I’ve been writing about nuances of Revelation’s Seven
Seals for years, not realizing there’s a hidden meaning behind Seal One. Today,
I’m offering you a revelation, if you’re willing to receive it, okay?
Revelation Caveat: It’s a complicated book, even for
accomplished scholars. In my estimation, in order to properly understand Revelation,
one must first learn Torah and the prophets in many yearly cycles because every
author wrote based upon Torah Elementary Principles (Hebrews 6). One helpful
rule is to work from the Septuagint, linking the Greek back to the Hebrew to
fully develop the Hebraic thoughts. Without the LXX links, the First Seal has
little meaning.
Next I watched as the Lamb broke the first of the
seven seals, and I heard one of the four living beings [Heb:Chayim-four-faced
angels] say in a thundering voice, “Go!”
I looked, and there in front of me was a white horse [bringing terror to
the west-based upon Zechariah 6]; its rider [My opinion, a Gr: Pneuma/Heb: Ruach: Spirit
of a Destroyer] had a bow [Gr:Toxon/Heb:Qeshet: bow or rainbow sash] and was given a
crown [Gr:Stephanos: winner’s crown]; and he rode off as a conqueror [possibly destroyer bent on destroying; Gr: Nike, Nikon:
aka, a god] to conquer [Nike, Nikon: Bent and Bending]. Revelation
6:1-2 (CJB) [NIV translates it "Bent" as you will see later in Jeremiah 51]
My opinions: The first horseman, enveloped in an antichrist
spirit, arrives via a white horse, mimicking purity vaguely similar to the
Messiah. Some kneejerk eschatologists claim the first rider is Jesus(!) or “The
Antichrist,” because of the white horse; however, all four horsemen spirits/angels
are dispatched to plague the four corners of the earth based on a Zechariah 6
reference that requires basic Hebrew language knowledge to ascertain. This
spirit/angel wears a stephanos, winner's wreath and sports a toxon rainbow
fabric bow telling us he is pro-gay, pro-abortion, pro-feminist, anti-gun, and
anti-family. This spirit/angel, wearing a rainbow sash, invades the Western
World with divisiveness, self-importance, self-indulgence and bullying. It has
a six-colored rainbow (Toxon/Qeshet) sash, because the bow (Toxon/Qeshet)
symbolizes a man's strength (six is the number for man, as opposed to seven in
a heavenly rainbow), and no arrows, because arrows represent prodigy,
especially boys; and, this destroying spirit discourages children, marital
relations, or heterosexual relations. He's not gay, per se. He's more
anti-family, thus Anti-Christ. This spirit combines the worst traits of
narcissism, affluence-peddling, and petulance. This spirit destroys all that
come against it based on a veiled subtext in Jeremiah 51:1-18 and Daniel
“The king [The Antichrist, imbued with the Spirit of a
Destroyer] will do as he pleases. He will exalt himself and consider himself
greater than any god, and he will utter monstrous blasphemies against the God
of gods. He will prosper only until the period of wrath is over, for what has
been determined must take place. He will show no respect for the gods his
ancestors worshipped, or for the god women [not a gay reference, rather the modern
six-colored Rainbow Spirit] worship — he won’t show respect for any god,
because he will consider himself greater than all of them. But instead, he will
honor the god of strongholds; with gold, silver, precious stones and other
costly things he will honor a god unknown to his ancestors. Daniel 11:36-38
My justifications: Toxon (Greek) is only found in
Revelation 6:2; whereas Qeshet (Hebrew) is listed seventy-four times in Moses
and the prophets. The first three times refer to Noah’s Covenant Rainbow (Gen.
9). It seems to have a dual meaning: In heaven, a rainbow, reminding us of
God’s powerful covenant; and, on earth, an archer’s bow, symbolizing man’s
strength. In Ezekiel 1:28 the bow in heaven is also a rainbow. That’s enough
evidence to support a dual theory: A heavenly bow is a Rainbow, and an earthly
bow is an archer’s bow or the modern six-colored rainbow in cloth (check Strong’s
5115 to verify this meaning).
My application of Toxon/Qeshet to our times: Over the
years, three prophets of doom—
Please note the words Bend, Bender, or Bending; and, compare them to the word "Gender-bending." I submit that society is being "Bent" to mirror modern anti-family social trends. Over time, this will has disastrous effects. This bending effect is what separates our times from earlier generations.
Duduman, David
Wilkerson, and Henry
Gruver —cited
Jeremiah 51 (Revelation 17-18) in regards to the sudden destruction of the USA.
