The first four trumpets of Revelation Chapter 8 are easily
explainable because they’re natural in human terms; whereas, the Fifth Trumpet
of Revelation is the first non-biological plague send against mankind. It’s so
otherworldly I determined to interview others to give you better insights.
I interview prophetic people all the time because I
aggregate end time’s messages to edify people like you. Two recent messages
won’t edify you, but you need to be aware anyway.
The first interviewee was a Native American woman from
Washington State. She had an open vision of Revelation 9, where the (tiny?)
locusts pop up from under the ground and sting (only sting?) the bad people.
Man was I wrong!
According to her, the scorpions will be 9-feet-tall,
with supernatural strength and power to sting those without the Mark of God,
and drag the godly off to detention camps, to be guillotined or burned in
cages. The godly won’t suffer because their deaths will be quick, but the
Godless will suffer immeasurably for 5 months.
The leader called Abaddon will be 12-feet-tall, and
stand on goat-like legs. He will look like Baphomet in appearance, with horns
on his head. He will lead the 9-foot-tall scorpion-like warriors into battle
like a machine. It will be frightening!
Yesterday, I ran this woman’s testimony past another
prophet named Joanie. She stated she had the same open vision of these huge
scorpion-like monsters! That’s two witnesses, plus the text doesn’t state their
size. Let’s examine Revelation 9 in the new context:
The fifth angel sounded his shofar; and I saw a star
that had fallen out of heaven onto the earth, and he was given the key to the
shaft leading down to the Abyss. He opened the shaft of the Abyss, and there
went up smoke from the shaft like the smoke of a huge furnace; the sun was
darkened, and the sky too, by the smoke from the shaft. Then out of the smoke
onto the earth came [9-foot-tall] locusts, and they were given power like the
power scorpions have on earth. They were instructed not to harm the grass on
the earth, any green plant or any tree, but only the people who did not have
the seal of God on their foreheads. The locusts were not allowed to kill them,
only to inflict pain on them for five months [time/date stamp]; and the pain
they caused was like the pain of a scorpion sting. In those days people will
seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude
them. Now these locusts looked like horses outfitted for battle. On their heads
were what looked like crowns of gold, and their faces were like human faces. They
had hair like women's hair, and their teeth were like those of lions. Their
chests were like iron breastplates, and the sound their wings made was like the
roar of many horses and chariots rushing into battle. They had tails like those of scorpions, with
stings; and in their tails was their power to hurt people for five months
[time/date stamp]. They had as [a frightening 12-foot-tall with goat-like
legs—Baphomet] king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is
"Abaddon" and in our language, "Destroyer." Revelation
All will be hunted. Some, without the Mark of God will
be stung and tortured. The believers will be carted off to internment camps to
be burned in cages or guillotined. This will be martyrs, just like many of your
heroes of the faith.
Here’s how the Prophet Joel describes these 9-foot-tall
"Blow [Tekia] the shofar in Tziyon! Sound an
alarm [Teruah, when both are blown in this order, Hebrews should march out by
tribe for battle] on my holy mountain!" Let all living in the land
tremble, for the Day of ADONAI is coming! It's upon us! a day of darkness and
gloom, a day of clouds and thick fog; a great and mighty horde is spreading
like blackness over the mountains. There has never been anything like it, nor
will there ever be again, not even after the years of many generations. Ahead
of them a fire devours, behind them a flame consumes; ahead the land is like
Gan-'Eden, behind them a desert waste. From them there is no escape. They look
like horses, and like cavalry they charge. With a rumble like that of chariots
they leap over the mountaintops, like crackling flames devouring stubble, like
a mighty horde in battle array. At their presence the peoples writhe in
anguish, every face is drained of color. Like warriors they charge, they scale
the wall like soldiers. Each one keeps to his own course, without getting in
the other's way. They don't jostle each other, but stay on their own paths;
they burst through defenses unharmed, without even breaking rank. They rush
into the city, they run along the wall, they climb up into the houses, entering
like a thief through the windows. At their advance the earth quakes, and the
sky shakes, the sun and moon turn black, and the stars stop shining. ADONAI
shouts orders to his forces - his army is immense, mighty, and it does what he
says. For great is the Day of ADONAI, fearsome, terrifying! Who can endure it? "Yet
even now," says ADONAI, "turn to me with all your heart, with fasting,
weeping and lamenting." Joel 2:1-12 (CJB)