
Sunday, February 25, 2018

Billy Graham: A Prophetic Sign Of The Fullness (Fulfillment) Of The Gentiles?

Image result for billy graham funeralOn February 21, 2018 Rev. Billy Graham died at 99 years of age. May his family be comforted at his passing. We lost a good man, but did we lose a prophet?

Regardless of your theological leanings, one must concede Billy did more than any other modern-day pastor to inspire people and other evangelists to spread the Good News of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. This deeply profound man preached a simple message of salvation in Jesus to millions, and righteously sent them back to their churches. This has been commendable among other achievements. I feel his greatest legacy was he preached the good News with immense spiritual warfare, but lived a long life, 99 years without scandals or indiscretions that have plagued so many other ministries. He never succumbed to live contrary to how he preached.

Billy’s possible death day has been hailed as a prophetic precursor to the end times as so many sources have stated since 2011. Though I can’t find her exact quote, his daughter Anne Graham Lotz always chided her daddy’s death would be linked with the end of days, and others concurred. She likened him to Methuselah, who lived 969 years, which is 39, and not quite 40 years longer than Adam. Methuselah lived longer than any other human ever. You could argue Billy lived 99, not 100 years, but longer than any other modern-day world-wide pastor. His death and 7 day shiva (mourning period) could hasten the end of days.

Let’s add context to his death. Moses was born and he died on Adar 7. It can be argued that due to the nearly perfect calculations of New Moons for the last 2,000 years, Billy died on Adar 7 too. Both deaths heralded going into the Promised Land with Yahushua (Joshua or Yeshua/Jesus) leading them into battle. Also, it can be argued the last 2, Aviv/Nisan 1 to Adar 29 of 1517-18, 1867-68, 1917-18, 1967-68 and 2017-18 are key markers of a string of modern Jubilee Years. Billy died during the waxing moon of Adar, the final month of the biblical calendar. His shiva will end as the moon is nearly full, during the time of Purim, when Jews expect Haman and his Iranian cohorts to attack with Russia, Turkey, and Syria. This could be the greatest military conflict the world will see until WW3.

If God intends to redeem (think of Boaz, the Goel, redeeming Ruth and the land) a portion of His land during the times He prescribes by His word, then He has only a few more days to do so. That means things will happen fast. Are you ready for war by March 16 (the Hebrew calendar New Moon) to 18 (the actual sighting of the New Moon), 2018? Are you ready for a major shift in the world?

EXCLUSIVE: Anne Graham Lotz Shares God's Warning to Her (watch last minute)

Metushelach [literally means “His Death Shall Send Out”] lived 187 years and fathered Lemekh. After Lemekh was born, Metushelach lived 782 years and had sons and daughters. In all, Metushelach lived 969 years; then he died.  Lemekh lived 182 years and fathered a son, whom he called Noach [restful]; for he said, "This one will comfort us in our labor, in the hard work we do with our hands [to get what comes] from the ground that ADONAI cursed." Genesis 5:25-29 (CJB)

Rabbis midrashically [nonbiblical sources] add Noah and his family sat shiva for seven days for Methuselah. Immediately after, they were commanded to be Sent Out to the arc to be saved. Then, God sealed them safely inside. 

God gave us a rainbow as a covenant of chesed (loving kindness based upon covenant devotion) that He would never flood the earth again, but He promised to burn the earth before Messiah Yeshua returned. Have the days already begun as we prepare for end time's fire to be unleashed?
In addition to the Methuselah prophecy, some are likening Billy’s death to the end of the Gentile Reign, likened to prolific fishes in the Bible, over Jews and Israel. At the culmination of the Time of the Gentiles, the Jews and the Land would become the head and not the tail. This is prophesied four times:

Then he blessed Yosef: "The God in whose presence my fathers Avraham and Yitz'chak lived, the God who has been my own shepherd all my life long to this day, the angel who has rescued me from all harm, bless these boys. May they remember who I am and what I stand for, and likewise my fathers Avraham and Yitz'chak, who they were and what they stood for. And may they grow into teeming multitudes [fish-Hebrew dag is in the text] on the earth."   But his father refused and said, "I know that, my son, I know it. He too will become a people, and he too will be great; nevertheless his younger brother will be greater than he, and his descendants will grow into many nations [Melo haGoyim-the fullness of the Gentiles, like filling a net with many fish]." Then he added this blessing on them that day: "Isra'el will speak of you in their own blessings by saying, 'May God make you like Efrayim and M'nasheh.'"Thus he put Efrayim ahead of M'nasheh. Genesis 48:15-16, 19-20 (CJB)

