obama
has appointed a post-president spokesman by the name of Kevin Lewis. (Mena Lee
“…that the greatest persecution will be from within the 'Body'—all those
wolves in sheeps' clothing.” (a friend)
But you have no need to have anything written to you, brothers, about the
times and dates when this will happen; because you yourselves well know that
the Day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. When people are
saying, "Everything is so peaceful and secure," then destruction will
suddenly come upon them, the way labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and
there is no way they will escape. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 (CJB)
I’m stating the signs of an increased covenant beginning Daniel’s
seventieth week of years weren’t and won’t be reported to serfs like us.
However, we have the Bible and prophets to help us understand where we are in
the end time’s signs.
During his death year of 1217 (4977) R. Judah ben Samuel (1140-1217, 77
years) prophesied the last Ten Jubilees for the world. “When the Ottomans
(Turks) – who were already a power to be reckoned with on the Bosporus in the
time of Judah Ben Samuel – conquer Jerusalem [1517, 5277] they will rule over
Jerusalem for eight jubilees [1917, 5677]. Afterwards Jerusalem will become
no-man’s land for one jubilee, and then in the ninth jubilee [1967, 5677] it
will once again come back into the possession of the Jewish nation – which
would signify the beginning of the Messianic end time [5777, Aviv 1, 2017-Adar 29, 2018].”
During the forty days preparing for Yom Kippur 1517 (5277) Selim I (Ottoman
Empire) prepared to enter Jerusalem to begin four hundred years of Muslim
control. During the forty days prior to Yom Kippur 1867 (5627), while Mark
Twain surveyed desolation above, Sir Charles Warren discovered the shaft
connecting the Gihon Spring water source to the Temple Mount. On August 29, 1897 (Elul 1 5657) the First
Zionist Congress convened by Theodor Herzl to promote creating and returning to
the land of Israel. On Passover 1917 (5677), the United States declared war on
the Central Powers, including the Ottoman Empire quickly ending the Caliphate,
and their control over Israel. Within months, the signs of this Jubilee Year
miracle would manifest in the Balfour Agreement (1917) and Allenby peacefully
walking into Jerusalem (1917). (Do you see a pattern? Do you see any sevens?)
Seventy is important to God. Seventy represents the Jacob’s children and
nations in Genesis. Seventy represents Elders/Judges and judgment of the
Sanhedrin in Exodus. In Jeremiah seventy represents the years of Shemitahs
Israel didn’t keep. In the end times, Mark Biltz states “Gog and Magog” will attack Israel (add up
the Hebrew letters and its seventy-nations, and possibly President Obama).
Evangelist Sadhu Sundar Salvaraj states we shouldn’t calculate Israel’s
rebirth with May 14, 1948, rather we should begin counting at either September
3, 1947 (18 Elul 5707-favorable UN Committee report) or November 29, 1947 (16
Kislev 5708), when the UN decree went out to create the nation state of Israel.
We are celebrating the seventieth anniversary of this momentous decree this
Prophecy For Israel & USA: America Will Be Divided Into Two Like Israel •
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj
(Listen closely for burning asteroids. These are the Sixth Seal and First
Trumpet. Also, listen for new diseases. The Greek word “Therion” in Revelation
6:8 references microscopic beasts, and possibly animal/zombie attacks. Although
he won’t state it, he’s describing that we’re moving into the Fourth Seal. I’m
not endorsing Sadhu, but I’m curious.)
Fast-from Sadhu Sundar Salvaraj [my
comments in brackets]: On Rosh Hashanah eve [5777-begins the ten-day countdown
to Yom Kippur, when judgment is determined and meted out], October 1, 2016, I saw
a vision: I saw the heavens opened before me. In a certain part
of heaven, I saw many horses as
if they were tied. As I kept on
looking and wondering what this might
signify, the Word of the Lord came unto
me: “These horses will be released [the Messiah returns amidst many
horses] on Rosh Hashanah to them
for whom it is appointed.” I
then pondered in my heart, “Why a horse?
What does it signify?” Then the Lord God began to say, “You need to run fast, really fast.” That does not mean we sign up
to run in any track events for
the Olympic Games. To run fast
means we need to do the works of God
quickly. The Lord further said:
“Finish up any unaccomplished
works.” Which means whatever God
has asked you to do in this year—2016
or in the previous years which you
have not done so far, it must be done quickly—fast
without delay. So let’s put away every
manner of giving excuses to God, and be
diligent and steadfast to do the works of God.
