Trump’s victory proves to me is we’re the Laodicean Assembly of the end times:
We lust to be rich like Trump. We’re not rich, rather we’re wretched, pitiable,
poor, blind and naked! And, so is Donald Trump. This election victory will
divert attention away from repentance, and on to lukewarm personal ambitions.
“I know
what you are doing: you are neither cold nor hot. How I wish you were either
one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm, neither cold nor hot, I will
vomit you out of my mouth! For you keep saying, ‘I am rich, I have gotten rich,
I don’t need a thing!’ You don’t know that you are the one who is wretched,
pitiable, poor, blind and naked! My advice to you is to buy from me gold
refined by fire, so that you may be rich; and white clothing, so that you may
be dressed and not have to be ashamed of your nakedness; and eye salve to rub
on your eyes, so that you may see. As for me, I rebuke and discipline everyone
I love; so exert yourselves, and turn from your sins! Revelation 3:15-19 (CJB)
So you,
return to your God; hold fast to grace and justice; and always put your hope in
your God. “A huckster keeps false scales, and he loves to cheat. Efrayim [the
Gentiles] says, ‘I have gotten so rich! I have made me a fortune! And in all my
profits no one will find anything wrong or sinful.’ “But I am Adonai your God,
from the land of Egypt. Again I will make you live in tents, as in the days of
the established festival. I have spoken to the prophets; it was I who gave
vision after vision; through the prophets I gave examples to show what it would
all be like. Hosea 12:7-11 (CJB)
I believe
the Messianic clock is moving forward regardless of the exhilaration you’re
experiencing. We’re in the midst of Revelation’s Seals, ready for Seal Four, therefore events will
occur to cause the Messiah to return on God’s schedule.
Peace and
safety don't come to Laodicean Churches; rather, when the illusion of unbridled
wealth comes, judgement is riding a Green Horse (Seal Four) close behind.
If you’re
hoping Trump’s election will cause God to offer fifteen years of blessing,
guess again. We’re not Israel, and Trump isn’t a son of David.
In those
days Hezekiah became sick and was at the point of death. And Isaiah the prophet
the son of Amoz came to him and said to him, “Thus says the Lord, ‘Set your
house in order, for you shall die; you shall not recover.’” Then Hezekiah
turned his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord, saying, “Now, O Lord,
please remember how I have walked before you in faithfulness and with a whole
heart, and have done what is good in your sight.” And Hezekiah wept bitterly. And
before Isaiah had gone out of the middle court, the word of the Lord came to
him: “Turn back, and say to Hezekiah the leader of my people, Thus says the
Lord, the God of David your father: I have heard your prayer; I have seen your
tears. Behold, I will heal you. On the third day you shall go up to the house
of the Lord, and I will add fifteen years to your life. I will deliver you and
this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria, and I will defend this city
for my own sake and for my servant David’s sake.” 2 Kings 20:1-6 (ESV)
Why would
God repent when we won’t repent? Instead, the he Tsunami of the end times fires
and disasters are surging worldwide, waiting for God's times and places. Few
are repenting after the elections or disasters, because we're neither hot or
cold. We feel God is preparing to bless us exponentially, but we’re wretched,
pitiful, poor, blind, and naked. Don't shop; instead buy refined full Armor of
God, a Belt of Truth, a Breastplate of Righteousness, Gospel Shoes, a Faith
Shield, a Salvation Helmet, and a Spirit Sword.
Messiah could still return soon, if certain events occur. My “Ifs…”
If we’re
the Revelation Generation, then we should begin to see signs and wonders, and
we should hear of more dreams and visions from regular folks, and proven
News Flash: According to every Bible reference, Aviv/Nisan 1 is the biblical New Year. If
Aviv 1, 2017-2 Adar 29, 5778 (3.28.17-3.16 or 4.18.2018) are the actual biblical dates for the Hebrew year (there could be a 13th month), then why have we misidentified the year beginning with Rosh Hashanah/Tishrei 1, when it's actually Yom Teruah/Trumpet Day, only a special Rosh Chodesh/New Moon? I don't know why nearly all rabbis state we're beginning 5777, when it's closer to 5999 and why their year begins in the fall when it begins in the spring. So, if the Jubilee Year is from 2017-2018, then expect
miraculous things to occur on the Temple Mount this year. And, expect
world-wide events to push us toward world war. When it begins, expect events to
occur quickly.