Some will fall by the edge of the sword, others will be carried into all the countries of the Goyim, and Yerushalayim will be trampled down by the Goyim until the age of the Goyim has run its course [Melo haGoyim, in Greek-Pleroo-like filling a net with many fish]." There will appear signs in the sun, moon and stars; and on earth, nations will be in anxiety and bewilderment at the sound and surge of the sea, Luke 21:24-25 (CJB)

For if you were cut out of what is by nature a wild olive tree and grafted, contrary to nature, into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these natural branches be grafted back into their own olive tree! For, brothers, I want you to understand this truth which God formerly concealed but has now revealed, so that you won't imagine you know more than you actually do. It is that stoniness, to a degree, has come upon Isra'el, until the Gentile world enters in its fullness [Melo haGoyim, in Greek-Pleroma-like filling a net with many fish]."; Romans 11:24-25 (CJB)

Come, let us return to ADONAI; for he has torn, and he will heal us; he has struck, and he will bind our wounds. After two days [two thousand years?], he will revive us; on the third day [soon?], he will raise us up; and we will live in his presence. Let us know, let us strive to know ADONAI. That he will come is as certain as morning; he will come to us like the rain, like the spring rains that water the earth [the rains stopped in 70 AD and returned to Israel after the 1897 Herzl Zionist Conference-660,000 days]. "Efrayim [Gentiles and the nations], what should I do to you? Y'hudah [Jews], what should I do to you? For your 'faithful love' is like a morning cloud, like dew that disappears quickly. In the house of Isra'el I have seen a horrible thing; whoring is found there in Efrayim [Gentiles and the nations], Isra'el is defiled. For you, too, Y'hudah [Jews], a harvest will come! "When I restore the fortunes of my people, Hosea 6:1-4, 10-11 (CJB)

Here's an assortment of related prophetic messages:    

Derek Gilbert [first 2 minutes] Five in Ten 2/22/18: Billy Graham's Death a Prophetic Sign?

Prophecy | Death of Billy Graham, God's Servant - Signs and Ramifications | Neville Johnson

Tim Foster: Billy Graham's Death Shall bring Psalm 83 War & Judgment to the USA
Maurice Sklar Prophesies: Was Billy Graham A Modern Day Methuselah?

Mark Chironna [Mark is a false Prophet]: The sign will be Billy Graham's death-- Benny Hinn

“I've been talking about the war since December 2016, when the Lord told me that a war was coming to both Israel and the US. I shared this on my last interview with Tribulation Now in 2016.” Trib-Now1st Nov 2016: Imminent Judgments & Preparation of the Remnant with Mena Lee Grebin:

Byron Searle 2/24/18: Read Jeremiah 21:8-10: My son, write these words I speak to you for they are for My body. Many chaotic things are days away, and My body has no idea for they are blinded to this world and only focus on the fleshly thoughts given by false prophets. My body does not see the murder of 60 million babies, and those that do see, do nothing because they feel - why bother, I am just one person. Peter was just one person, and he conquered the world for My sake. 

My son, this body in America has no idea what awaits in the darkest crevasses of men's hearts, the death and destruction that is coming, and yet they ignore My true prophets and watchmen that are sounding the alarms. My body is so sin-ridden, I can only move among My remnant who are daily seeking My face. Time is now here that My body will look up in terror and fear and seek out the remnant who are not in fear, for I have told them what is coming.

My son, the plans for the North Korean war have now been finalized and approved by the king. After My servant's body is placed in the ground, the war can start. War will erupt in Israel during this same time frame, as the enemies of Israel will be opposed to the embassy move. This will be a distraction to take the eyes of the world off of the true threat - Russia/Iran/Turkey. The Bear will be on the prowl because the Star and Eagle will appear to be strong after victorious battles. Beware the Bear, for he is strong and will surprise everyone!

My son, My remnant, hear this word! Proclaim repentance throughout this land! Pray for the souls who will perish, so many will perish! Reach the lost with My gospel! Shout out My words to an unbelieving body! There is not any time to hesitate! Prepare, for I will be coming soon! Get get your house in order! Rid yourself of all worldly idols! Seek Me now! Read My Word! Messiah Jesus

Byron Searle 02/21/18: (Read: Matthew 8:5-13): My son, within the next few days a series of events will draw this nation into war. There will be much diplomacy behind closed doors, but the end result will be war. Many people will be set free, and great rejoicing will take place as I have answered My people's prayers. This nation Babylon will relish in the victory, and My people who are deceived now will sink even lower by elevating a man to a god.