At the
writing of this message, I see, in a vision, the Lord Jesus standing before me
with a long drawn sword [Revelation 6:3-4 cites a short Mach-ahee-rah sword,
and this a long Supernatural
Rhompahia Sword in vv.7-8] in His hand. The vision signifies: O “The Lord’s
patience is waxing thin against compromisers and procrastinators.” I hear the Lord
Jesus, “My Spirit will not strive with them forever.” He is stretching out His
sword straight at you and says, “My Spirit will not strive with man
forever. My Spirit will not strive with their churches forever. My Spirit will
not strive with their compromisers forever. My Spirit will not compromise; will
not put up with the procrastinators anymore. Let them put their house in order for
time will delay no longer.” The house of the Lord must be built according to
His plans and His visions. His patience is waxing thin. Let’s not despise the
days of grace.
The Lord
God is also going to release the Spirit of Elijah all over the world. Malachi
4:5 says: “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the
great and dreadful day of the Lord.” The Spirit of Elijah is going to be
released all over the world. All over the world, people are going to say that
they saw Elijah in a vision, and they had a visitation from Elijah, and he
brought scrolls to give them.’ The Bible says very clearly that Elijah will
come to prepare the way of the Lord.
Judah ben Samuel – “The prophet Elijah, who will precede the Messiah, appeared
to me and revealed many things to me and emphasized that the precondition for
answered prayer is that it is fueled by enthusiasm and joy for the greatness
and holiness of God.”]
Sword: October 3,
2016, being the first day of Rosh Hashanah, I spend the morning hours
waiting on God. The Lord visited me and laid a long sword on my
bed. It was a very glorious looking sword. It was very intriguing in design.
The Lord then spoke to me five things concerning the Sword. It
will cut and heal. It will go in the midst of the nations and cause destruction.
It will plead before the sinners (cp. Isa 66:16). It will war
against Satan and His wiles. The Bible says very clearly that we should
be ignorant of the devil’s wiles (2 Cor 2:11). The Lord’s Word is
a sharp sword (Heb 4:12) that has been sharpened seven times (Ps 12:6).
When a person
meditates the Word of God, the Word of God as a sword will enter deep inside
you. And it will do three things: it will cut your flesh; refine your soul and
purify your spirit. There is another very interesting thing about this Jewish
New Year. The English calendar is the year 2016. But for the Jews, it is the
year 5777. It signifies the Year of the Shining Sword. The Year of the
Shining Sword signifies five things: God will make His people a weapon. You
will become a sword in the hand of the Lord. The Bible says that the children
are like arrows in a man’s hand (Ps 127:4-5). The Scripture uses the metaphor
of an arrow for children. An arrow is an instrument of weapon. In the same way,
God says that His people will be a sword in His hand. The sword will expose
everything hidden in our hearts (Heb 4:12). The sword will expose everything that
is hidden deep in our hearts so that we can become a living and worthy sacrifice
unto God.
The Spirit
of Elijah will be released to bring division in the church. The Lord Jesus
Himself said that He did not come to bring peace but to bring a division (Lk
12:51). In the same manner, the Spirit of Elijah will come to bring division in
the church. What kind of division? The division to separate the sheep from the goats,
to separate the weeds from the tares, and to sift the wise virgins from the
foolish virgins, and to sift the true believers who have made themselves ready
as the bride from the apostate believers.
The Spirit
of Elijah will come upon the last days’ prophetic company so that they will
rebuke the wickedness in the church today. They will call the church to
accountability. The prophet Elijah, during his days, rebuked King Ahab and
Israel for their wickedness to worship idols (1 Kg 18). The prophet John the
Baptist rebuked King Herod and his wife Herodias for their adulterous and
wicked lifestyle (Matt 14:3-4).
The Spirit
of Elijah will come upon the last days’ prophetic company to make them bold
against fear. After the prophet Elijah had killed 850 false prophets, King Ahab
reported this to his dear wife, Jezebel. Jezebel was so mad because she was
trying to make Israel a haven for demons. That is why she appointed 850 false
prophets to set up altars for demon worship all over the country. And the
prophet Elijah had slaughtered every one of them and destroyed all the high
places and altars. She was extremely mad and issued a challenge, “So let the
gods do to me, and more also, if I do not make your life as the life of one of
them by tomorrow about this time” (1 Kg 19:3).
