Why do I write about the end of days? I have unique
insights that might help people keep their faith when times get tougher. If I don’t
have a contrarian interpretation, I remain silent.
A few of my caveats for the End of Days:
You’ve been taught fairy tales about Revelation. You’ve
been taught its about chiasms and poetry by your Greek and Eastern Orthodox,
Roman Catholic and Lutheran preachers.
You’ve been taught the Seven Seals MUST OPEN during the
Great Tribulation, all without clues or warnings. Ask a pregnant woman if she
had a clue when she was going to give birth. We’ll know by the Signs of the
Seven Seals, the Birth Pangs, where we are in prophecy.
Some of you cling to the Secret Pre-Tribulation
Rapture, calling it your Blessed Hope. You will learn that’s a money-making lie
during the next few years.
Some of you have been taught NOTHING needs to occur
before (flawed Doctrine of Imminence) the Secret Pre-Tribulation Rapture, but
your eyes see biblical events and patterns…that match Revelation Chapter 6. If
you leave the Pre-Trib Rapture pack, you will be a lone wolf. Howl are you
doing, buddy?
If you don’t live the Moedim, God’s Sabbath and His Festivals,
you’re going to look silly when things escalate.
All of you have eschatology’s (end time’s opinions),
and nearly all of you will be wrong.
Where are we on the end of day’s timeline? Seal Three
opened during the summer of 2012. We are fast-approaching the Fourth Seal. Buckle
Here’s how we got to this point, which is Revelation Chapter
6 mirroring Zechariah 6 directions.
Directions of Seals: Based on Zechariah 6 directions,
One-white is from the west, Two-red is from the east, Three-black is from the north,
and Four-green, our present Seal, is from the south. If we’re entering the time
of the Fourth Seal, then one-fourth of the world’s population (1.8 billion)
should die sometime soon. I believe you should notice the wars, famines,
diseases and biological warfare like Wuhan’s Covid-19 emanating from the
southern climes.
Next I watched as the Lamb broke the first of the seven
seals, and I heard one of the four living beings [Chayim, four-faced angels]
say in a thundering voice, “Go!” I
looked, and there in front of me was a white horse [bringing terror to the
west-based upon Zechariah 6]; its rider [My opinion, a Pneuma/Ruach: Spirit of
a Destroyer] had a bow [Toxon/Qeshet: bow or rainbow sash] and was given a
crown [Stephanos: winner’s crown]; and he rode off as a conqueror [Nike, Nikon:
aka, a god] to conquer [Nike, Nikon: Overpowering and overpowered]. Revelation
6:1-2 (CJB)
My opinions: The first horseman arrived on June 10, 1967 (Sivan 2, 5727) at Moshe Dyan’s behestvia a white
horse, mimicking purity vaguely similar to the Messiah. Some kneejerk
eschatologists claim the first rider is Jesus(!) or “The Antichrist,” because
of the white horse; however, all four horsemen spirits are dispatched to plague
the four corners of the earth based on a Zechariah 6 reference that requires
basic Hebrew language knowledge to ascertain. This spirit wears a
stephanos, winner's wreath and sports a toxon rainbow fabric bow telling us he
is pro-gay, pro-abortion, pro-feminist, anti-gun, and anti-family. This
spirit, wearing a rainbow sash, invades the Western World with
divisiveness, self-importance, self-indulgence and bullying. It has a six-colored
rainbow (Toxon/Qeshet) sash, because the bow (Toxon/Qeshet) symbolizes a man's
strength (six is the number for man, as opposed to seven in a heavenly
rainbow), and no arrows, because arrows represent prodigy, especially boys;
and, this destroying spirit discourages children, marital relations, or
heterosexual relations. He's not gay, per se. He's more anti-family, thus
Anti-Christ. This spirit combines the worst traits of narcissism,
affluence-peddling, and petulance. This spirit destroys all that come against
it based on a veiled subtext in Jeremiah 51:1-18 and Daniel 11:36-45.
When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the
second living creature say, “Come!” Then another [Gr. allos] horse came out, a
fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace [shalom] from the earth
and to make people kill each other. To him was given a large sword [machaira].
