(Powerful! Watch from 15:30 first) Terrorism and the New World Order, Islam in Bible – See more at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftP4yOC7d9g
I’ve been adamant since the first Blood Moon Eclipse on April 15, 2014 and the sighting of a Rhomphaia Judgement Sword over Washington DC on April 17, 2014 that the Fourth Seal War (1.8 million deaths) was the next benchmark on the horizon. If Obama, as Gog of the end times, is fomenting war via Turkey to cover-up a $19-$67 trillion write off by the USA, then what? I have evidence, but first I’d like to show you a new Netanyahu Prophecy by Jonathan Cahn.
[Watch from 40: to 44:] Rabbi Jonathan Cahn - WHAT ON
EARTH is going on – See more at:
If this prophecy is true, then we’re entering the age
of great miracles, the resumption of offerings, and the soon-return of Jesus. When
the sacrifices restart it means we’re months into Jacob’s Trouble (seven years).
That means all of the Seven Seals (Birth Pangs) would need to open first. Please
note that Ezra started the sacrifices before the Temple was rebuilt. Below,
I’ll show you what must occur first.
Back in 2010, I wrote that we would begin sacrifices
in Jerusalem on Nisan 10, 5776, (April 18, 2016), only four days before
Passover. I've always wondered if this date, based on the Daniel Time line,
could be accurate. For this to be true, we would need to be in a false sense of
safety right now. Could we be in the Great Tribulation without knowing it? First we need to solve a riddle.
Imperative Offering Conundrum: First, you need a tahor
(ritually clean) man to slaughter and burn the Red Heifer. Please note that all
sacrificial implements, furnishings, or Priests must be cleansed by a rare mixture
of a tahor Red Heifer's ashes and water, before any sacrifices may occur. A red
heifer’s (parah adumah), ash is the only way to sanctify the ritual
purification process, essential to performing the service in the Beis
Hamikdash; however, those ashes are what makes a man tahor. By slaughtering
and/or burning the red heifer, a man becomes tamei (unclean). The men doing
God’s work in Number 19 are especially vague on purpose. This is a conundrum.
A ritually clean person shall gather the cow's ashes
and place them outside the camp in a clean place, and It shall be as a keepsake
for the congregation of the children of Israel for sprinkling water, [used] for
cleansing. Numbers 19:9 (Chumash)
2014 Red Heifer Report, and a link to why Jesus didn't
end the sacrificial system - See more at:
2015 Red Heifer Report:
In October 2015 I met with Chaim Richman of the Temple
Mount Institute, and he assured me that everything related to resumption of the
offerings was ready to go. What did he mean?
My opinions: Eliyahu and the other witness must arrive
before the resumption of sacrifices. They are tahor (ritually clean), and
according to a Revelation 11 reference, they arrive BEFORE the Time of Jacob’s
Trouble. I believe Chaim Richman knows this mystery.
But after the three-and-a-half days a breath of life
from God entered them, they stood up on their feet, and great fear fell on
those who saw them. Then the two [witnesses] heard a loud voice from heaven
saying to them, “Come up here!” And they went up into heaven in a cloud, while their
enemies watched them. In that hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of
the city collapsed. Seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and
the rest were awestruck and gave glory to the God of heaven. The second woe [Fifth
Trumpet-prior to mid-point] has passed; see, the third woe is coming quickly.
Revelation 11:11-14 (CJB)
The first woe [Fifth Trumpet] has passed, but there
are still two woes [Sixth & Seventh Trumpets, then the mid-point] to come. The
sixth angel sounded his shofar, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the
gold altar before God, saying to the sixth angel, the one with the shofar,
“Release the four angels that are bound at the great river Euphrates!” Revelation 9:12-14 (CJB)
My evidence: Imminent Fourth Seal War
provoked by Gog (Obama):
Rabbi Rami Levy & 15 year Old Natan English
Subtitles - Testimony About The End of Days Coming Soon – See more at:
My opinions: The kid believes Obama is Gog, and we’re
in tribulation right now, but we don’t know it. I like his story.
Turkish Sub Blocks Russian Freighter in Dardanelle
Straits – See more at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiEqb3KM_IE
From SQ: “I work for an organization over 1,000
employees whose clients are banks including some too big to fail. We are
quickly assisting in preparing continuity of business plans in case a natural
or man made catastrophe occurs. What hardware/software etc. we would need and
how quickly to be up and operating onsite or remotely. I find this combination
very concerning given current events. An EMP G_d forbid we'll be back to pencil
and paper.” – See more at: http://www.stevequayle.com/index.php?s=33&d=1636
URGENT: Popular Forces' Top Commander Warns to Target
US Bases, Turkey's Military Interests in Iraq - "We will target all the
military bases of the US in Iraq," the Arabic-language al-Mosle news
website quoted al-Ameri as saying in reaction to the US interferences in Iraq.
He, meantime, pointed to Turkey's interferences in
Iraq, and said, "The Turkish government should know that we will destroy
all its tanks if it does not withdraw from the city of Mosul." In reaction
to Turkey's unsolicited dispatch of forces to Iraq, a battalion of Iraq's
volunteer forces threatened that they will target the Turkish government's
interests on Iraq's soil.