As soon as
the prophet Elijah heard this threat, this great and bold man of faith and
power, became fearful and ran away for his dear life. He failed. He failed
because instead of being bold he allowed fear and intimidation to dominate him.
So where he failed, the Spirit of Elijah will now come upon the last days’ prophetic
company to make them bold against fear. Where the previous generation failed,
where our forefathers failed, where the biblical heroes of faith failed, the
last days’ prophetic company will overcome and be a triumph.
When this
message was shared, I saw a mighty sword appear before me. It is as tall as
about 5 ½ feet; the blade is very thick at the top, and it gets narrower at the
base [Rhomphaia]. The Spirit of the Lord said to me, “Look at the sword; the
blade is very thick. The handle is thick and round and golden, and is very
weighty.” That’s how this last days’ prophetic generation will become. They
will be upright before God; they will be strong and bold inside them, and God
will use them as a sword.
Wherever you
have failed in the past, you should not remain discouraged. Don’t let the devil
lie to you that God has forsaken you. Don’t let the devil lie to you saying
that God has removed your calling, and your gifts, because the Bible says that
the gifts and callings of God are without repentance (Rom 11:29).
In Heaven: On
October 4, 2016, being the second day of Rosh Hashanah, as I was waiting
on God my spirit was caught up into the heavenly realm before the
Council of Elders. I saw many ancient prophets from biblical days
seated around the table. When I came, they asked me to sit with them as
a witness to hear their discussion (cp. 2 Chr 18:18; Amos 3:7).
I heard them discussing the things that are shortly coming to pass.
World Religion: The
Pope will join hands with a political world leader to establish a One
World Religion. People from all over the world will be required to
worship his One World Religion of peace. This new religion will remove
all the barriers of race, caste, and creed. As a result, it will be accepted
by all the world’s political leaders as it will promote and guarantee
peace. When this is enforced a large percentage of Christians
will embrace it (cp. 2 Thes 2:1-3).
The One
World Leader will come to establish a One World Religion. The Bible calls the
One World Political Leader the man of sin (2 Thes 2:3-4). Though a large
percentage of the church believers will fall away, yet the true remnant church
of God will remain strong, steadfast and faithful. Like a ship that is on rough
sea waves, it will sail safely through the shaking. Even though the
waves—demonic waves taller than the sails of the ship will come to crash on it,
but the ship will remain steady. How is that possible? Because the Hand of the
Spirit of the Lord will hold it strong. Many will die trying to keep the boat
afloat. Those who die—martyrs, angels will come to bear them up safely
to the Father’s presence. A huge company of martyrs will rise in the last days
(cp. Rev 6:11).
World Government: The
One World Government will arise under the leadership of this political
leader. Most of us have been hearing this for many years. Now the
time has come closer. This political leader will have a defiant spirit
like Nimrod. Who is this Nimrod? The Bible calls him a mighty
hunter before the Lord (Gen 10:8-10). Some original Hebrew
translation says: he was a mighty defiant--rebellious against
dared to defy God just like how his father—Satan had done. He tried in the past
to unify the people to build a huge tower—a One World Empire (Gen 11:3-4). He
wanted to be the One World Leader. But he failed. Where he failed the last
days’ One World political leader will succeed.
In those
days, the Bible says that everybody spoke one language (Gen 11:1). It was then easy
to communicate with one another and command work to be done. God came down from
heaven to thwart their effort by confusing their language (Gen 11:7) so that no
one understood each other. And the tower called, Tower of Babel, was not
The Word
of the Lord came to me: “Where Nimrod failed in the past, the next Antichrist with
the spirit of Nimrod will succeed in this last days.” But how is he going to
succeed when there are thousands of languages in the world. Though there are
many languages the world over, there will come a unifying code of
communication that will unite the whole world as one. How is that possible?
It is through telepathic communication through the microchip that will
be inserted in every person (Rev 13:16).
Today, everyone
has a mobile phone. Even school going children carry mobile phones in their hands.
