
Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Rev. David Wilkerson's 1973 "The Vision" Prophecy Seems To Be Appearing Today


In 1973, Rev. David Wilkerson prophesied about a vision he had seen. It was ominous. It was nearly a Jubilee timeframe ago. 

Are these prophecies occurring in 2022-2023? You be the judge. 

Germany seems to be falling...

1. Worldwide economic recession that will effect the lifestyle of every wage earner in the world. He said, “It’s going to start in Germany, spread to Japan, and finally to the United States. Large and trusted corporations are going to bankrupt. Many churches are going to go into bankruptcy.”

2. Nature having labor pains, supernatural signs that cannot be explained by men, worldwide natural disasters, including major earthquakes in the United States. He saw worldwide famine, especially in China, India and Russia. He saw the world’s food supplies completely dwindled and millions starving.

3. Flood of pornographic filth in America’s media broadcasts and print that will be like it was in the days of Lot, vexing the souls of God’s most devout saints.

4. Rebellion in the homes with children hating their parents. A man’s worst enemies will be those in his own household.

5. Persecution madness against truly spirit-filled Christians who love Jesus Christ.

Economic Crash Coming

There is worldwide economic confusion just ahead. In my vision this is the clearest thing I have seen. Not only is the American Dollar headed for deep trouble, but so are all other world currencies. I see total economic confusion striking Europe first and then affecting Japan, the United States, Canada and all other nations shortly thereafter.

Everyone Will Be Affected

A recession of such magnitude that it will affect the lifestyle of nearly every wage earner in America and around the world.

Owners of Western Currency in Trouble

Countries that now control huge amounts of Western currency are going to be in very deep trouble also without a doubt, there are lean years ahead full of monetary confusion and despair. How soon is not clear, but it is not far away.

New World Monetary System

There will develop a call for revamping all world monetary systems into one uniform system. And even though the dollar will appear to be gaining strength just before the coming major recession, a new crisis will develop that will shake the entire financial world.

Economists Confused

The world‘s greatest economists will be at a loss to explain the confusion and an international crisis of fear will develop.

False Boom

A false economic boom will precede the recession but it will be short lived.

A Few Good Years to Prepare

The next few years will be among the most prosperous in the history of mankind. Sales will continue to break records and people will spend more than ever in modern history.

Uncontrolled Credit Debt

Credit debt will become nearly uncontrollable. I see, very clearly, just a few years of tremendous affluence and continued economic prosperity. Inflation, costs and wages will spiral higher and higher.

Gold Will Not Provide Security

The price of gold is going to rise astronomically but it will not be sustained over a long period of time neither silver nor gold will offer real security. Gold hoarders are going to get hurt badly. This is one of the most significant predictions in this book.

Suicide by Overdose

Economic setbacks and confusion will catch many unprepared for the consequences. Suicide will follow. Some very well-known people in the business world are going to commit suicide through overdoses of narcotics.

Confusion for the Positive Thinking Preachers

Great losses, confusion, and reverses will shatter the thinking processes of many well meaning people who falsely believe that their successes and economic well-being are the result of their own positive thinking. Jesus Christ Himself was an advocate of right thinking. But many good men have become worshippers of the power of the mind.

The United States to Be Blamed

Although economic actions in Europe will trigger the coming recession, the United States will be blamed by most nations for what happens. France will become one of the most vicious anti-American nations in the world. Politicians and businessmen in Europe and Japan will place the blame on Washington and the American bankers.

Recovery From Recession

There may be a full recovery but the world economy will continue in confusion until the time of the Antichrist. There will come a time in the future when men will be obsessed with buying, selling, planting, marrying, and divorcing but it will be a time of false prosperity

Outbreaks of Epidemics

In the aftermath of famine, floods and earthquakes, mankind faces the threat of new epidemics. There will a major cholera epidemic sweeping through various underdeveloped countries. India and Pakistan face the threat of untold thousands dying from epidemic and starvation.


Famine is coming to the world in our generation and millions will die of starvation.

