Pope Francis planning to visit Fatima in 2017, local
bishop announces – See more at:
My opinions: 70,000 people saw in Fatima in 1917
were revelations about the end of days. Why? The apparitions were
prophesied by young children to occur during the time of Noontime Demon. The
apparitions glorified Mary, and not Jesus. And, the apparitions were a precursor
of more UFO’s.
I seriously doubt that the Fatima Apparitions are good, and from God.
I seriously doubt that the Fatima Apparitions are good, and from God.
Was the Fatima Miracle a Mass UFO Sighting – See more
at: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread572168/pg1
On 13 October 1917 in the Cova da Iria fields near
Fátima Portugal, an alleged miraculous event was witnessed by 30,000 to 100,000
people. Three shepherd children claimed that a miracle was going to occur on 13
October at high-noon after they saw an apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The
children reported that the Lady had promised them that she would on 13 October
reveal her identity to them and provide a miracle "so that all may
believe". An estimated crowd of 70,000 people in the fields near Fatima
watched the rain stop, the clouds part, and the sun radiate colors, shimmer and
spin, and dance around the sky in a zig-zag pattern for about 10 minutes. At
last, the sun appeared to fall straight toward the crowd, frightening all, but
then the sun returned to its normal place and appearance. When it was all over,
the people were stunned. Witnesses also found that the muddy ground all around
them and their rain-soaked clothes had dried up.
I shall accumulate evils against them, My arrows shall
I rise up against them; bloating of famine, battles of flaming demons, cutting
down by the noontime demons, and with the teeth of beasts I dispatch against
them, Deuteronomy 32:24 (Stone Chumash)
God and angels arrive during our scheduled prayer
times, and at night in godly dreams, with words of comfort and edification.
Whereas, demons attack at noon, in frightening dreams or visions, and
especially at 3:00 AM., when a demon named Lilith supposedly attacks.
Godly and ungodly dreams and visions are similar in
many ways. Dreams from demons or God come at night, and both are bright, like
plasmas. Visions tend to occur during the day, and are bright also, if they are
from either spiritual source. Dull dreams and visions are generally from pizza,
or your imagination. Fools can conjure a demonic vision by stating curses into
the air. The word “Abracadabra” is related to the Hebrew idiom: “I create what
I speak forth.” God doesn’t work that way. If we prayerfully search His word
and His heart, He will answer us in many subtle ways. As we see with the recent
“Charlie, Charlie” phenomenon, conjuring opens portals for demonic messages, and
more. Our fervent prayers should open gates to God, and close portals to
demons, for us and our loved ones.
God’s timing: According to rabbis and the prophet
Daniel, God sends us messages during His prayer times. His favorite times are
during the Morning (Shacharit) and Evening (Minchah) Prayers.
While I was speaking, praying, confessing my own sin
and the sin of my people Isra’el, and pleading before Adonai my God for the
holy mountain of my God — yes, while I was speaking in prayer, the man
Gavri’el, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, swooped down on me in
full flight at about the time of the evening sacrifice, and explained things to
me. He said, “I have come now, Dani’el, to enable you to understand this vision
clearly. Daniel 9:20-22 (CJB)
Years ago, I was demonically attacked by “Sleep
Paralysis,” (plasma) while awake in bed. This event coincided with the genesis
of my former wife’s affair. Oddly enough, my attack was a bright vivid masculine
demon forcing me to have sex as though I were a female. My son experienced frequent
“Shadow Dancing” (plasmas) in his room during that time too. The demons wanted
him to blame me for causing the demonic attacks. They told him: “We live in
the light, we thrive in the dark; be around friends and we won’t come back.” For
now, they accomplished their goal; my son believes he can prevent attacks if he
avoids me to this day. God lovingly unites us, while demons divide, and
frighten us.
After studying my attacks, I created a theory that
demons have the ability to conjure plasmas at humans through knowledge of the Laws
of our Magnetics Universe. I believe the 1917 apparitions, all UFO’s, and many
other apparitions are merely magnetic Plasmas created by demons to frighten and control us.