My son, watch the North, for out of the North will come My vengeance on this backslidden, sinful nation. My fire will purge this land in two forms. My Sword of Fire will destroy all that has come against Me. My Holy Spirit of Fire will draw all men unto Me for repentance. My Remnant who are strong in My Word will lead the lost and fragile to Me. My Body will send the ones with the truth, and a mighty revival will sweep the land. Then I will gather My people to Me.

There will be much bloodshed and many things that will put fear into the hearts of men. My people, My Remnant, do not fear but stand strong in great faith knowing the Almighty God of Heaven is on your side. No matter what you see in the natural world, know that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. Do not fear man, for I will set a stronghold around my people. My true Remnant will walk in such faith that nothing of this world or in this world will harm them. Seek Me, My Body, with all your heart. Detach yourself from this world and spend more time with Me. Open My Word, for it is the bread of life and will fill you continually.

My son, be ready, for what is about to happen will happen so quickly, no one will even know it has happened until it is over. Prepare, prepare, prepare, for you will have to feed those who do not walk in great faith. Did I not say when I call my last general home that the end will come quickly? My servant Billy was a mighty warrior on Earth, but mightier at home with me. The seeds he planted are still producing much fruit. Amen. Messiah Jesus


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Eagles Defeat Pats: Aquila Eagle of Roman Legions Defeats The Patriots Worldwide?

Image result for aquila eagle spqr symbolImage result for german nazi eagle imagesGod frequently uses attention-getting symbolism to encourage our repentance. Jesus used glorious parables (a story illuminating a moral or spiritual teaching) to enlighten the believers and curious, while inciting His opposition to repent or oppose him more vigorously. The Bible is replete with symbolism reflected in earthly creatures. The Prophet Daniel and John’s animal dreams are the focus today.

The Super Bowl Parable: When the Patriots (America) lost to the Eagles (Rome’s Aquila Symbol) last Sunday (sun god), did we observe a foretelling of future events unveiled by God? Does God use present-day symbolism linked to biblical symbolism to teach us lessons? What about 9-11? Calling 911 means an emergency call, doesn’t it? God loves to use symbolism.

Please note: We shouldn’t overlook all the godly believers in the Philadelphia Eagles Organization. What a great witness they were for Jesus this week. God has preserved a remnant in filthy Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love(?). But, after watching their frenzied fans accost my sheepish MN neighbors two weeks ago, this prophecy comes to mind: Because you have kept the Torah of patient endurance, I will keep you from the time [moed?] of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those dwelling upon the earth. Revelation 3:10

Let’s examine the Eagle Symbol. [Source: Wiki] An aquila, or eagle, was a prominent symbol used in ancient Rome, especially as the standard of a Roman legion. A legionary known as an aquilifer, or eagle-bearer, carried this standard. Each legion carried one eagle.
SPQR is an initialism of a phrase in Latin: Senātus Populusque Rōmānus [The Beast System Rulers and the People fornicating with the Beast] ("The Roman Senate and People", or more freely as "The Senate and People of Rome"; Classical Latin: [sɛˈnaː.tʊs pɔpʊˈlʊs.kᶣɛ roːˈmaː.nʊs]), referring to the government of the ancient Roman Republic, and used as an official emblem of the modern-day comune (municipality) of Rome. It appears on Roman currency, at the end of documents made public by inscription in stone or metal, in dedications of monuments and public works, and was emblazoned on the vexilloids of the Roman legions.
The phrase commonly appears in Roman political, legal and historical literature.
An aquila, or eagle, was a prominent symbol used in ancient Rome, especially as the standard of a Roman legion. A legionary known as an aquilifer, or eagle-bearer, carried this standard. Each legion carried one eagle.