If it’s
the Jubilee Year and events will resemble Noah’s Flood in vague ways, watch for
prominent godly people to die. Just like Methuselah’s name meant “His
Death Shall Bring,” the death of Billy Graham or other very old God-fearers
could be signs.
If Obama
is Gog from Ezekiel 38-39, then expect him to promote himself to a powerful
world position.
If Pope
Frank is the False Prophet, then expect him to gather the world’s faiths like
fish into a net.
If some
thirty-year-old fellow is “The Beast,” then expect him to begin killing
selective sons of Abraham around Israel. He must attack God’s promise, to win
his father’s prize.
If we’re
entering the Fourth Seal of Revelation, then world war should begin at some
point in time.
If Trump
was selected by God, then is it for our betterment, or destruction? Only time
will tell, but I’m telling you, I see Laodicea dead ahead.
I went on
a shopping spree to find any prophets or watchmen that agree with me. I found
more than two.
BRINK of JUDGMENT by Gary Wilkerson (Nov 21, 2016)
Judgment -
I am not accustomed to writing messages on this subject, and you may be
surprised by this one. I prepared it with great reservations; in fact, it took me
far beyond my comfort zone, even though I am dedicated to preaching the whole
counsel of God.
Right now
I am compelled to speak because of something I see happening in our culture. I
have grown convinced that America now stands on the brink of one of the most
extreme judgments it has ever faced. And in this bleak hour God has something
to say to His Church that may begin to turn the tide.
When I
grew up, it wasn´t unusual to hear this kind of difficult message in the
denomination my family was part of. Occasionally I heard my father preach on
the subject of judgment. What I´m talking about is a prophetic message
(although my dad was adamant about not being called a prophet). He said he was
a "watchman."
These days
I better appreciate the messages my dad preached and the anguish they caused
him. I know he spent hours wrestling with God over the difficult sermons he
delivered. As a pastor, I appreciate A. W. Tozer´s lesson that God loves to
speak to the man or woman who loves to listen. Yet I fear the church has lost
that practice. God wants to speak to us about our family, our marriage, our
life´s direction, but our ear is inclined less and less to His voice and more
to the world´s.
The Bible
calls this condition a famine of the Word of God (see Amos 8:11) - a lack of
knowledge of God and His ways. In times of chaos He will use the famine to get
our attention and He has my full attention right now! And if He is speaking hard
messages about society to grace-oriented pastors such as I am, it tells me He
is up to something. http://davidwilkersontoday.blogspot.com
© 2016 World
Prophetic Dream – America’s Coming Destruction By Joanie Stahl & Brook
Ardoin (November 2016)
In the
early morning hours on Saturday, November 19, 2016, the Lord gave me an urgent
prophetic dream and warning concerning the upcoming, sudden judgement and
destruction that is coming to the United States.
In my
dream, I saw myself in a huge, magnificent, palatial mansion. It was so enormous it felt that I could get
lost in it. It was full, very full of
people, jam packed with people upstairs and downstairs. They were there
partying, eating, talking and laughing. [Please read the rest at A Minute
To Midnight]
The Vision
Within the Dream
The vision
within the dream deems no interpretation. It is exactly what it is. The
destruction will hit every corner of the United States. No one will be left
unscathed. Every man, woman, and child, will see and hear what will ravish our
land. None will be left unaffected. We will see things as never before. We will
hear the horrific screams from the untold number of humanity crying out of
their mouths. The screams bellowing out from those perishing will seem to never
As in the
vision, no one will be prepared for it, as it will come sudden and fast. There
will be no escape. I will leave it at this since no interpretation necessary. I
do know that great sorrow and morning will consume the land after this
devastation occurs, because many of us will know people who will die. Yes, even
our loved ones will perish in the wake of this mighty destruction.
by Brook A.