Depletion of Relief Funds

Relief and disaster funds will become nearly depleted. Insurance companies will face huge losses.

Triple-X-Rated Movies on TV After Midnight

Be warned. In the not-too-distant future, the most wicked, X-rated porno movies will be shown on select cable networks after midnight. People will pay to have these erotic movies piped directly into their living rooms. If left unguarded, little children can switch on a knob and be exposed to the vilest kind of sexual perversion. R-rated movies will be showing in prime time on network television. Porno movies on cable television will become so popular and so much in demand that the major networks will try to compete by showing films with as much sex and violence as they can show within legal limits.

Sex Education to Get In on the Act

Students will be told that homosexual love is normal and that sex acts between unmarried is desirable if each has a high regard for the other.

A Homosexual Epidemic

When society no longer rejects their sin as abnormal and fully accepts them and encourages them in their abnormality, and when the church no longer preaches against it as sin and consoles them in their sexual activities there no longer exist any hindering forces. The floodgates are open, and homosexuals are encouraged to continue in their sin. In my vision, I have seen these two roadblocks being swept away. You can expect more than one homosexual scandal in very high places. The homosexual community will become so militant and brazen that they will flaunt their sin on network talk shows very shortly.

A Falling Away

Moral standards among many church people will be shattered. Husband - and wife-swapping will be on the increase, and great numbers of young people will simply live together without getting married. A constant barrage of sex and nudity by all the media will vex the minds and souls of the most devout children of Christ. It will cause the love of many to grow cold. It will lead to carelessness and faithlessness. It will be the major cause of a great falling away. Those who stand against this flood of filth will be few, and they will be looked upon as out of step with an enlightened society and a more relevant church. Easy abortion, the pill, and agrowing sexual permissiveness will contribute to a revolution of immorality.

A Last-Ditch Attempt to Deceive God‘s Chosen

The number one temptation for the last Christian will be prosperity. I see millions of Christians being deceived by prosperity. The last Christian is going to be afflicted by prosperity and tested by it more than through poverty. I see automobiles, clothes, motorcycles, and all kinds of materialism becoming a bigger hindrance to the Christian than drugs, sex, or alcohol. I see thousands of Christians attached to and obsessed by things. 

 An Increase of False Doctrines

Men will prefer false doctrines and new ideas rather than the truth of God‘s Holy Word. They will crowd around teachers who will give new thoughts and revelations. Men and women will turn to the prophecies and teachings of men rather than giving heed to the doctrines of truth. They will give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. “I hate my parents” The number one problem in the future will be hatred of parents. The world is soon going to be shocked by thousands upon thousands of teenagers who confess, “I hate my parents.”

Sex Drug

I believe a new sex drug will be concocted and distributed by the black market to teenagers and students. It will break down moral restraint and lead thousands of teenagers into promiscuous sex activity.

A Spirit of Persecution Is Coming

I see an hour of persecution coming such as mankind has never before witnessed. An antichrist spirit will enter the hearts of certain men in high places, in government, and in the judicial system, causing these officials to engage in legal maneuvers designed to harass independent churches, missionaries, and ministers. There is already much evidence that this harassment has now started. I see a time coming when nearly all evangelical missionary projects, all religious radio and TV programming, and all incorporated missionary societies will be so closely monitored, questioned, and badgered that they will be cautious of expanding in any area

The rise of a Super World Church

I see the formation of a super world church consisting of a union between liberal ecumenical Protestants and the Roman Catholic church joining politically hand in hand, creating one of the most powerful religious forces on earth.

Persecution From Hollywood

Look for Hollywood to step up its attack against true religion with more expos-type movies. More and more moviemakers will attempt to debunk puritanical moral values. Gospel preaching churches and ministers will come under special attack, while at the same time the occult and witchcraft will be glorified and sensationalized. TV comedy shows will become bolder and bolder in poking fun at Christ and true Christians.

The rise of a Supernatural Church

I see a great and supernatural union of all the true followers of Jesus Christ, bound together through the Holy Spirit and mutual confidence in Christ and His Word.