It has become a very common tool in everybody’s hand today. But a mobile phone
is useless without a SIM card. The SIM card with a microchip in it is connected
to the phone company. When the SIM card is inserted into a mobile phone, it is
activated for use and is connected to the phone company. From then onwards you
can send and receive messages, texts, voice and video messages. It’s all
because of this chip in the SIM card.
when the chip is inserted inside you, all you need to do is think of a message
or speak the message. Then the message will be wirelessly transmitted to the
person to whom it is intended. The message will appear to the person right
before their eyes as a text message or as an audio message, or they will see it
in living colors as a video message. You may think right now, “O, this is great
imagination!” It is not imagination but a reality to come.
Several decades
ago there was a science fiction drama series called Star Trek. It’s about
a group of space travelers who travel throughout the star systems in a huge spaceship
called the USS Enterprise. Every person working in the spaceship wears a
badge-like communication device affixed to their top-left chest. When they want
to talk to each other, they just tap on that badge and speak. As soon as they
touch and speak, theycan speak directly to the intended person.
A few
decades ago, such a communication device was imagination. But this will become a
reality in the last days. Technology, today, is changing rapidly. A few years
ago we had an ordinary SIM card. Then there was a 2G SIM card. After a while it
became 3G. Now, 4G is standard. Mobile phone companies are now planning to
introduce a 5G SIM card very soon.
When we
first had Internet installed in our ministry in 1998, the Internet company besides
fixing a phone line also gives a device called modem. You need to connect
your computer to the modem. And a telephone line is connected to the modem.
Whenever you want to use the Internet, your computer will connect to the modem
and the modem makes weird noises while dialing to connect to the World Wide
Web. After that came broadband, and the speed to connect to the Internet
increased. A little later came fiber net, and speed increased
drastically. Now, we have wireless—Wi-Fi. With that, you can connect to the
Internet virtually anywhere using your laptop or mobile devices. Wireless technology
has now become a very common and necessary part of our life.
technology of the world is now ready for the Antichrist to use. In the next two
years, technology will increase rapidly that this will become a reality. People
all over the world will embrace this technology as something wonderful and
marvelous. Just before baby Jesus was born, Rome introduced a law for the
census to be taken in the Roman Empire. Everybody went back to their home cities
to register their names and their births (Lk 2:1-3). When the census was taken
perhaps they were all given an identity card; we don’t know. But, as it was in
the first century so will it be in the last days.
census will be conducted all over the world. A unified code of a universal
number will be assigned to everyone. It will replace your identity card,
social security number, passport, driving license, phone number, debit
card, credit card, ATM card and passwords. This one number that
will be given to you will replace everything else. Each person will be assigned
a unique code. How will this unique code be formed? Each person’s retina and fingerprints
will be scanned.
The data from
the retina and fingerprints will be combined to form a unique code of computer
generated numbers that is person specific and which cannot be hacked or duplicated.
It cannot be hacked or duplicated by scammers because that number will be
embedded in a chip and put in a person’s body: forehead or right hand.
Today we carry
so many cards and we also have a passport for traveling purpose. Only once in
my life, I have forgotten to bring by passport for travel. When I went to the
airport to check-in, only then I realized that I don’t have my passport with
me. So I had to forego my flight that day and catch the next flight. But when
this chip comes all such worries will be gone; no need to worry about Passbook,
ATM card, passport, or driving license. All this sounds very exciting and a
matter of convenience. This is how deception will come.
We will be
deceived into thinking this is something of great technological convenience.
Presently, in India, the government has demonetized two old currencies. In the
midst of chaos and troubles and government ministers including the Prime Minister
is advising the people to go cashless. They are urging the people to use
mobile and Internet banking for convenience. Cashless society!
Over in
Israel, the Israeli government has announced that it is mandatory for all
Israelis to be biometrically scanned: eyes, and fingerprints. The data will be
embedded in a chip, and for now, will be implanted in their new national ID
cards. A few other nations in the world already has that now. Most credit and
debit cards already have a microchip embedded in them.
Wow! The
forerunner to the mark of the beast is already here! (Rev 13:16-18).
These are the
last days. Please do not be blind any longer. Don’t be stubborn in your old
thinking and beliefs. Don’t be fooled into thinking that you’ll be caught up in
the rapture before the Mark of the Beast comes. It’s already here. Only one
thing can save us: hiding in the Lord, praying earnestly that you will
escape the wrath to come, putting your house in order, putting away
everything that defiles away from you, and putting your life right
before God.