The eagle was extremely important to the Roman military, beyond merely being a symbol of a legion. A lost standard was considered an extremely grave occurrence, and the Roman military often went to great lengths to both protect a standard and to recover it if lost; for example, see the aftermath of the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, where the Romans spent decades attempting to recover the lost standards of three legions.
No legionary eagles are known to have survived. However, a number of other Roman eagles, either symbolizing imperial rule or used as funeral emblems, have been discovered. [1] Wiki

“The Aquila became the official symbol of Roman legions since Gaius Marius used it in 102 BC. Before that, five symbols served as military standards: the eagle, the wolf, the minotaur, the horse, and the boar. The eagle held a special symbolism for the Romans. The eagle was associated with Jupiter, the chief god of the Roman pantheon. Jupiter was the god of the sky and thunder, hence the thunderbolts often seen on the aquilae. He was regarded as the patron of the Roman state since the days of the Roman Kingdom.
Besides the religious symbolism, the eagle was associated with strength, courage, and farsightedness in the ancient world. It was because of these associations that the eagle was used as Rome’s official emblem.” Kevin Chiu

[Source: Quora] “Why did the Nazis use Roman symbols? Where is the connection between these not very apparently similar philosophies? Because they were claiming continuity with Rome.

A popular term for the Nazi state was the Third Reich. Why "Third"? Who were the other two?
The second Reich was the German Empire, which Hitler was still somewhat upset about being dismantled after the First World War.

The First Reich was the Holy Roman Empire (which was neither holy, nor Roman, but never mind that). And the Holy Roman Empire was named that because Charlemagne was crowned Emperor by the Pope, and saw itself as the rightful successor to the old Roman Empire which was actually based in Rome. (They had some delicate diplomatic interactions with Byzantium, who also saw themselves as the rightful heirs to the title of Roman Empire, and with a somewhat better claim.)
So after the Roman Empire, the greatest conquering force known in Europe (as far as they were concerned, anyway), there came the Holy Roman Empire in direct rightful succession, which just happened to be based in Germany. And after Napoleon dismantled the Holy Roman Empire, along with the rest of Europe, it lay dormant until the German Empire became its rightful successor (or so the theory went). And after that was ended by the loss of the First World War, Hitler's propagandists declared that this was merely a pause until the Nazis could build the Deutsches Reich as its rightful successor. And the connections to the original Roman Empire were played up to emphasise the continuity from that to Hitler.” David Cameron Staples

While it is generally regarded and biblically explained and that the Daniel 7 dream pertains to Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, why wouldn’t it also relate to Great Britain, America, Russia, Germany, and the final Beast System?

“I had a vision at night; I saw there before me the four winds of the sky breaking out over the great sea, and four huge animals came up out of the sea [peoples], each different from the others. The first was like a lion [Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon/Great Britain], but it had eagle’s wings [Nebuchadnezzar’s hairy seven-year phase/America]. As I watched, its wings were plucked off, and it was lifted off the earth and made to stand on two feet like a man, and a human heart was given to it. Then there was another animal, a second one, like a bear [Cyrus the Annointed one of Medo-Persia/Russia]. It raised itself up on one side, and it had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth. It was told, ‘Get up, and gorge yourself with flesh!’ After this, I looked; and there was another one, like a leopard [Alexander of Greece/Germany], with four bird’s wings [After Frankfurt, four locations-London, Paris, Vienna, & Naples] on its sides. The animal also had four heads [Mayer Amschel Rothschild had four sons], and it was given power to rule. After this, I looked in the night visions; and there before me was a fourth animal [Caesar leading the Roman Legions with an Aquila Eagle preceding/the Pope leading the New World Order with an Aquila Eagle leading it too], dreadful, horrible, extremely strong, and with great iron teeth. It devoured, crushed and stamped its feet on what was left. It was different from all the animals that had gone before it, and it had ten horns. Daniel 7:1-7 (CJB)
“…my thought was that the Eagles represented the eagle on our country’s seal that is actually a Phoenix in disguise ( I read this in Tom Horn’s book Zenith 2016) that stands for the NWO, defeating the USA, the Patriots. And from the destruction of the USA comes the New World Order.” Eve Marie McLellan Chase

Most of the world’s wealth and precious metals are controlled by the Pope, Queen Elizabeth, and the King of Saudi Arabia. These three, leading the New World order (NWO) will conspire to force you to take the Mark of the Beast via various means.
Here’s the problem with linking the Daniel 7 dream to present-day countries: Germany wants a quick money transfer from chaos. They aren’t interested in nuking the world or managing an apostate worldwide religion. Only countries with huge land masses can survive a nuclear confrontation. And, we all know that Pope Francis, and not Germany, will guide the world’s false religion. Thus, the argument breaks down; or does it?