Persecution Through Taxation of Churches

There is coming an attempt to tax churches and church-related organizations. Atheistic forces, with the help of the American Civil Liberties Union, will push this matter all the way to the Supreme Court. A temporary setback will not stop them from pushing forCongressional action. A legal setback by the courts will not stop their long-range action. Church-related businesses will be taxed first. The IRS may, one day, become one of the most powerful weapons against the church.

Satan Ministers

There will be Satan evangelists, mostly young people who will actually preach about the power of Satan and who will zealously work at making converts. Ouija boards, tarot cards, horoscopes, and occult books will be passed around and devoured by young people seeking truth.

Killer Diseases

Jesus said that in these days of tribulation, Men‘s hearts will fail them for fear of watching what is happening upon the earth. In America, the number one killer disease is already heart failure. Medical authorities say venereal disease is no longer just an epidemic it is an uncontrollable pandemic of frightening proportions. Scientists warn of new strains of germs, viruses, and vermin that are resistant to poisons and chemicals and threaten to upset the balance of nature.

Burning Oil Fields

Before the great holocaust, there will be smaller holocausts. The oil fields of the Middle East will be ablaze, and the smoke will rise night and day as a warning of the greater holocaust yet to come. There will be bombs falling on oil fields, shipping docks and storage tanks.

Governmental Bankruptcy

New York City faces economic and social disaster. The sword of judgment hanging over the city will fall suddenly. Overnight, changes will happen, changes never before known to the American mind. Bankruptcy will happen. A temporary reprieve will falter. Short-range encouraging signs will be swallowed up in lightning-like events that will bring on bankruptcy. America‘s queen city will declare bankruptcy.

Rising Unemployment

What God did to the city of Jerusalem in the time of the prophet Zechariah, he will do again to the cities of America. When building the temple, the inhabitants were reminded what God did when judgment was upon them: There were no jobs, no wages, no security and crime was rampant. (Zechariah 8:10).



Monday, November 15, 2021

"If the Antichrist will use the revitalized Roman empire during the tribulation, is it possible that the mark of the beast will also originate out of there?"

Eschatology is known as the study of the end times.

Most people didn’t study eschatology until the Reformers, like John Wycliffe and Jan Hus, started translating the Bibles into people’s native languages in the fourteenth century and speculation started.

Most Reformers believed the pope was the Antichrist. That was most of their eschatology.

In the 1830’s many groups witnessed the 1833 Meteor Shower in upstate New York and assumed the end of days was going to happen soon. They were wrong.

Since the 1830’s the concept of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture has become a dominant viewpoint within competing eschatologies. Most of these eschatologists have believed and taught that Rome will become the dominant power working closely with European Kings and the Antichrist.

The first problem with this theory is the Greek word hora, or hour. The word hora occurs four times in Rev. 17–18. Transferal of power from the Ten to the Antichrist needs to occur in one hour.

That means a bunch of European Kings need to gather power quickly and hand it over to the Antichrist in exactly one hour. That’s a silly thought!

The next problem is who has the power.

Look around you for who is persecuting the world. Is it Rome or a consortium of Big Tech and Big Governments?

My opinion is that the Ten Horns of Daniel 7–8 and Revelation 13–17 are Big Tech. Think of Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Google, and others as your tech overlords. They monitor and report on everything you do. They have the power to control you, make you take the Mark of the Beast and turn over power to the Antichrist in one hour.

Let’s apply this to scripture:

9 This calls for a mind with wisdom: the seven heads are seven hills on which the woman is sitting; also they are seven kings —

10 five have fallen, one is living now and the other is yet to come; and when he does come, he must remain only a little while.

11 The beast which once was and now is not is an eighth king; it comes from the seven and is on its way to destruction.

12 The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet begun to rule, but they receive power as kings for one hour [hora], along with the beast [Antichrist]. Rev. 17 (CJB)

In the 1990’s, if you requested a domain name, you would need to apply to Seven Kings. Your approval would come from Seven Gods. Those were the mysterious seven kings.