Israel will be the
nation that will kill the Two Witnesses who are going to come (Rev 11:7-
8). As they have always done in the past by killing the prophets
during biblical days, they will do it again in the last days (Matt
23:31). Why would they want to do that? Because they will align
themselves together with their new messiah—the Antichrist. The
Antichrist is that new political world leader who is going to come. Why
would the Jewish people consider him to be their messiah? It is because
he will forge peace between the Israelis and the Arabs and the rest
of the world (Dan 9:27).
every Arab nation, except Jordan and Egypt, wants to destroy Israel. Especially
Iran, which wants to wipe Israel off the face of the world totally. But on the
other hand, Israel has been trying to make peace with the Arab leaders for the
last 68 years. All their efforts have been futile till now. Even many Western,
African and Asian nations are also becoming hostile towards Israel. But the New
World Leader will come to bring Israel, Arab nations and the rest of the world
together and make peace between them. The Arabs will once again hug Israel and
accept her as their long lost brother.
When this
happens, the whole of Israel will accept and embrace this world political leader
as their Messiah. If today you visit Israel, you will find concrete wall-like
barrier separating Palestinian land from Israel. In the coming days, these
wall-like barriers will come crumbling down as how the Berlin walls came down.
maintain the new found peace and stability in Israel, it will be the
secular-minded Jews who will order the killing of the Two Witnesses. Because
during the 3 ½ years ministry of the Two Witnesses, many Jews will turn back to
the living true God—the Lord Jesus Christ, their true Messiah. And also the
people of the many nations of the world will also turn back to the living God.
That which Jezebel failed to carry out in her—beheading of the prophet Elijah
(1 Kg 19:1-2), the spirit of Ashtoreth and Jezebel combined, will accomplish in
the last days by killing the two end times’ witnesses.
New things are
going to take place in the Church worldwide. New revelations will be given
to moving in the Spirit and to walk with God like how Adam walked before
he sinned. God made man in His image and in His own likeness and
gave him power and authority over everything in the air, on the land,
and in the sea. This means that Adam practically was like a god
of this world (Ps 82:6; Jn 10:34). The whole of creation obeyed Adam.
Besides the power and authority that Adam had you will also be
given to walk with God by seeing and talking with Him face to face.
When the
early first-century church was born, many new revelations were given to her. If
you read the epistles of the apostle Paul, many new dispensations, revelations,
and mysteries were given to him. They were given to him to give birth to the
new understandings and revelations will be given in this last days to perfect
the church. The church will begin to walk in a new high level of purity and
holiness like never before. This will be the adornment for the Bride of Christ
to wear (Rev 19:8). The clean and white garment signifies purity and holiness.
The end
time prophetic church will move towards a new and high level of holiness, and purity.
The children and youths and the whole church will begin to run like
cheetahs, fly like eagles and roar like lions. So, put on your
running shoes and get ready to run fast.
The Art of
Waiting on God: Soaring above the thermals while out hunting for food, an eagle
will soar even higher at the scent of approaching storm. In this place of
safety, the eagle patiently waits, basking in the relative calm until the fury
below him passes on. The perception and knowledge of the eagle, who lives in
habitats usually marked by inclement weather, should accompany every believer
in Christ who wants to ride out the tempests of life triumphantly.
comes such sacred wisdom, however?
From the
place of greatest safety no less—under the shadow of the Almighty, a sanctum entered
by the process of waiting on God. Thankfully, waiting on God isn’t quite like
playing the maî.tre d’ of a bustling restaurant. Even in our mad-rush world, everyone
who truly desires can wait on God. And the rewards are priceless. Open these
pages. Let the life and counsel of a Seer-Prophet who waits on God many hours
each day—and who has soared like an eagle into the realms of the heavenlies—deposit
nuggets of wisdom into your heart.
Do you
wish to see visions of God and enter into the heavenly realm? The Spirit realm
becomes so real and lucid as you allow the rich and deep revelatory, yet simple-to-understand,
teachings found in this rare and one-of-a-kind book to permeate your spirit and
Sundar Salvaraj Jesus Ministries | Angel TV Villivakkam, Chennai, India
Prophecy For Israel & USA: America Will Be Divided Into Two Like Israel •
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj
CONWAY: This is a call to those who claim His Name for revival for repentance
and to pray The enemy hasn’t given up rather they are gearing up to escalate
the fray. A CALL