I’m linking the odd thrice repetition of “Bending,” sans Masoretic markings,
and Qeshet for his bow in Jeremiah 51:3 as the veiled link. All three prophets
mentioned a “Surprise Attack” against the USA, which is hidden in the Hebrew
Thus says the LORD: “Behold, I am going to arouse
against [Mystery] Babylon [USA] And against the inhabitants of Leb-kamai The
spirit of a destroyer [Ruach mash-chit: the first spirit/angel of Revelation
6]. “I will dispatch foreigners [Obama and his minions] to [Mystery] Babylon
[USA]that they may winnow her And may devastate her land For on every side they
will be opposed to her In the day of her calamity. “Let not him who bends [in
Hebrew Yidrok, Yirok, sans Masoretics, THE Dorek- bender, bender, and THE
bender, bending the masses, like on a wicked pathway] his bow bend it, Nor let
him rise up in his scale-armor; So do not spare her young men Devote all her
army to destruction [mistranslation-this is a surprise attack, so quick that
the young soldiers won’t have time to fight back]. Jeremiah 51:1-3 (NASB)Jeremiah 50-51 parallels Revelation 17-18. In parallel passages in Revelation 17-18, Babylon is an unnamed city, presiding over international businesses, and great obscenities, idolatry and whoring. Note: There are two Babylons, a physical and a mysterious one.
Then came one of the angels with the seven bowls; and he said to me, “Come, I will show you the judgment of the great whore who is sitting by many waters [only New York City applies]. The kings of the earth went whoring with her, and the people living on earth have become drunk from the wine of her whoring.” He carried me off in the Spirit to a desert, and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast filled with blasphemous names and having seven heads and ten horns. The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet and glittered with gold, precious stones and pearls. In her hand was a gold cup filled with the obscene and filthy things produced by her whoring. On her forehead was written a name with a hidden [is it hidden anymore?] meaning, BAVEL THE GREAT MOTHER OF WHORES AND OF THE EARTH’S OBSCENITIES. Revelation 17:1-5 (CJB)
What in the world is happening to America? Recently, I was asked to describe what we are watching happen to our nation. After thinking about it, I have come to the conclusion that it is almost as if a “cloud of insanity” has descended upon the United States and much of the rest of the western world. From our top leaders on down, people are engaged in incredibly self-destructive behavior and are making extremely irrational decisions. Some would describe it as being given over to a depraved mind, and I would have to agree. It is almost as if some sort of severe form of mental illness were rapidly spreading through the air and infecting everyone. (Michael Snyder)
“The Time for Preparation has Ended” Matt S. May 17th
Joanie [Stahl-a Prophet] received another email from
Sean Harper the other day and Sean relayed a word that the Lord had given him.
It was at the same time that Tony and I spoke in a program (program No 42)
about a sense of an upcoming crisis. Many things that Tony and I spoke of were
also things that the Lord spoke to Sean. I do not believe this is coincidence
as do also the members of the “Aminutetomidnite” team. A very clear message
from both Sean’s word from the Lord, and from the preparedness program, was to
put your faith and trust in God first. There is judgement coming and we must
seek the Lord as never before in order to stand against the coming dark times
Here is the word Sean received from the Lord.
“For the time of preparation has ended. The harvest
time is here. Who will be the reapers and the sowers of the field? My people
must soften their hearts if they truly desire to seek Me. You must throw away
your worldly desires. Turn your desires to the Father and you will receive.
Judgement will be upon your lands in hours to come. Will my people run and hide
from the perplexity of fear, or will they turn to Me? Just as David fought
Goliath, you too will have to depend on faith to overcome the battles before you.
The time of birth pangs is here. Will you labor with me in the fields? Do you
know the significance of My Feasts? Pentecost draws near. My spirit, O Holy
Spirit, will pour out upon the flesh that softens their heart. Judgement must
come in order for My spirit to be poured, but always seek My Love, Grace and
Mercy. Only Faith will give you strength. In the darkest hour, the Light of the
world will shine the greatest. Let no one deceive you. Turn to the Light of the
world to seek truth and guidance in these times. I will deliver what you seek.
Do you not look to the Son for the peace you pray for? Then why do you focus on
the judgements and not the Son? Know where you stand in My presence. Only then
will you know how great your faith is. My people do not be afraid, but rejoice
in the Lord your savior. For the time has come.”
It is I who created the craftsman who blows on the
coals and forges weapons suited to their purpose; I also created the destroyer
to work havoc. No weapon made will prevail against you. In court you will
refute every accusation. The servants of ADONAI inherit all this; the reward
for their righteousness is from me," says ADONAI. Isaiah 54:16-17 (CJB)
Shalom! http://www.snopes.com/photograph-shows-eight-rainbows/