At present there are thirteen DNS (Domain Name Servers) worldwide. They control the internet. Mark my words, they will collapse down to ten in a few years. The ten DNS will work with Big Tech to control all activities worldwide.

Watch Berlin for strange activities. Watch Pope Francis for False Prophet Activities. But, ignore sleepy old European Kings because they won’t factor into the end times. Big Tech will be your worst enemy in the near future. 


Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Do you believe a future one-world government, as implied in the Bible, is a good or a bad thing?


"Do you believe a future one-world government, as implied in the Bible, is a good or a bad thing?"

Bad. No, horrible. No, it will be time of distress unparalleled in human history.

Imagine a world where every place you go your face or ID will be scanned. Every purchase will be scrutinized. Your money will become digital and then vanish via errors, taxes or charges with no recourse.

Imagine Big Tech becoming Big Brother as the manipulate you into sheep-like behaviors. Imagine Big Tech implanting thoughts in your brains that seem like your own thoughts but they’re not.

Imagine watching loved ones die from various reasons, while millions or billions die worldwide.

People can sense the times sound like the Bible, even if they don’t believe in God.

This is what he said: ‘The fourth animal will be a fourth kingdom on earth. It will be different from the other kingdoms; it will devour the whole earth, trample it down and crush it. As for the ten horns [10 Big Tech Horns of Power], out of this kingdom ten kings will arise; and yet another will arise after them. Now he will be different from the earlier ones, and he will put down three kings. He will speak words against the Most High and try to exhaust the holy ones of the Most High. He will attempt to alter the seasons and the law; and [the holy ones] will be handed over to him for a time, times and half a time. Daniel 7:23–25 (CJB)

The beast which once was and now is not is an eighth king; it comes from the seven and is on its way to destruction. The ten horns [10 Big Tech Horns of Power] you saw are ten kings who have not yet begun to rule, but they receive power as kings for one hour, along with the beast. They have one mind, and they hand over their power and authority to the beast. Revelation 17:11–13 (CJB)

Here are the biblical players that are emerging:

False Prophet (some believe its Pope Francis?) brings in a new hybrid religion

Gog (some believe its Barak Obama?) eventually buried in Israel

12 ft. tall King Angel of the Abyss (5th Trumpet, 1st Woe, Rev 9)

9 foot tall Horse-like locusts from the Abyss, outfitted for battle with gold crowns and human faces, women’s hair, lion’s teeth, chests like iron breastplates, roaring wing sounds, and scorpion tails with stingers.

200,000,000 Cavalry soldiers (6th Trumpet, 2nd Woe, Rev 9)


Wicked humans wearing Mark of the Beast 666 (Rev 13)

10 Big Tech Horns in one hour hand the world to:

Beast AKA the Antichrist

Image of the Beast

Satan & His Fallen Angels!

We will witness these players come to the earth and cause mayhem and death.

Whether you believe in God or not, pleased consider comparing the news to what the Bible says. It’s getting more similar every day!


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

In 2 Corinthians we are warned that Satan is so deceptive he can even appear to us as a what?

In 2 Corinthians we are warned that Satan is so deceptive he can even appear to us as a what?  “Angel of Light.” Let’s look at the answer in context.

No, I do it — and will go on doing it — in order to cut the ground from under those who want an excuse to boast that they work the same way we do. The fact is that such men are pseudo-emissaries: they tell lies about their work and masquerade as emissaries of the Messiah. There is nothing surprising in that, for the Adversary himself masquerades as an angel of light; so it’s no great thing if his workers masquerade as servants of righteousness. They will meet the end their deeds deserve. 2 Corinthians 11:12–15 (CJB)

Let’s look at the types of angels, their ranks and their tasks.

