Per R. Judah ben Samuel, the Jubilee years were, 1217 CE…1517,
1867, 1917, 1967 and 2017 should mark the beginning of the Messianic Age. That doesn’t
mean the Rapture in 2017; but, rather, events leading to Jesus' return should intensify.
“When the
Ottomans (Turks) – who were already a power to be reckoned with on the Bosporus
in the time of Judah Ben Samuel – conquer Jerusalem [1517] they will rule over
Jerusalem for eight jubilees [1917]. Afterwards Jerusalem will become no-man’s
land for one jubilee [1967], and then in the ninth jubilee [2017] it will once
again come back into the possession of the Jewish nation – which would signify
the beginning of the Messianic end time.” Rabbi Judah ben Samuel – See more at:
"And the Lord said unto Michael: 'Go, bind
Semjaza and his associates who have united themselves with women so as to have
defiled themselves with them in all their uncleanness. And when their sons have
slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones,
bind them fast [at the fiftieth Jubilee?] for seventy generations [2017?] in
the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgement and of their
consummation, till the judgement that is for ever and ever is consummated"
Enoch 10:11-13
When you harmonize R. Samuel with Mark Biltz’ Blood
Moon Eclipses Tetrads, and Jonathan Cahn’s Shemitah Theory, and Enoch; the
possibilities bear out: The Jewish Year 5776 beginning 9.13.2015 is the Shemitah Year,
and 10.2.2016 begins the Jubilee Year. This means God is permitted, by His Torah
rules, to judge the world any time after those days. Shemitah Years bring
financial judgements and Jubilee Years bring land judgments. If we are reaching
Enoch’s seventieth generation, then things will get wild in 2017.
According to my theory, the Blood Moon Eclipse Tetrads
ultimately bring your to resumption of sacrifices on the Temple Mount. My best
guess for this to occur is on Mon 18 Apr 2016 (10th of Nisan, 5776). The Temple
Mount is our focal point now, just as Jerusalem in 1967-68, Israel in 1949-50,
and more diaspora in 1493-94; the other Blood Moon Eclipse Tetrad years. We’re
getting closer to Jesus’ return.
Sensitive Site: Clashes at Holy site enter third day
in Israel – See more at:
I have had no significant eschatological information
for months; however, there are other coincidences…
Dust and Heat Wave (Sandstorm) in Israel 9.8.2015 – See
more at:
The largest construction firm in Saudi Arabia is Bin
Laden Construction, owned by Osama Bin Laden’s family. Recently, the Bin Laden
family won a huge bid to repair the Holiest Site to Islam, the Grand Mosque in
Mecca. On 9.08.2015 (Elul 24, 5775) a sand storm was created in Israel (by an act of God?). On 9.11.2015, almost exactly to the hour (9:00ish Eastern Time), and
fourteen years (two Shemitahs) separated from 9.11.2001, a Bin Laden crane was struck
by lightning by the storm from Israel, then pushed by the wind (God’s Spirit?) through a wall, killing
107 people. Was this judgment for Osama Bin Laden killing so many Jews in the
Twin Towers on 9.11.2001? I don’t know, but now you know…the rest of the story.
The hajj WILL go ahead: Religious leaders confirm
Islam's mass pilgrimage to Mecca goes ahead this month despite the crane
disaster killing 107 there yesterday
The tragedy occurred when a crane crashed through the
ceiling of the Grand Mosque of Mecca, the largest mosque in the world, amid
high winds and thunderstorms on Friday afternoon. Saudi BinLaden Group was
founded by Osama's Bin Laden's billionaire father Mohammed and the sprawling
construction conglomerate runs a large amount of major building contracts in
the Sunni kingdom. Read more:
Bin Laden Company Banned From Work In Mecca After
Crane Disaster
After last week's crane collapse that killed at least
107 people at the Grand Mosque in Mecca, the main developer in the city, the
Saudi Binladin Group, is barred from any future projects, according to a
statement from Saudi Arabia's Royal Court….The Saudi Binladin Group has been
operating in Saudi Arabia since its founding in 1931 by Mohammad bin Laden, the
father of Osama bin Laden. – See more at:
Is It Just A Coincidence That Two Amazing Signs Just
Appeared On The 14th Anniversary Of 9/11? – See more at:
My Opinion: On August 25, 2015 (Elul 10, 5775), the DOW ended a precipitous plunge to finish at 15,666 for the day. That day was exactly 30 days before Tishrei 10, 5776, Yom Kippur, the holiest day in Judaism, and anytime after that day judgment could be meted out.