Consider Military and Banking; Do you see it now? Years ago, the sun never set on the British (Lion) banking system. The Eagle’s Wings (America) became the world’s banker after Britain rejected the Jews. As America will separate itself from God and the Jews, so banking power will be transferred via war to Russia. However, Russia will fail at becoming the world’s banker, so Germany and the Rothschild Family will take over the responsibilities until the final beast will rise like an Aquila Eagle, taking everything from everybody via the Mark of the Beast.

Now, consider John’s Revelation Beast application:
and I saw a beast come up out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads. On its horns were ten royal crowns and on its heads blasphemous names. The beast which I saw was like a leopard [German Bankers], but with feet like those of a bear [Russia] and a mouth like the mouth of a lion [the British Queen has even more money]. To it the dragon [China] gave its power, its throne and great authority. Revelation 13:1-2 (CJB)

If God is allowing us a glimpse of the near future, then it looks foreboding. Our trusted prophetic voices have been very active lately, after a quiet few years.
[Source: Byron Searle 2.4.18] “As the Lord was speaking this word to me, I saw what looked like a graph of the stock market that had been heading upward, and then I saw the drop on Friday, 2/2, of 666. From there, the line continued to go down, and it appeared to me that it would be on Monday, 2/5, what looked like an auto shut down or close to it. Then the line continued heading down with another drop and auto shut down closely following, but I didn't see the timing on that. Then I saw the line continue on with the arrow pointing on a downward trend. Transcript of Word from the LORD: My son, many have said that something will happen during the Super Bowl, but I say to you, watch the next day. The world only cares about money, so I will take it away from them. Watch the money markets as they are going to crash. The world is drunk with the drink of money. I will make it wormwood [bitter]. The crash dive I spoke about is in progress. The plane has been flying along, but going down slowly, so slowly people have not noticed. My son, one engine is on fire called Crypto-currency. The second engine called Bonds is now on fire. The third engine called DOW is smoking. When that catches fire, the plane will crash. My son, this nation is fat with debt, and being a debtor is being a slave to the master. Who is the master that this nation is enslaved to? Satan is the god of this world. He manipulates people and nations. He brings wars and killings, heartache and sorrow, all over money. My son, this nation has fallen so much in sin because of one thing - money. Satan is the master this nation is enslaved to. People start wars over money. People kill other people over money. People steal because of money. People murder babies for money. You see, my son, everything in this world that is sin driven by Satan is over money. Envy, strife, murder, pride of life, haughty attitudes, love of flesh, pornography, all for money. My son, Heaven is made of gold, silver, and precious stones. Money means nothing to Me, I own it all and all the cattle on a thousand hills. When the plane crashes, Satan will be furious and come out with his own money. This money will be a Mark [of the beast] that will change the heart of man away from Me. My Remnant must be ready, for the plane is coming down. The world will be in flames, and a nation will be no more. Be ready, Be ready, BE READY!! Messiah Jesus”

[Source: Byron Searle 2.4.18] Transcript: I am preparing you for what is coming, the time of perils. t has already begun but many have not noticed because you are caught up in worldly things and with worldly people. You are not using discernment. It has already begun and many have not noticed! You have seen the signs in the moon, another marker in time. All scripture will be fulfilled that was prophesied by my messengers and prophets. It will quickly happen before your eyes! Events will take place in a whirlwind! Remember these words, keep them close to your heart. I will call some of you away, the others will remain until the appointed time. This is the end of the age, the time of perils. It has already begun but many have not noticed ! Soon you will meet me in the clouds.
[Source: Mena Lee Grebin 2.4.18] "I would like to share something that was shown to me...

Over the last two weeks, I've had visions and dreams of flood waters coming in. Finally, two nights ago, the Lord spoke to me during the 4th watch and said that the land will see many devastating floods. He was not specific on how this would occur. We know that flooding can be caused by torrential rains, tropical storms, tsunamis (which are caused by earthquakes), hurricanes, etc. I also saw many rivers, bayous and streams flowing out of their banks and damaging homes and cars.
As with all things, take this to prayer for confirmation. Shalom  Mena Lee Grebin  Faithful Walk Healing Ministries"

Mark Biltz explains our current signs:

Then I looked, and I heard a lone eagle give a loud cry, as it flew in mid-heaven, "Woe! Woe! Woe to the people living on earth, because of the remaining blasts from the three angels who have yet to sound their shofars!" Revelation 8:13 (CJB)