Per Moses ben Maimon (1138–1204), commonly known as Maimonides, Angels are called and ranked:

1 Chayoth Ha Kadesh[21] See Ezekiel 1 and Ezekiel 10

2 Ophanim See Ezekiel 1 and Ezekiel 10 [Ophanim-Wheels]

3 Erelim See Isaiah 33:7

4 Hashmallim See Ezekiel 1:4

5 Seraphim See Isaiah 6 [Seraphim-Burning ones]

6 Malakim Messengers, angels

7 Elohim "Godly beings"

8 Bene Elohim "Sons of Godly beings"

9 Cherubim See Hagigah 13b [Keruvim-Close ones]

10 Ishim "manlike beings", see Genesis 18:2 Daniel 10:5 (Wikipedia)

Angels in the Hebrew or Greek are messengers. They deliver messages to humans. Sometimes humans are messengers delivering messages from God. Sometimes we call those people angels as in Revelation 2–3 in the seven churches and sometimes we call them prophets.

Real heavenly angels have a hierarchy. Michael is often referred to as the top angel, but there could be others at his rank or above him. Michael is a Cherubim, a close angel to God.

The Satan was a heavenly Cherubim too. Once a long time ago, he stood in the face of God. Then, he fell.

Although the Satan remains nameless throughout the Bible, we know his job title is being our adversary after he fell, yet he retained some of his former brilliance from formerly being so close to God.

“How did you come to fall from the heavens, morning star [KJV-Lucifer, Hebrew-Heylel-a name? a shiny one], son of the dawn [ben shachar]? How did you come to be cut to the ground, conqueror of nations? You thought to yourself, ‘I will scale the heavens, I will raise my throne above God’s stars. I will sit on the Mount of Assembly far away in the north. Isaiah 14:12–13 (CJB)

The Satan fell:

Adonai Elohim says:

‘You put the seal on perfection; you were full of wisdom and perfect in beauty; you were in ‘Eden, the garden of God; covered with all kinds of precious stones — carnelians, topaz, diamonds, beryl, onyx, jasper, sapphires, green feldspar, emeralds; your pendants and jewels were made of gold, prepared the day you were created. You were a keruv, protecting a large region; I placed you on God’s holy mountain. You walked back and forth among stones of fire. You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, until unrighteousness was found in you…But I have thrown you on the ground. Ezekiel 28:12–15, 17b (CJB)

It is my contention that the Satan accuses us day and night. He’s a snitch. Snitches belong in ditches. He retains his beauty and brightness even after his fall.

The Satan, also called the dragon and the serpent, will be permanently cast out of heaven sometime in the future:

When the dragon saw that he had been hurled down to the earth, he went in pursuit of the woman who had given birth to the male child. But the woman was given the two wings of the great eagle, so that she could fly to her place in the desert, where she is taken care of for a season and two seasons and half a season, away from the serpent’s presence. The serpent spewed water like a river out of its mouth after the woman, in order to sweep her away in the flood; but the land came to her rescue — it opened its mouth and swallowed up the river which the dragon had spewed out of its mouth. The dragon was infuriated over the woman and went off to fight the rest of her children, those who obey God’s commands and bear witness to Yeshua. Then the dragon stood on the seashore; Revelation 12:13–18 (CJB)

By that time, let’s hope your faith in God is as solid as a rock. It will be a very horrific time. 


Saturday, August 28, 2021

If the asteroid Apophis is wormwood spoken about in Revelations 8-11, does that mean the nations of the world will be converging around a one world government soon?

"If the asteroid Apophis is wormwood spoken about in Revelation 8-11, does that mean the nations of the world will be converging around a one world government soon?"

If you read the “Left Behind” books or watch the movies, you’ll notice there is a secret Rapture and then the Antichrist suddenly ascend to power ready to assail you. That’s not how it works.

The “Left Behind” books were written by a fiction author named Jerry B. Jenkins. Jenkins doesn’t claim to know the Bible very well.

The Bible and the world work differently.

The Evil End Time's Players:

Beast AKA Antichrist

False Prophet (Pope Francis?)

Gog (Barak Obama?) buried in Israel (earth born)

12 ft. King Angel of the Abyss (5th Trumpet, 1st Woe, Rev 9)

9 foot tall Horse-like locusts from Abyss, outfitted for battle with gold crowns and human faces, women’s hair, lion’s teeth, chests like iron breastplates, roaring wing sounds, and scorpion tails with stingers.