My Opinion: On August 25, 2015 (Elul 10, 5775), the DOW ended a precipitous plunge to finish at 15,666 for the day. That day was exactly 30 days before Tishrei 10, 5776, Yom Kippur, the holiest day in Judaism, and anytime after that day judgment could be meted out.
Stock Market Omen? August 25, 2015, market closes
15,666 - See more at:
Cessationism: John MacArthur: What if John O’Neill was
On August 16 (Elul 1, 5775), 2015, John O’Neill rebuked famous Rev.
John MacArthur for grieving the Holy Spirit over his doctrine of Cessationism. See more at:
O’Neill confronted MacArthur stating: "You have
grieved the Holy Spirit of God. Your doctrine of cessationism is an error. He
has been grieved, John MacArthur. I've been sent here to tell you that. You're
sharpening a sword and they're cutting each other".
As Security escorted him out, he stated: "If you
don't believe in prophets; you're looking at one. God have mercy on your
teaching of truth. Your doctrine of cessationism is an error, John MacArthur.
It's an error. I've been sent to tell you it's an error. For the unbeliever:
repent of your sins! The Kingdom of heaven is close! You don't have much time!
Jesus Christ is coming back soon! God bless you, people of God".
What if John O’Neill was correct?
Michael Brown: Although I do not know the man from
Scotland who disrupted Pastor MacArthur's service, I suspect that what upset
him was not so much the doctrine of cessationism but rather the aggressive and
divisive way in which Pastor MacArthur has taught it, maligning many of God's
choice servants and mocking those who worship the Lord in ways that are
unfamiliar to him.
And so, once more, I appeal to my esteemed colleague,
who has done so much good for the cause of Christ for so many decades and who
has stood like a rock in the midst of spiritual compromise: Dear brother, you
were gentle and gracious after that incident in your church. Would to God that
you would display that same grace in your public differences with those of us
in the charismatic movement—more than a half-billion strong—and would to God
you would display that same grace and agree to sit down privately and discuss
the relevant issues as men of God.
My opinions: I would love to pray in tongues or have
other outward gifts of God’s Spirit, but alas, you can only tell I love Jesus
by my fruit—my life and my writings. Notwithstanding, John MacArthur should
repent for his Cessationist views and opinions. He is cutting the church apart,
and mocking God’s Spirit. I truly believe John O'Neill was sent by God on Elul 1, the first day of a forty day timeframe of repentance, to ask John MacArthur to repent. Based upon Mac's wisecracks, there was no repentance.
John MacArthur OUTRAGE: Take the Mark of Beast, still
be saved. False Teaching – See more at:
John MacArthur – See more at:
Pope Francis Addresses USA Congress on Yom Kippur
5776, September 24, 2015.
Holy See on UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development [Global Governance] – See more at:
Pope News: Ridley Park PA/Philly area prepares for
attacks with lockdown news 9.24.2015?

For the day is coming, burning like a furnace, when
all the proud and evildoers will be stubble; the day that is coming will set
them ablaze,” says Adonai-Tzva’ot “and leave them neither root nor branch. But
to you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its
wings; and you will break out leaping, like calves released from the stall.
Malachi 4:2-4 (CJB)
In this new book, I investigate the Shemitah and the Blood Moon Tetrad from the perspective of scripture and history: _The End Is Not Yet_.