On Wednesday, several commanders of the Iraqi popular
forces underlined that they will surely confront and fight against the US troops
in case of their deployment in the Muslim country. – See more at: http://en.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13940916000727
My opinions: Why is Turkey fighting in Mosul, Iraq? Turkey
is doing everything to provoke the sleeping bear and others into war. Putin
knows this. Nobody wants to be remembered as the next Hitler. Putin needs
another rogue state to do something stupid, and then he will join the battle as
a hero.
SkyWatchTV News 12/8/15: Magog vs Rosh – See more at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amB5XVDOpso#t=78
Foreign investors flee from Turkey – See more at: https://www.rt.com/business/324962-turkey-outflow-lira-economy/
My opinions: What does Turkey have to lose? When you
back a rat into a corner, it will strike. Why wouldn't Turkey provoke WWIII?
Here is where we are on my possible timeline, and
what's due soon. My rule: All seven seals open before the
final seven years. Evidenced by the Second and the Third Seals, it takes years
to prove in the natural a seal is open.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have colors,
directions (Zechariah 6), and signs:
Seal One: White: West (Europe) - Birth of the
anti-Torah one, this generation’s Antichrist (my guess is 1985-86). The Signs:
Halley’s Comet and the coalescence and heightened publicity of the New World
Order, the Beast System of Revelation and also found in Daniel's dreams.
Seal Two: Red: East (Iraq) – George W. Bush heard an
audible voice—he claims was from God—tell him to invade Iraq, east of Jerusalem
after the 9.11.2001 attacks. Bush attacked Iraq during a two week timeframe
when Saddam Hussein ordered dirty bombs launched at Israel. God Coincidence? The
Signs: W's 2003 War (Greek: Mach-ahee-rah, short sword) won't end until the
Messiah arrives.
Seal Three: Black: North – Ever since Hurricane Sandy
arrived on the first day of Jeroboam's False Sukkot (I Kings 12) on Halloween
2012, farming regions in northern countries have experienced more droughts,
floods, and destructive weather. Go to the store and compare 2008 prices to
today's prices on wheat (for man) and barley (for animals). The wine and the oil
prices haven't affected the wealthy yet because they're rich. The Sign: Wall
Street/World Greed was blanketed by God's storms that were prophesied by one
man and explained by another.
Seal Four: Green (Muslim/Green Eco Propaganda): South
- When John wrote Revelation, he wanted scholars to note the textual variance
of the Rhomphaia (long judgement) Sword in Seal Four, and tell of the
supernatural differences it would bring. The Rhomphaia divides spirit from
soul, revealing your faith during persecution. I've been waiting for increased
persecution, and a hot war to begin south of Jerusalem for the last twelve
months, since a Rhomphaia Sword hung over the night sky of southern
NJ/Washington D.C on April 17, 2014. The Egyptian Crisis of 2012-2013 begat the
Arab Spring. The Sign: Nearly two billion people will die from war, famine,
disease, and theria animals (microscopic beasts).
It seems macabre that 40,000 delegates from 190
countries, including more than 130 heads of state, are marching around Paris
today, less than three weeks after an ISIS terror attack slaughtered 130
innocents. The 40,000 are in Paris not to honor the dead but to discuss
strategies that will defeat the gravest threat ever to planet Earth: climate
change. – See more at: http://personalliberty.com/the-new-world-order-is-being-fueled-by-green-propaganda/
Seal Five: Sign – Ritual Human Sacrifices: What amazes me most is that the Coptic Christians are blessing beastly ISIS with every ritual slaughter they do. Watch for more faithful humans to be bound and shecked (sphezo), like ritual sacrifices on earth, filling Seven Golden Bowls in heaven. When the bowls are full in Heaven, God's wrath will be poured out against the wicked on the earth.
Seal Five: Sign – Ritual Human Sacrifices: What amazes me most is that the Coptic Christians are blessing beastly ISIS with every ritual slaughter they do. Watch for more faithful humans to be bound and shecked (sphezo), like ritual sacrifices on earth, filling Seven Golden Bowls in heaven. When the bowls are full in Heaven, God's wrath will be poured out against the wicked on the earth.
Seal Six: Signs – Fig-like burning asteroids and a
huge earthquake: In the next few months or years, expect the greatest man-made
and natural disasters the world has ever seen, other than Noah's Flood.
Seal Seven: Brief Silence: Sometime after Cheshvan 17, in some year – God will seal 144,000 Jews, pray the Ma’ariv (silence in Heaven),
and begin the Great Tribulation. If not, then look to fall 2016, fall 2017 or
fall 2018. The Two Witnesses arrive before the tribulation to help seal the
144,000 and to restart the sacrifices.
The Seven Trumpets occur about every six months during
the first forty-two months, and the Seven Vials occur the same way during the
latter forty-two months. On this
schedule, the Fourth Trumpet would occur around April to October 2017, and the
Two Witnesses would die sometime in 2018, just prior to the mid-point, like the
time/date stamp proves in Revelation 11. That means the Two Witnesses should
arrive before the Time of Jacob’s Trouble to slaughter and burn the Red Heifer.
First, the sleeping Russian Bear must be provoked into
the Fourth Seal War by the friends of Gog (Obama): Turkey.
Then there was another animal, a second one, like a
[Russian] bear. It raised itself up [because Turkey provoked it] on one side, and it had three ribs [USA, Europe, and China]
in its mouth between its teeth. It was told, ‘Get up, and gorge yourself with
flesh!’ Daniel 7:5 (CJB)
Shalom and Happy Hanukkah!