200,000,000 Cavalry soldiers (6th Trumpet, 2nd Woe, Rev 9)

Illuminati (the unseen human leaders) Wicked humans wearing Mark 666 (Rev 13)

10 Big Tech Horns, Satan & His Fallen Angels!

The progression:

The Four Horsemen come first, resembling Birth Pangs from Matthew 24. Look around you. The world is convulsing like its getting ready for a birth. The Four Horsemen are part of the Seven Seals, the first judgments in Revelation.

If my biblical theories are correct, the first Seal of Revelation opened years ago in 1967, as the Spirit of a Destroyer was unleashed against Western civilization. The first Seal sign was White and a Bow, a symbol of man's strength, being bent(!) like Jeremiah 51:1-3 states, with no arrows, as in no prodigy, and a cheap stephanos crown. (Revelation 6:1-2)

The Second seal opened 9-11-2001, and commenced with the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars, east of Jerusalem, in 2001–3. The Second Seal Sign is Red and War, with a standard Machaira (Greek-Strong’s #3162) short sword. This begat a never-ending war against Muslim tribes. Only the Messiah can end it.

When he broke the second seal [9-11-2001], I heard the second living being say, “Go!” Another horse went out, a red one; and its rider was given the power to take peace away from the earth and make people slaughter each other [commencing in 2003]. He was given a great sword [Greek: Makh-ahee-rah, for close-quarter killing]. Revelation 6:3-4 (CJB)

The Third Seal of Revelation opened during the summer of 2012, just prior to Hurricane Sandy, the divided election, and a second storm on the eighth day of a False Jewish Festival resembling Sukkot (prophesied by one man, and another man interpreted 1 Kings 12 as the meaning-Two Witnesses). The Third Seal sign will be high food prices—beginning north of Jerusalem—which should skyrocket this year for poor people’s food, wheat and barley (for animals). However, the wealthy will only be concerned about their oil and wine prices, because they don’t care about the poor.

When he broke the third seal [summer 2012], I heard the third living being say, “Go!” I looked, and there in front of me was a black horse, and its rider held in his hand a pair of scales. Then I heard what sounded like a voice from among the four living beings say, “Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages! Six pounds of barley for the same price! But don’t damage the oil or the wine!” Revelation 5-6 (CJB) (expect 33% food inflation this fall)

The Fourth Seal seems to have opened, warning us that a Green (death) southern horde will bring us 1.94 billion deaths via War by a Supernatural Rhomphaia (Greek-Strong’s #4501) long sword, disease, famine, and beastly microscopic animal (Therion-Biological Warfare) attacks.

When he broke the fourth seal [coming soon], I heard the voice of the fourth living being say, “Go!” I looked, and there in front of me was a pallid [green], sickly-looking horse. Its rider’s name was Death, and Sh’ol followed behind him. They were given authority to kill [(by the Sword) Greek: Rhomphaia, long discerning sword used by a horseman] one-quarter [1.75 billion people will die] of the world by war, by famine, by plagues and with the wild [microbes inciting people] animals [Read: Biological Warfare/Zombies] of the earth. Revelation 6:7-8 (CJB)

The next player to assault us is the False Prophet. Most think he is Pope Francis. He will foment creating a totalitarian state with ten Big Tech Kings enforcing his edicts. Increasing asteroid devastation will occur during his reign as we convulse toward a one world government. Apophis is due just after the mid-point of the False Prophet’s reign.

You won’t notice the final one world government and the Antichrist until the mid-point of the final seven years.

We are over seven years away from most of this mess. It could be ten to twenty years away too.


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Is the Book of Daniel a book of folk tales?

"Is the Book of Daniel a book of folk tales?"

It depends. Personally, I love the Book of Daniel!

Caveat: Most Christians don’t read their Bibles. Only a few read Revelation, and that list includes most Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran and mainline churches.