Researchers prove magnetism can control heat, sound –
See more at: http://phys.org/news/2015-05-magnetism.html?utm_source=menu&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=item-menu
"This adds a new dimension to our understanding
of acoustic waves," said Joseph Heremans, Ph.D., Ohio Eminent Scholar in
Nanotechnology and a professor of mechanical engineering at Ohio State whose
group performed the experiments. "We've shown that we can steer heat
magnetically. With a strong enough magnetic field, we should be able to steer
sound waves, too."
My final opinions: I hope that my blog reports help
you harmonize prophecies from converging Jewish, Christian, and Pagan sources. I
wrote about our current pope in “Danny’s Inferno,” long before Putnam and Horn’s
famous book “Petrus Romanus,” which prophesied Benedict retiring in 2012. I
believed that Pope Francis would go to Fatima for the
arrival of UFO’s and Mary apparitions (AKA: The Queen of Heaven?) between 2013-2017 based upon
conversations with author Patrick Heron.
Harmonizing Jewish prophets: R. Judah ben Samuel
(1150-1217 CE) wrote the most accurate prophecy about “Ten Jubilees,” set to
end in 2017. – See more at: http://joelblackford.blogspot.com/2012/12/prophetic-theory-1-rabbi-judah-ben.html
Mark Biltz and Jonathan Cahn warned us about Blood
Moon Eclipse Tetrads, Shemitah and Jubilee years, and more. If so, Rosh
Hashanah 2015-2016 should be the Shemitah, and the Jubilee year should be
2016-2017. I have learned that Orthodox Jews don’t celebrate the Jubilee year
in diaspora; However, God still notes it. That’s why Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem
are celebrating the Shemitah year a year early, fully knowing about 1917
(Allenby marches into Jerusalem) and 1967 (Jerusalem is conquered). Through
conversations with Torah Code scholars, I know that that a few rabbis know
something is due soon.
Hidden clues: Just as you can’t trust the St. Malachy
Prophesies because the popes rewrote it to suit their needs, the Three Secrets
of Fatima are untrustworthy too. Fr. Malachi Martin - Third Secret Of Fatima –
See more at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxoiRUxP6X0
Fr. Martin: “There will be a reckoning.” (A healthy man, he died soon after this interview.)
Most prophetic sources agree, 2015 will be a wild
year, bringing war and a bond market bust. Whoever pushes Israel to divide
their land for a Palestinian State will receive the brunt of God’s judgment. If
Obama pushes Israel to divide their land, God will judge America, and the
world. Do you remember how David took a census, causing God to send a
harvesting Angel of Death? That sin by David caused him to repent and purchase
the Temple Mount area. It seems logical that Israel will sin with the world,
causing repentance, and bringing about sacrifices on the Temple Mount in 2016-2018.
Watch for Pope Francis to arrive in Israel about the
time of the seven year peace treaty. This could happen during any year. The
pope wants to negotiate the treaty for his benefit, which means Jesuit control of the holiest place on earth, Jerusalem. If we enter the Great
Tribulation this year, the starting date should be around Cheshvan 17, 5777
(Halloween 2015). The sign of the Great Tribulation beginning this year would
be the deaths of 1.8 billion people over the next few months from war, disease,
famines, and biological (animal) warfare. Watch for signs during the real
Sukkot (9.28.2015-10.5.2015) and the False Sukkot 10.28.2015-11.5.2015.
Remember, the Third Seal of Revelation’s sign was Hurricane Sandy, which landed
on Halloween, during the False Sukkot of 2012. Watch and pray.
Ezekiel 38: American Pharoah set to take the Crown
after the ashes of World War 3 (May 25, 2015) – See more at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BsK_qLMm-8#t=2235
The Red Light is Flashing: Rick Wiles on Jim Bakker: http://jimbakkershow.com/video/the-red-light-is-flashing/
1965 Prophecy - End Times (by Stanley Frodisham)- See
more at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXJFieotNcc#t=629
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