I will
keep this short by simply saying YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Repeatedly we have heard
this same kind of warning through so many of His people. The Lord has spoken
and has told Joanie, NO MORE! No more praying, or crying, or standing for a
land that His judgement is now SET for destruction. I did not say that hope is
lost for the people…for souls.
what is coming, your own spiritual condition as well as that of the lost should
be our MAIN PRIORITY. The ongoing pointless debates on things such as rapture
timing, nationality of the Antichrist, the shape of the earth, Trump, and other
leaders, along with countless other empty issues becomes FUTILE after reading
Just as in
the dream, what we need to fully understand is that we are only a huge group of
people that are ALL about to experience an event that will shake our very
SOULS. We need to come together and keep this warning ALIVE, because nothing
else will matter once it is upon us.
It is time
to put away our childish ways, grow up, and begin focusing on Him and His Word
alone. The ONLY thing that will get us through the devastation ahead, along
with the mental and emotional anguish of what our eyes will see and ears will
hear is knowing who we are in Christ. That is IT!
I boldly
and unapologetically say, that IF you so dare believe the warnings given within
this dream are rubbish, then God help you! This may sound uncompassionate, but
it is far past time that His people stop talking and start focusing on what
I am
speaking as much to myself as to all of you, when I say that we had better wake
up and get it together on a spiritual level. God is not playing. He has spoken
and the verdict is out and announced. Let us take this and live as if will
happen TODAY, because that just may be the case.
From Mena
Lee Grebin 11.30.2016-Rosh Kodesh Kislev: I've been hearing the sound of
shofars since 5am...
LORD, they're
not paying attention...There is no peace…There is no safety...And we've been in
the age of grace for two millennia There is no change No reprieve No repentance
watching Trump pick his cabinet While decorating their trees, And keeping score
of football games While in the midst, our land is burning And hatred is
spreading The church is divided The remnant...persecuted Protests fill our
streets Cops are being killed Church leaders are dying Tornados rip up our
cities As the murder of our unborn continues Israel is being divided Executive
orders are in place And darkness is over the land. And yet, we're not paying
attention...7 years! They say 4 more years! They sigh But have they forgotten
your word? It is when they aren't looking, When they put their guards down When
they define you on their time, And claim to know your thoughts When they say,
"Peace and Safety” When they forget the age to come When their lamps run
out of oil When they place their hope in man When they say, "The master
has delayed!" When they begin to mistreat their fellow servants THEN YOU
WILL COME! Then you will require their souls You will judge every idol word And
replay every thought You will try their hearts And test their faith Then you shall stand as ELOHIM [The Judge]
For you will NOT be mocked Cursed is the man who puts his trust in man... "Stop
spreading fear. Stop your doom and gloom" They say. But they don't even
know fear America cannot comprehend fear...But soon, she will. I am afraid.
Afraid of what I see...afraid for their souls. The day of reckoning is at hand REPENT! Mena Lee
Grebin Faithful Walk Healing MinistriesMichael Boldea (Grandson of Dumitru Duduman): The countdown clock has already started ticking, and in what will seem like the blink of an eye this nation’s case will once more be up for review. What we do from this point to that will determine whether we still have a future, and whether our stay of execution will once more be extended.
Do I
believe that we’ve avoided judgment altogether? No, I do not, but the best we
could have ever hoped for was a reprieve, a delay, a season of grace wherein we
could return to the purity of simply being about our Father’s business and preaching Jesus unashamedly
once more.
Climb up
to the L’vanon and cry out, raise your voice in Bashan, cry out from ‘Avarim,
for all your lovers are broken. I spoke to you in your times of prosperity, but
you said, ‘I won’t listen.’ This has been your pattern since you were young —
you pay no attention to what I say. The wind will shepherd all your shepherds
away, and your lovers will go into captivity. Then you will be ashamed and
disgraced for all your wicked deeds. You who live in the L’vanon, nesting in
the cedars, how gracious will you be when pains come on you like a woman in
labor? Jeremiah 22:20-23 (CJB)Shalom!