I believe every eclipse tetrad (People 1493-94, Daniel
9 Prophecy 1539-40, Eretz Israel 1949-50, Jerusalem 1967-68, Temple Mount 2014-15)
brings us closer to resumption of sacrifices on the Temple Mount. My best guess
is they will resume any time after Nisan 10, 5776 (April 18, 2016). Note: Satan
and the Muslims believe what I believe too, which explains the increased
attacks this fall.
Cabinet reportedly OKs removing ‘inciters’ from Temple
Mount – See more at: http://www.timesofisrael.com/cabinet-reportedly-oks-removing-inciters-from-temple-mount/
Much of the violence over the last weeks has been
touched off by Palestinian claims that Israel intends to change the status quo
at the Temple Mount. The Israeli government has repeatedly denied any intention
of altering the status quo on the site, the holiest in Judaism and third-holiest
in Islam, where Jews are currently permitted to visit but not to pray.
My opinions: The Satan is raising up an army to
destroy Israel so the resumption of sacrifices can’t occur on schedule: After
April 18, 2016. The recent stabbings and turmoil in Israel is spiritual, and
related to the End of Days.
If there is a war, the picture above shows how 1.8
billion people could die quickly in a war. Is God is lifting His hand off the
world to allow wars, financial disasters, increased man-made diseases,
increased famines, fracking-induced earthquakes and weather disasters to
RADIO 101615) – See more at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aAAJkPajsU
I still believe we could enter the Great Tribulation
this fall. My other source: Benjamin Baruch: “The LORD has revealed that on
September 23rd 2015, the servants of the beast gathered together in the evening
and in the first darkness of fall to begin 40 days of invocation calling forth
the opening of the abyss. This is why the false prophet came to the US - to
declare the completion of their Great Work, and thus begin the invocation which
will last 40 days and will end on November 2nd, the Day of the Dead.” - See
more at: http://www.benjaminbaruch.net/40-days-of-prayer.html
Regardless, over the next few years, our world economy
will fall, wars will persist, earthquakes will increase, and famine, disease
and death will stalk mankind. We aren’t ready for the final battle called
Armageddon, located at the Har (Mountain) of Megiddo, until over seven years
from now.
If, over the next eighteen days, we experience World
War III, and asteroids and the greatest earthquake ever; we’re going into the
final seven year Great Tribulation. If not, wait another year or two. The last
day to begin the Great Tribulation this year is 11.2.2015.
Lew to Congress: Debt limit now exhausted Tuesday,
November 3 – See more at: http://www.cnbc.com/2015/10/15/
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said Thursday the U.S.
debt limit will be exhausted Nov. 3, two days before previously estimated.
Giant Halloween Asteroid/2000 Feet Wide – See more at:
A Prophetic Word [from Maurice Sklar]: The LORD says,
"War is coming against Israel! Just as I have clearly spoken in My Word,
and just as I have confirmed through my holy servants the true Prophets, I will
hold it back no longer. You say to Me, "What do all of these signs
converging together this month mean?" Many of My church are in fear,
thinking only of doomsday and despair. Some leaders are trying to tell fortunes
and predict days and times, thinking that I must do what they say when they
predict it. Some are making millions of dollars by merchandising and
sensationalizing these events to the point it is idolatry and distraction
instead of sound prophetic ministry. I (the LORD) am far greater than your
false prognosticators and charlatans. Do not follow after those deceivers - you
must judge them and their ministries by their fruits and take everything you
hear and judge it according to My Word.
To My beloved Bride: Look and see the signs in the
heavens and upon the earth. Notice them, but don't focus on them! Keep your
eyes on Me! I am the LORD, not the sun, moon, or stars. I am greater than any
event that has or will come to shake the heavens and the earth. Many of My
people are crying out to Me in prayer for clarity and guidance right now. So, I
will answer you... I will explain to you a little bit of what is shortly to
come to pass....So your heart will not be troubled...
I am announcing to the world through these four red
moons these things:
1. The Times of the Gentiles are coming to an end. The
end of Adam's dominion time-lease upon earth is nearly over. The time of
Jacobs' Trouble: the Tribulation period is about to begin. BUT HE (JACOB) SHALL
BE SAVED OUT OF IT. It is in this time that I will sovereignly cause all the
Jews to return to their home, Eretz Israel. I will shake them out like a
tablecloth that a lady would take outdoors and shake all the crumbs out of it
by flapping it into the wind. But not one crumb will perish. All shall be
returned. Many of my people are hidden in the nations that have descended from
the 10 lost tribes. They are not "lost" to Me. I KNOW THEM ALL. They
shall return, along with all the descendants of Judah and Levi. No man knows
who or where they are, but I DO. The time has come when the rest of the family
will come home to the land I promised them.
2. Satan knows that his time is short. War is coming
to the Middle East. It will bring every nation into it before it is all over.
Israel is my mousetrap, and Jerusalem is the cheese. Israel is also my anvil on
which I will judge the nations. Prepare your hearts, for peace will be taken
from the earth. For 70 years I gave the Western nations peace and prosperity
after World War 2. That was because of what the United States did along with
the Allied forces by defeating Nazi Germany and rescuing My people Israel from
extermination, and then paving the way for Israel to be reborn as a nation in
3. Yesterday's moon signals the beginning of the final
restoration of Israel. No matter how hard the enemy attacks, he will be
destroyed before Me. For I am standing UP now as the LORD of Hosts to fight for
her. And when this is over, all her enemies will be dust under her feet. It
will be bloody. It will be painful. It will be with great losses both to Israel
and her enemies. But, for each Israeli Jewish person, their enemies will pay
with 1,000 of their souls when they try to attack her. Beware! You CANNOT and
WILL not succeed as Israel's enemy.
4. The outcome in the coming battles and wars against
Israel, I will restore more and more of the land to her that I promised to
Abraham. Until finally, all that I promised will be theirs forever when I
return to establish My Kingdom and rule from the throne of David in Jerusalem
5. I am coming for My Bride, My faithful children who
are waiting for Me in this Midnight Hour. But you say, "I have heard that
for so long. And, oh, another prophet coming with the Rapture message. I am
tired of hearing it. After all, I have heard it my whole life. So, is this yet
another "boy crying wolf" prophecy?! I have been disappointed too
many times." But, Beloved, if I stretch out time to allow more souls to
come to Me, and so I can bring more Bridal lamps to their full oil and light,
does this offend you?! If it does, you are only thinking of yourself and not
others that I have long patience for until all have come in. Then, the Shofar
will sound! Do not lose your Blessed Hope for I am at the doors RIGHT NOW!
Watch and Pray! Do not let disappointment and bitterness quench out your Hope.
6. Do not get caught up in conspiracies and Internet
social media nonsense. Think to yourself, 'is this filling me with hope or
fear?' If your response to it is fear, then it is not what I am saying to you.
The world will indeed experience the worst seven years of judgments and My
Wrath. But, I have not appointed you to that, but to obtain eternal joy in My
heavenly Kingdom, as it is written:
Luke 21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that
ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass,
and to stand before the Son of man.
And... Revelation 22:21-22 He which testifieth these
things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. The grace
of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
God bless you from Jerusalem, Dear Ones!
Dr. Maurice H. Sklar Monday, September 28, 2015
Keshe Warns of 'MEGA QUAKE' That Will Split Two
Continents In Half!! – See more at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pc7622sFPMU&feature=youtu.be
Mark Biltz explains Feast of Tabernacles – See more
But whenever these things begin to happen, take heart
and lift up your heads, because your salvation draws near.” Luke 21:28 Aramaic
Bible in Plain English