I have Orthodox Jewish friends that have memorized vast sections of the Torah (Books of Moses), but they don’t read the Book of Daniel. Some Rabbis cite it, but most don’t read it. Why?

Rabbis realize there is a timeline built into Daniel 9:24-27 that starts during the second edict of Artaxerxes on Passover Saturday, April 2, 446 BCE (14 Nisan 3315) that ends exactly on April 8, 30 CE (17 Nisan 3790). Daniel’s count works perfectly. If you reject that Messiah, it’s troublesome, so the book must be overlooked.

I have friends that are eschatologists (study of the end of days), and they believe understanding Daniel is the foundation of their research. Revelation sounds like a folk tale without Daniel.

Only a few of us read English, Hebrew and Greek, and understand that the Septuagint (LXX) can be used a a tool to unite the whole Bible, if used properly.

Why do I love the Book of Daniel?

Daniel holds amazing prophecy and there is a chiastic structure linking Daniel with Revelation.

Daniel is the only book that accurately prophesied the kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome rising and falling in order during the supposed quiet period between the prophets and the fall of the Second Temple. Daniel has two recitations in chapters 2 and 7 that paint wonderful pictures that can be applied to the pictorial language used in Revelation. It is the foundation for understanding Revelation better.

Daniel 7:7–8, 24–25 describes ten horns rising out of the fourth beast. Revelation 13:1–2, 12–13 describe the same ten horns.

If you look around you, you’ll notice ten pervasive tech giants that enforce our behavior and discipline us when we stray. Those are the ten horns of Daniel and Revelation.

Many may dismiss Daniel as poetry, but its playing out as we speak. Things are getting more biblical every day.


Tuesday, July 13, 2021

"What did the walls of Jerusalem look like before Suleiman rebuilt them?"

"What did the walls of Jerusalem look like before Suleiman rebuilt them?" 

I’d like you to consider the location, significance and the timing of Suleiman the Magnificent’s efforts to rebuilt Jerusalem’s walls.

Location: According to Dr. James Fleming, he was walking near the Eastern Gate in 1969.

“[he]…was inspecting the gate when it happened to start raining. The ground gave way and he found himself in a pit of bones beneath the gate. He saw the top of another gate beneath the surface. He photographed his discovery, but when he returned the next day, the Arab custodians of the cemetery had sealed it with a cement slab.”

Jerusalem's Golden Gate: A Door of Promise for the Future | United with Israel

This means Suleiman the Magnificent built the new gate over the old gate. This proves where the Temples were located.

Significance: Suleiman the Magnificent was winning battles up near Vienna in 1536–1537 and had no interest in returning to the Middle East. Then, lions chased him in his dreams for a long period of time. A friend told him to ask the lions what they wanted. He was told to send men and money to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and other Muslim cities.

Timing: If you believe in the pattern of Daniel 9:24–27 of seventy times seven, which is four hundred and ninety years, then observe this pattern.

70 CE (fall of Jerusalem) plus four hundred and ninety years brings us to Justinian 1, the Last Roman in 560–565 CE as his Byzantine Nation is faltering and he is dying.

560 CE plus four hundred and ninety years brings us to 1050–1053 CE when the Eastern Orthodox Church split from the Roman Catholic Church.

1050 CE plus four hundred and ninety years brings us to 1540 CE when Suleiman’s troops worked under a Pesach-Sukkot-Pesach-Sukkot Lunar Tetrad Eclipse Pattern sealing the gate so that only the Messiah could enter:

Then he brought me back by way of the outer gate of the sanctuary, the one facing east; and it was shut. ADONAI said to me, "This gate will remain shut; it will not be opened, and no one will go through it; because ADONAI, the God of Isra'el, has gone through it. Therefore, it is to be kept shut. Only the prince, since he is a prince, is to sit there to eat his meal before ADONAI; he is to enter through the vestibule of the gate and leave the same way." Ezekiel 44:1–3 (CJB)

1540 CE plus four hundred and ninety years brings us to 2030 CE. 2023 CE is seven years before 2030 CE.