Revelation 6:3-4
My opinions: Second Seal: 9.11.2001 Attacks
necessitate war which begins in 2003, because according to George W. Bush, “God
told me to invade Iraq,” east of Jerusalem. These Bush wars won’t end until the
Messiah arrives. The Greek word allos confirms ALL of the horses are similar.
When he broke the third seal, I heard the third living
being say, “Go!” I looked, and there in front of me was a black horse, and its
rider held in his hand a pair of scales [denotes judgment]. Then
I heard what sounded like a voice from among the four living beings say, “Two
pounds of wheat [peasant’s food price rises sharply] for a day’s wages! Six
pounds of barley [food prices for peasants or animals rises sharply] for the
same price! But don’t damage the oil or the wine [increased prices distress not
the wealthy]!” Revelation 6:5-6 (CJB)
My opinions: During the summer of 2012, while I was busy finishing
my book, I attended my fellowship, as is my custom on Sabbath. There I met a
young man that claimed God asked him to deliver a message to our fellowship.
The message was, “There will be a catastrophic storm this fall after Sukkot,
but before the end of October. The sign of this storm will be ‘Snow and a
Broom.’ (The Third Seal of Revelation opened this summer.)”
A few months later in 2013, a Torah friend explained
the prophecy, just like the Bible states it should happen. He told me that God
asked him to study this prophecy and the verses twelve years ago (around 9-11).
He said the events were from God to show how much he hates our false festivals.
He explained I Kings 12, and how Jeroboam created a false Sukkot, against God’s
wishes. The first storm was Sandy (October 30), the first day of Jeroboams’
anti-Sukkot festival. On the seventh day (Nov. 6), the USA election (festival)
highlighted a divided nation, just like Judah (King Rehoboam) and Israel (King
Jeroboam). And on the eighth day we experienced the continuation of Hurricane
Sandy in the form of “Snow and a Broom.” God hates our false festivals.
When he broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of
the fourth living being say, “Go!” I looked, and there in front of me was a
pallid, sickly-looking [Gr. chloros green] horse. Its rider’s name was Death,
and Sh’ol followed behind him. They were given authority [exousia-greater
delegated power to Satan!] to kill [by the Rhomphaia Supernatural Sword]
one-quarter [1.75 billion] of the world by war, by famine, by plagues and with
the wild [Zombie-like people or] animals [read: Microscopic animals, like
viruses] of the earth. Revelation 6:7-8 (CJB)
My opinions: Read this from Michael Snyder 2.17.20:
10 Plagues
That Are Hitting Our Planet Simultaneously
Whether wars, locusts, death and Covid-19 kill 1.8 billion
people or not; plagues will continue until you see 1.8 billion people die. Count the bodies to prove me right or wrong.
I believe 2020 will be a biblical year with increasing
plagues. We will notice an increase of martyrs after that when the Fifth Seal
LINK & Insects that WILL swarm the US East Coast [Global Cooling due to
Solar Minimum is causing more locust invasions!]
Investors are obviously linking the stock market
crashes to the Coronavirus but we must remember that the virus is not the cause
of the falls but only the catalyst. Stocks around the world have been
overvalued on many criteria for quite some time.
The majority of people today are not worried about
stocks but instead about the Coronavirus. Most of us don’t understand it since
authorities around the world suppress the truth when it comes to numbers of
infected and fatalities. China seems never to have told the truth about the
virus and many countries have followed suit.
The pandemic is spreading exponentially and it can
take 3-4 weeks before it breaks out from the time you are infected. In that
time every infected person can meet many hundreds of people. In Italy for
example, there were no cases a few days ago and it jumped to 150 in a couple of
days and now 900 are reported to have caught the disease.
From Steve Quayle 3.1.20: I am a letter carrier in
Spokane. Yesterday I delivered a small package that had to be signed for to a
guy who had recently moved in to a rental. He was very nervous and jittery,
asked me to put the package and form on the porch and he would sign for it, but
wanted me to keep back, acting like he did not want to be anywhere near me, as
if he thought I might be carrying something other than letters. In passing he
mentioned that he has been doing twelve-hour shifts with the DOD, had witnessed
the first death from C-virus in the state. I told him that I had been hearing
both extremes on the matter and was trying to discern where the truth really
was. His only comment with a head shaking was, "It's all over,"
meaning, I thought, that it was much more widespread than reported. I am still
taking a middle of the road view on this, but thought that might be useful to